According to the media, gas is now so expensive because the oil companies are changing, updating and modifying their refineries. They are converting into ethanol or into lima beans, or any other stupidity that they are trying to stick to us via television or printed news. Also because due to this conversion, the production is low, thus the offer is lower than what the market demands. It is a well known fact that when consumption is larger than production, prices go up. The basic idea and only truth is that all these big companies must make the same or higher profits than the previous year. THAT IS REALLY THE REASON FOR GAS PRICES TO BE SO HIGH. If Exxon-Mobil made 40 billion dollars last year, why should they make less this one? After all, the shareholders demand profits and the CEO of the company needs to buy another mansion or a new airplane. We, the stupid consumer, must pay for all those luxuries. In addition to that, at the end of the year we go to the magazine stand and purchase FORBES 500 to check who are the top 10 or 50, or 100 companies according to sales and profits. We are real masochists.
There is no point for me to prolong this commentary, with unnecessary data. You can obtain that via Google. Just enter "'OIL COMPANIES PROFITS", or anything else similar to that and you will scream of anger and disgust. My point here is not only to express my rage towards these greedy companies, but also to expose the television networks and most newspapers and magazines, that give us the news, fully massaged and distorted by these companies and commented by those so called economy experts. The "society of sheep" buys anything and everything they are told. They even find consolation when someone in the TV News, with a tremendous sense of relief, says: "If you think we have it bad here, look at Europe. Over there a gallon of gas is $7.00!
What they forget to mention is that in Europe the cars are mainly stick shift, smaller, with an average performance of 50 miles per gallon, and only used by most drivers on weekends, because public transportation is abundant, and it would be unthinkable to work more than 10 miles away from home. So to those reporters who make comparisons I suggest they do their research in detail before they open their mouths with appeasing comments.
The same way that Cindy Sheehan gave up on her quest to fight against the war in Iraq, because she realized she was alone on that fight when even the democrats in the Senate let her down, that same way, we have to give up on the gas issue. We will pay whatever those oil tycoons want because we don't have a system in this country that protects the consumer. We are at the bottom of the pyramid. Fortunately for the majority of the people, life is rosy and the mentality is so narrow that everything is accepted as long as we live in "The Greatest Country In The World".
There is no point for me to prolong this commentary, with unnecessary data. You can obtain that via Google. Just enter "'OIL COMPANIES PROFITS", or anything else similar to that and you will scream of anger and disgust. My point here is not only to express my rage towards these greedy companies, but also to expose the television networks and most newspapers and magazines, that give us the news, fully massaged and distorted by these companies and commented by those so called economy experts. The "society of sheep" buys anything and everything they are told. They even find consolation when someone in the TV News, with a tremendous sense of relief, says: "If you think we have it bad here, look at Europe. Over there a gallon of gas is $7.00!
What they forget to mention is that in Europe the cars are mainly stick shift, smaller, with an average performance of 50 miles per gallon, and only used by most drivers on weekends, because public transportation is abundant, and it would be unthinkable to work more than 10 miles away from home. So to those reporters who make comparisons I suggest they do their research in detail before they open their mouths with appeasing comments.
The same way that Cindy Sheehan gave up on her quest to fight against the war in Iraq, because she realized she was alone on that fight when even the democrats in the Senate let her down, that same way, we have to give up on the gas issue. We will pay whatever those oil tycoons want because we don't have a system in this country that protects the consumer. We are at the bottom of the pyramid. Fortunately for the majority of the people, life is rosy and the mentality is so narrow that everything is accepted as long as we live in "The Greatest Country In The World".