Thursday, April 1, 2010


I know she wasn't born in Alaska, but as the ex-governor of that State, who was not capable to remain on her post and opted for abandoning ship, she is for all intended purposes, an Alaskan. Now, what makes her a hick has nothing to do with where she was conceived, or where she was delivered, or even less where she lives. It has to do with her education, or lack of it. And I really don't care if she had one (education) or not, because what really counts is what we hear and see from her today on TV. How much more can we lower the bar? With Sarah Palin we have touched the ground already, thus lowering the bar more than it is will be impossible. The real problem with species like Palin is that indoctrinating the masses becomes an easy task, especially when the masses are just as ignorant as the instigator. They grow like wild mushrooms, and most of them are poisonous and very dangerous too. Such is the case with Sarah Palin and her "Tea Party" followers. The mushrooms are growing and spreading, and although some of them may be edible, the majority are not. They are, like Sarah Palin, toxic and extremely harmful.
The other day, watching the news on MSNBC, I heard Palin encouraging road-rage among ignorants like her, urging those tea party zombies (by the way... what do these people live off when they spend so much time demonstrating and carrying their own manifesto on signs?) to stop cars with Obama stickers and confront them with her highly literary intellectual phrase "How's that hopey-changey thing working for you?" I have an Obama-Biden sticker on my rear bumper. It is a very simple one, all it says is "Obama/Biden", nothing else. But now I will add one saying
For those who may not know what I am talking about, let's detail the score:
Obama wins the Presidential Election............1-0
Obama signs the Health Care Reform Bill.....2-0
The House passes the Senate HCR "Fixes".....3-0
Obama signs new Bill on student loans that cuts "middleman' (The Banks).......................................................... 4-0

If any of those "Retardicans" decide to stop me I will gladly explain that 4-0 score to them, as shown above.
Oh yes, and this is for you Sarah, I am sure, looking at you and they way you talk and act, that one day someone might display on the Internet some nude, quasi porno pictures of yours when you were trying to make it in the world of cheap local beauty contests and miserably failed, like you flunked in your dreams, way above your head, of becoming vice president of this country. We may have plenty of ignorant people like you, but fortunately, there are much more that can think for themselves, without the influence of the visceral way you approach your pathetic Tea Bag no-brain followers. A larger majority in this country know how stupid, frustrated and malevolent you are, and know that eventually your lack of class, poor judgement in the statements you make, and your "hopey-changey" lexicon, will end up burying you back to the same obscurity you came from, because how long can you keep citing cliches and irresponsible statements from your mouth? Once you vomit everything that's bothering you, there will be no more you can puke. Face it, you can't rise above the mediocrity level, where you'll always be.

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