Dear Mr. Limbaugh:
I know I am probably wasting my time expressing my thoughts about your unpatriotic and anti-American way, but who knows, there is a slight chance you might for a couple of minutes remember that you are living in a free country where we are also at liberty to say nice and productive things, and not just stupid radical sore losers statements, such as yours.
Wishing President Obama to fail is wishing our country to sink even further what your ex-president Bush and people like you took us in eight years. I guess, in your case, party first and country second. You would probably do very well in Fidel Castro's regime. Look where he brought Cuba in 50 years!

I know I am probably wasting my time expressing my thoughts about your unpatriotic and anti-American way, but who knows, there is a slight chance you might for a couple of minutes remember that you are living in a free country where we are also at liberty to say nice and productive things, and not just stupid radical sore losers statements, such as yours.
Wishing President Obama to fail is wishing our country to sink even further what your ex-president Bush and people like you took us in eight years. I guess, in your case, party first and country second. You would probably do very well in Fidel Castro's regime. Look where he brought Cuba in 50 years!

I know that you are also moved by money and you are always trying to find ways and comments to get the attention that otherwise you cannot get due to your human limitations, so I have a suggestion for you...How about a fight to death, verbal death I mean, with Ann Coulter, in a large cage. You both seat across each other and for about 30 minutes you both unleash against each other and against democrats, with insults, negative comments, bad wishes, lies, extreme slurs, and more of the sort until all the venom from your tongues has been released. This event could bring you lots and lots of money, plus you might satisfy to exhaustion your sore loser thirst. On this one I wish you to win.

There is also a possibility that the reason you make the comments you make is because you are not well. You may have some sort of chemical unbalance, perhaps produced by ingesting so many pain killers, most of them heavy drugs.
An the last possible cause could be attributed to ignorance. You may have a lot of followers who listen to your deplorable radio talk show and who enjoy it because they are people just like you, ignorant. Ignorance is unfortunately abundant in our country. Ignorance blinds many people who, like you, wish Obama to fail, not realizing that such a failure will cause a higher unemployment rate; 43 million people to continue without health care; illnesses such as Cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Diabetes and others with no hope for a future cure through Stem Cell research, etc. etc.
My best bet is that you are a plain radical extremist right wing republican, sore loser, with plenty of vile comments to spit out, with the added bonus of the dollar sign attached to them.
What you don't realize either is that every time you make an extremist comment, it makes you a bigger sore loser, because the opposite happens, and in this case I, like the majority of Americans, 68% of them, hope that Obama succeeds for the good of our country, and have faith that he will, in spite of radicals like you.
An the last possible cause could be attributed to ignorance. You may have a lot of followers who listen to your deplorable radio talk show and who enjoy it because they are people just like you, ignorant. Ignorance is unfortunately abundant in our country. Ignorance blinds many people who, like you, wish Obama to fail, not realizing that such a failure will cause a higher unemployment rate; 43 million people to continue without health care; illnesses such as Cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Diabetes and others with no hope for a future cure through Stem Cell research, etc. etc.
My best bet is that you are a plain radical extremist right wing republican, sore loser, with plenty of vile comments to spit out, with the added bonus of the dollar sign attached to them.
What you don't realize either is that every time you make an extremist comment, it makes you a bigger sore loser, because the opposite happens, and in this case I, like the majority of Americans, 68% of them, hope that Obama succeeds for the good of our country, and have faith that he will, in spite of radicals like you.