"The fundamentals of the economy are strong". Those were the exact words pronounced by McCain this morning in one of his lying trips, while Lehman Bros. was filing for Chapter 11, and Merrill Lynch was being gulped by Bank of America.
Never mind that the domino reaction of these two major anti-economic events happening simultaneously will be massive layoffs in both badly managed companies, and grave payroll consequences for smaller companies that had made financial investments with them.
With this great news, the stock market plunged 500 points (Dow Jones). The second largest loss since 9-11. And "out of touch McCain" said that the fundamentals of the economy are strong. But, in all honesty, we should be less judgemental when it comes to the war martyr, oops, hero. When he made that thoughtful comment he was comparing our country to Zambia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Honduras, etc. etc. Please, citizens and sympathizers of these mentioned countries, I have nothing against you. As a matter of fact I believe your countries are beautiful and rich of history and traditions and you have all my respect. I am only trying to define our economy in relation to yours, and as you know the economy is not a product of a country's doing or of its citizens work. The economy is the result of a government mishandling with gross mistakes and unscrupulous support of those who strangle the middle class to get even richer, so they, this government gets a piece of the action. For example getting unending financial support to be elected to the presidency.
McCain, however, rather than admitting he is totally out of touch with what's happening here, makes a stupid comment and later, when he realizes it is backfiring, he claims that the comment referred to us the people, we are the fundamentals of the economy! We the people are responsible for the market debacle of 7 years and of today's crash!
Thus, in addition to being a liar, an ex playboy, a selfish ex-husband (he abandoned his first wife Carol, also a beauty model, when she got disfigured and paralyzed after a terrible car accident, while he was in Vietnam acquiring world experience during his torturing years as a prisoner of war), and, as admitted by him, not too knowledgeable in the economy matters, he is now blaming us, the people, for the market calamity of today. We are the fundamentals, and although we are basically strong (thank God!) we let this happen!
We shall see in the days to come what are the real consequences of Lehman Brothers' and Merrill Lynch's disastrous end. How many more people are going to lose their jobs? How many more families are going to see their homes on foreclosure? How many are going to choose between getting proper medical treatment or paying their predators credit cards high interest bills? How many are going to die because of a pre-existing condition and being denied coverage by the Human Murderers Organizations, a.k.a HMOs?
And when all this happens, remember who is at fault. We are. The people, better known according to McCain, as the "fundamentals".
I have no doubt, considering the high percentage of ignorants in our country, that millions of "fundamentals" will go to the urns and cast their vote for McCain, because he is a "patriot". According to these ignorant citizens we have the unfortunate pleasure to cohabitate with in the same country, a patriot is a person who sings the National Anthem every day, at every sport event, during any cultural, commercial, or political gathering; and whenever possible, stands to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. These are the same people who hate Black people, Jews, Christians, Women, Hispanics, Orientals, Muslims and anything that threatens their 6-pack, their cigar smoking on a golf course, their 60-inch TV set and their disregard for the rest of us. They don't care if the economy is in shambles, if health care is non-existent, if education is unaffordable and below standards, if they have to pay 5 dollars for a gallon of gas. They like the USA the way it has become, because they are comfortable within their limitations. These are the McCain voters.
So, because the fundamentals of the economy are strong and it really does not affect you, ignorant cohabitant of mine, go ahead and vote for McCain. I guess we get what we deserve.
My only hope is that everyone who wants our country to return to the good old time of health, prosperity and honesty, who really loves our country and who wants our country to be loved and respected by the rest of the free world, goes to the urns on November 4, 2008 and votes against four more years of Bush. You don't reward a political party, that has screwed this country so badly, with four more years of incompetence and dishonesty. I do not underestimate the power of ignorance, but I do hope that the power of honesty and frustration prevails.
Never mind that the domino reaction of these two major anti-economic events happening simultaneously will be massive layoffs in both badly managed companies, and grave payroll consequences for smaller companies that had made financial investments with them.
With this great news, the stock market plunged 500 points (Dow Jones). The second largest loss since 9-11. And "out of touch McCain" said that the fundamentals of the economy are strong. But, in all honesty, we should be less judgemental when it comes to the war martyr, oops, hero. When he made that thoughtful comment he was comparing our country to Zambia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Honduras, etc. etc. Please, citizens and sympathizers of these mentioned countries, I have nothing against you. As a matter of fact I believe your countries are beautiful and rich of history and traditions and you have all my respect. I am only trying to define our economy in relation to yours, and as you know the economy is not a product of a country's doing or of its citizens work. The economy is the result of a government mishandling with gross mistakes and unscrupulous support of those who strangle the middle class to get even richer, so they, this government gets a piece of the action. For example getting unending financial support to be elected to the presidency.
McCain, however, rather than admitting he is totally out of touch with what's happening here, makes a stupid comment and later, when he realizes it is backfiring, he claims that the comment referred to us the people, we are the fundamentals of the economy! We the people are responsible for the market debacle of 7 years and of today's crash!
Thus, in addition to being a liar, an ex playboy, a selfish ex-husband (he abandoned his first wife Carol, also a beauty model, when she got disfigured and paralyzed after a terrible car accident, while he was in Vietnam acquiring world experience during his torturing years as a prisoner of war), and, as admitted by him, not too knowledgeable in the economy matters, he is now blaming us, the people, for the market calamity of today. We are the fundamentals, and although we are basically strong (thank God!) we let this happen!
We shall see in the days to come what are the real consequences of Lehman Brothers' and Merrill Lynch's disastrous end. How many more people are going to lose their jobs? How many more families are going to see their homes on foreclosure? How many are going to choose between getting proper medical treatment or paying their predators credit cards high interest bills? How many are going to die because of a pre-existing condition and being denied coverage by the Human Murderers Organizations, a.k.a HMOs?
And when all this happens, remember who is at fault. We are. The people, better known according to McCain, as the "fundamentals".
I have no doubt, considering the high percentage of ignorants in our country, that millions of "fundamentals" will go to the urns and cast their vote for McCain, because he is a "patriot". According to these ignorant citizens we have the unfortunate pleasure to cohabitate with in the same country, a patriot is a person who sings the National Anthem every day, at every sport event, during any cultural, commercial, or political gathering; and whenever possible, stands to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. These are the same people who hate Black people, Jews, Christians, Women, Hispanics, Orientals, Muslims and anything that threatens their 6-pack, their cigar smoking on a golf course, their 60-inch TV set and their disregard for the rest of us. They don't care if the economy is in shambles, if health care is non-existent, if education is unaffordable and below standards, if they have to pay 5 dollars for a gallon of gas. They like the USA the way it has become, because they are comfortable within their limitations. These are the McCain voters.
So, because the fundamentals of the economy are strong and it really does not affect you, ignorant cohabitant of mine, go ahead and vote for McCain. I guess we get what we deserve.
My only hope is that everyone who wants our country to return to the good old time of health, prosperity and honesty, who really loves our country and who wants our country to be loved and respected by the rest of the free world, goes to the urns on November 4, 2008 and votes against four more years of Bush. You don't reward a political party, that has screwed this country so badly, with four more years of incompetence and dishonesty. I do not underestimate the power of ignorance, but I do hope that the power of honesty and frustration prevails.
1 comment:
I actually read this over two weeks ago, but failed to sequestor the time to add my two cents then. It has been a 2 weeks now, and since then the market has dropped nearly 1000 points, and the current American administration is looking to give ONE man SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION dollars to do as he sees fit to fix the situation. BUT NO! THE FUNDAMENTALS OF THE ECONOMY ARE STRONG.
Will someone PLEASE take the word portion "FUNDA" out of that line? THANK YOU!
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