Sunday, July 15, 2007


What goes up must go down, and up, and down and....

That is what the Stock Market does all the time. Up and down. Just like a Roller Coaster it goes through the same high and low points, time and time again. They are both programed and manipulated, while we the riders experience the side effects. And when a financial agent wants you to buy any particular stock in the Dow Jones or Standard and Poor markets he shows you graphics for the last 20 years of the market behaviour..."Look, the S & P shows an average increase of 25% since 1988". Honestly, I really don't know what that really means, but it looks good. Until I realize, of course, that in 1988 almost everything was half the price it is today.

I am neither a stock broker, nor a big company CEO, but I am not stupid either. I know we put our little money in their hands with dreams of building a nest for the future, but what we end up doing is making these companies richer and increasing the wealth of the big shareholders. Of course, we earn a small return on our money, some times. Other times we lose our investment. They always win, regardless.

However, that is not the only issue here. I am bothered by those so called professionals in the media reporting the daily movements of the stock market and trying to "explain" to us why the market went down or up.

They don't have a clue! I have been keeping a tab in my mind of their explanations and they are so ridiculous that they even have the nerve of using the same reasons for a market surge as for a stock depression.

It is more or less like the weather announcers on TV...50% chance of rain, cloudy at times and clear otherwise. Can't go wrong with that!

My advice, if you have any little money to spare that you want to put to work for you, don't! Use it to pay off your bills, get rid of your credit cards and pay everything with cash. Consider that as the equivalent of making at least 10% on your investment (saved interest on credit cards, saved taxes on matured I.R.A's and saved taxes on partial withdrawals, etc. etc.)...And there is no risk involved!

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