It seems to me that McCain who up to now was engaged in a game of Political Poker, he decides to draft now a female replica of Charlton Heston. His choice, Sarah Palin, an ex mayor of a town of a little over six thousand people in Alaska, and currently the Governor of Alaska, a state purchased by the USA from the Russian Empire in 1867. With this move, McCain has already secured 3 electoral votes. The problem for McCain is that Palin is not Hillary Clinton. If he thinks that she is going to get the women vote that otherwise would have gone to Hillary, he's for a big surprise. Sarah Palin, I don't care how intelligent she might be and whatever other attributes, is a conservative who wants to make abortion illegal, who does not believe in contraception and who eats moose burgers, in other words she is pro gun rights and enjoys killing animals for fun. I don't think those are the women who voted for Hillary. Additionally, how experienced can she be in basic economics when her only economical worries up to now have been making sure Alaska continues to export oil, gas and fish. That means she is for drilling in Alaska, to contribute to the 3% total oil production that is consumed in the world.
Now here is another angle that we did not know about McCain...he likes women for their looks. His wife Cindy was a beauty contest winner. So was Sarah Palin. Should someone tell McCain that he is running for the most important position in the world and not to be a judge at a Miss Universe contest?
I am sure that McCain is not looking to buy a house in Alaska. He already has seven of them in the USA, and at his age the cold weather is not the most advisable, especially if you become ill enough or die, to relinquish powers to an unknown person who likes to shoot Caribou, and who at one point of her life was known as Sarah Barracuda. But what is he really trying to achieve with this surprising election? This country wants change and it has clearly stated that during the Democratic Convention. What change can Palin bring to the table? An anti-abortion law? A strong support to the oil companies to drill in the USA and get larger tax breaks than the ones McCain wants to give them? Or, a free for all gun rights so every American can possess in addition to Winchesters, Mossbergs, Remingtons and other, machine guns and bazookas?

(not the bazookas on the right!)
Somebody should tell this Republican team that if you get to the White House (which, fortunately with the curriculum they both bring and their archaic ideas it will not happen) this country is larger and more diversified than Alaska and that we have a total of 300 million people versus Alaska's population of about 700 thousand people. Only about 0.23% of this country's total. Gun possession may be a way of life in Alaska, and an unfortunate right for the entire country, but it is time we start looking at the crime rates in every state and do something about a better control of who sells these weapons and who buys them and for what purpose.
As a Democrat I am really excited about McCain's choice. I was hoping for Lieberman, the chameleon, the one who changes parties when his team is losing. That would have forced him to change once again, but this time he would have to retire and go back to his travelling trunk with Mr.Wences (he is also dead). I said I am excited about McCain's pick for the Vice president position, because it is another McCain's gaffe, like for instance the one about...."Iraq is a peaceful place now", as a suicide terrorist exploded (what a shame!) and killed 60 people a few days later; or like..."I thought that people who only make 4 million dollars a year are still comfortably part of the middle class".
What kind of game are the republicans playing? Parcheesi. I remember that game! I was 7 years old, many years ago. You moved forward, then you got trapped and went back to home, then you kept rolling the die (yes, die is the correct plural of dice) and could not get out for a while till you got a double or a 5 (I forgot that rule). That's the game Republicans are playing today, because that's what they are inheriting from the Parcheesi Master, George W. Bush. Not a good game to play when everybody else play with Blackberries, Wii, X-Box, and other ultra modern technology gadgets.