Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Miss Barracuda is at it again. This time as a private citizen, after abruptly abandoning her job as Governor of Alaska.
She is swimming in deeper waters now and hiding between rocks and coral reef, while catching any moving prey that swims too close to her sharp teeth mouth. That's the barracuda in action.

Because her I.Q. is lower than the water temperature she swims around, every time she opens her mouth it is to make outrageous vile statements. Her latest one is called "Death Panels". In her obsession to survive in the political arena, in spite of her disastrous showing during her calamity campaign, she now is scaring the sheep society that follows her by telling her crowds that the democrats in government will establish groups or "panels" to decide whether one should live or not, based on age, health condition, economic situation, etc. etc.
The "Death Panels" is a fiction tool created by republicans taken from a provision in the Health Care Reform plan, which provides free consultation, if so desired by the patient, that allows his/her doctor to answer any questions regarding wills, end of life previsions and provisions. It is not an imposed directive on anyone to end his/her life. But, leave it to republicans to distort it to their convenience in order to scare the "sheep society" to death (talk about Death Panels!).

Miss Barracuda, or Queen Crab for others, lacks originality, besides other things related to her literate encephalitis, as she will use any mind control tactics invented by her republican comrades to get people (or whatever they are) excited about the prospects of defeating any idea by their "enemies" the liberal-socialist-communist-Marxist democrats who want to change this country to an old USSR. We can take this as an insult to our intelligence and lash back, or we can use it as a model of democracy, where everyone is allowed to say stupid things, hoping that the least dumb statements will outrun the most harming ones so a debate can take place with some common ground. We can't have a debate or an exchange of opinions and ideas if one of the parties is outrageously brainless and acts in bad faith. And we know where Miss Barracuda is coming from, don't we? She will avoid any kind of rational discussion with opponents or media interviewers for the mere fact that she does not know the facts or she will purposely ignore them to slide into her bizarre world of malicious survival mode, where she is most comfortable and where she can hide her ignorance.
There are more than 20 species of barracudas, one of them is known as the Obtuse Barracuda. This one fits very well with Sarah Palin's intellectual description. Another attribute to the barracuda is that they are attracted by jewelry and other shiny objects. Miami, watch out!

1 comment:

Machine. said...

Literate encaphalitic obtuse barracusa. Yep. That about sums her up right!