They are all over the Internet sending malicious emails, fabricating lies against Obama, trying to scare everyone whose I.Q is comparable to theirs. What I don't understand is why they are not sued for slender, or at least ridiculed by the Obama campaign. Is it because Obama is too much of a gentleman and prefers not to lower himself to their level? Or is it because democrats don't know how to fight dirty like republicans do?
The fact is that these reptiles are inundating the Internet with false accusations and it seems that they never run out of poison from their bi forked viperine tongues.
I find their comments so nauseating that I have decided from now on not to read their repugnant writings.
I suppose it is the only option they have left during these presidential campaigns, inasmuch as they know they have lost their power and they will be kicked out of the White House come January 2009. Poor sore losers! They know that McCain is very old to be Commander-in-Chief and that he is a two-face republican. They also know that he does not share their extremist right wing radical ideals and as such they cannot say good things about him, so they decide to go full blast with their inventions against Obama.
After these elections they will hibernate for the next four years with their tails between their legs, and will surface again for the next elections, disseminating their vicious lies once more. That is the only thing they know how to do well. There will be millions of Americans who will believe every single lie they read and will fall for this type of brainwashing, pushing them to vote for the wrong person, in this case McCain. You can see it now, it is starting to cause a decline in the polls for Obama and although I do not believe 100% in polls, it is clear that Americans are already being influenced by this negative campaign. It happened before with Kerry and Edwards and it is happening again with Obama. We tend to forget about the real significant issues and lean favorably towards the gossip and false accusations. Unfortunate, but true.
One of the worst vile smear peddlers of the 2004 election has directed his slender to a new democratic target. Jerome Corsi, infamous for his lies and distortions on the Swift Boat smear campaign is now publishing a book against Obama using the same ultra right wing dirty tricks, which, of course, are attracting our gossip loving population. No one is going to stop him, especially the media which will give him plenty of coverage, as that will improve their ratings. Therefore, we are once again facing a presidential election where voters will cast their ballots influenced by these fabrications, instead of by the real pressing issues our country is faced with.
Although I am still confident that common sense will prevail and that we will finally kick the big oil supporters Republicans out of Office, this is not going to be an easy task. To eradicate cancer from a victim it usually takes a miracle but when the victim in this case is our country we are going to need in addition to divine intervention, to focus on the issues and dismiss all the paranoid comments of so many paranoid right wing extremists like Corsi. You can read more about this sick demented bigot on the Internet.
I probably failed using more appropriate and demeaning epithets. I am sure I did, because no matter what we say to describe these deranged people, we are always too kind to them. No matter what, I feel relieved I have contributed to tell them off. I only mentioned Jerome Corsi, but believe me, there are thousands of parasites like Corsi floating on the Internet and waiting to embed themselves in millions of naive gullible Americans, who either because of ignorance or perhaps because of their trust in other people, fall pray of these parasites.
If you love your country and you want to be a real patriot, don't let insects the likes of Corsi deposit their larvae in your skin. Look around to see what is wrong with this country and how we can change it to make it once again what it used to be. Maybe you are not sure about Obama, but you should be very sure that McCain is definitely not the solution, he is rather the salt added to our injury.
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