Monday, September 29, 2008


The Bailout Plan failed. Two third of the Republicans voted against the bill, in spite of "Heroic Maverick Efforts" by McPain.

That's too bad because I was already making plans with the profit sharing I was about to collect five years from now from this plan. Give me a break!

However, all things considered, I would had rather see the bailout bill pass to avoid this additional global warming doom. The only difference is that this economical one will be felt immediately.

With the announcement of the failed bill, the stock market fell almost 800 points in the USA. Other major world markets will fall to an unprecedented low too in the next 24 hours. The consequences of this could be fatal for many small businesses with massive layoffs and more damage to the already weak economy.

While all this is happening, many like me are wondering who is in charge of this country. Is it our Commander-in-Chief? The Democratic majority in Congress? The Republicans? Henry Paulson, the Treasury Secretary?
Exxon-Mobil's CEO? Walmart? Bank of America or Citigroup? WHO THE HELL IS IN CHARGE?

We are 305 million people, we have a president, a congress, 2 million lawyers (I just picked this number from a hat), some of the best economists in the world, and we can't solve this problem?

Someone in the Internet came up with an interesting idea. Instead of bailing out AIG and the other culprits why not giving every American over the age of 18 the sum of $360,000 each, after taxes. Yes, if you multiply this amount by about 200 million people you get at least 85 billion dollars. Imagine if we would get instead the prorate of the 700 billion dollars plan! We would all be close to the figure McCain estimated is the cap for our middle class citizen, about 4 million dollars. With that, Uncle Sam could make automatically 30%, no 1040s to fill up or any other complicated IRS papers, and everyone would jump with joy. The whole USA millionaire! Isn't that the dream of capitalism with the "trickle down" theory?

Of course, as good as it sounds, it does not work. My estimation is that of those 200 million people, at least half of them would quit their jobs, thus paralyzing industries, factories, construction, education, farm work, etc. etc. That in itself would already be the mother of all chaoses. Another 10% would move to a premature retirement in Florida, God no!
10% would probably use the money to buy a Testa Rossa Masserati or a Bentley (depending on their age) and other luxuries. 20% would probably get plastic surgery, you know, breast enlargement, face lifts, tummy tucks, sex change, and the like. The remaining responsible 10% might use that money to pay their mortgages, other debts and live happily ever after.
Therefore, I don't see that plan as a workable one to solve this crisis. WE NEED SOMEONE IN CHARGE! Someone with credibility and enough balls to hold the rains of this animal that is running amok, uncontrollable and overflowed with greed.
Will Congress finally agree on a bill that pleases both Democrats and Republicans? We already know it does not have to please us, but, as usual we'll take whatever they throw at us if it means it will stabilize this chaotic situation and people will not lose their jobs, their homes, their pensions, and their third world health care plans. Or perhaps on their next attempt, will the Republicans demand that Nancy Pelosi wear the same make up and eyeglasses as Sarah Palin in order to give them enough motivation to vote in favor of any other bailout package? We don't want these Republicans be offended a second time by the Speaker of the House, who blamed Bush and them for this mess, before the vote. She hurt their feelings! Which brings me to..."Country First", McCain's campaign theme. Apparently Congress Republicans don't seem to agree with their "Maverick", who also apparently, was not able to convince them to vote "yes". What a Maverick!

The picture we're looking at is not just about the market meltdown, it is more severe than that. It tells us that we are not capable to tackle a crisis as a united front without partidism. It also tell us that the Republican party with the presidential ticket they have been stuck with, are very unhappy and frustrated. To mention an example, all Republican Congressmen from Arizona, McCain's State, voted against the bill, that is, against McCain the Maverick, who almost cancelled his appearance in the first presidential debate to run to Washington for a superb convincing job to get them to vote for the bailout bill.

We also know who was at fault for this bill not to pass. Obama. You don't need any details. It was a statement made by McCain who will say anything to fill up his campaign speeches. Senility is a sad stage for a human being.

So, I go back to my blog title...WHO IS RUNNING THE SHOW?
Stay tune for more on the bailout saga on my next blog.

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