Saturday, April 25, 2009
My question is this....Why didn't they think of that while Bush was there? After all he was always on a break and he could have used all those tea bags. Well, not alone, but imagine how much more fun it would have been for Georgie having daily social tea with sinister Cheney, manipulative Karl Rove, the dumb blond Press Secretary Dana Perino, the indicted ex Majority Leader Tom Delay, the ex Secretary of State twisted mind Donald Rumsfeld and the rest of the Republican political losers who used an ignorant president for personal gain in their crooked political career.
Are these protesters willing to return the tax break money they will get from the new tax law which reduces their payments to Uncle Sam? Because, correct me if I am wrong, I believe those people standing on the streets holding those stupid signs with tea bags hanging from their empty heads make much less than $200,000 a year and they will all get a stimulus check of $500 each. Are they planning to return it to the White House with their tea bags? How hypocritical can these double standard people be!
Unfortunately, this is what you get in a democracy full of ignorant people.
They are entitled to their opinion. I am surprised that Coke or Pepsi did not think of that idea first. How much more money would have that brought them? "Send a Coke or a Pepsi to the White House!" These advertising agencies and marketing companies have no imagination!
I venture to say they are lead by Republicans. It has to be.
What will be next after the Tea Bag Parties are over and no one has given a hoot about them? I have an idea for these idiots, how about a Hula Hoop demonstration? Then, after most of these people end up in the infirmaries with hip problems, they can petition through the Internet with another bunch of idiotic emails that we all send Hula Hoops to The White House.
Give it up! Wait for your bigger checks, idiots! All you are doing now is hurting your chances to recuperate some of your little gray matter. Little because you never had much, but better than nothing, anyway.
Oh yes, if I get another asinine email asking me to send a Tea Bag to The White House, I will send to the emailer house (there are ways to find out where you live) a Chamomile Tea Bag, with a copy of this blog, in case his/her diminutive flat brain did not have a chance to read it. Chamomile tends to sooth anxiety and you need to chill and concentrate on your paychecks, not on those of the people who make more than $250,000
And in case you think we are still in 1773...Yes, you are. You have not progressed an iota. You still live in 1773 and are scared shit to join new ideas in a new world. This is the 21st Century. You can't even come up with a demonstration that fits these modern times!
Friday, April 17, 2009

Their only and already worn out position on any issue is the one about criticizing Obama and creating controversy on anything that our President does and/or talks about. it is the position of the loser, of the one who has nothing original to say or do, the NO position.
What else are we to expect? Sarah Palin on a self-campaign tour to promote her "bridge to no where" candidacy for 2012? Rush Limbaugh to continue his clowning through the radio? Indicted former Majority Leader Tom Delay, pretending he did not understand Chris Matthews question about the stupid comments by Rick Perry and getting off his tangents to show us once more how much in denial he and all his republican southerners colleagues are? Or perhaps, that black guy, elected to be the Republican National Committee boss, Michael Steele, who was chosen by his fellow republicans as a way to say "we too can have a black leader". So infantile because Obama is the leader of them too, as their denial takes them to extremes of comatose state of the brain. Mind you, when I say "black" it is not with any intention to bring out the race issue, as I believe Obama is the only one who can straighten out this mess and I voted for him. I only mention "black" to make a point about the ridiculous reasoning of the Republican party, or whatever is left of it.

Unfortunately for this pitiful Republican party, the damage they are suffering was caused by them. They can no defend from it, as they are both the attacker and the enemy. They keep throwing rocks at their own roof, and those of them who are inside the damaged house contemplating their own destruction eventually run out for cover, although they don't know where to go. They are dispersing in all directions like a cattle without direction.
I do have a soft spot in my heart for them, because after all they are Americans like the Democrats and would like to see them regroup and to integrate in what should be a common cause to bring back this country to the 21st century, where we were before Bush. Therefore, dear Republicans, please reconsider for your own good and survival...become Democrats! Your party, as we used to know it , is finished. Caput. Muerto. Zonked out.

Note: "ZONKED OUT" is my own invention, based on a contraction of "Zombies" and ("N") "Knocked Out".
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Here are the details in a letter I decided to mail to Vice President Biden, for whom I have great admiration and faith:
March 30, 2009
Vice President Joe Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. Vice President:
First of all I want to express to you my warmest wishes in your new position and my support to both the President and yourself for a successful recovery of our country. I have faith you will do it.
This letter has another purpose and I hope you get to read it in your busy schedule. It should not be taken as a personal request for myself, but rather as a deterrent to other rip-off perpetrated by the State of Delaware towards American citizens, like me, who try to make some additional income and trust Internet companies who pretend to represent the “victim” but don’t tell you the whole story about incorporating as a Limited Liability Corporation.
By reading the two attached letters you will realize how this crooked and complicated law instituted by the State of Delaware gets additional money from innocent people like me. Bottom line, I ended up paying a total of $700 to cancel and close my corporation for 9 months of operating as DAGONAZ CREATIONS LLC, in which period my sales were ZERO, and I was charged $250 for each year of operation, 2 according to them, although I was in existence only 9 months.
That amounts to $500. The additional $200 (for a total of $700) were fees for CANCELLATION and REVIVAL. In other words I cancelled, but for some trickery
In the Delaware State books I needed to revive my company in order to cancel it!
I feel this is a complete rip-off and I am asking you to have someone look into it. Not just for me, but for the many other people which are also being ripped off and will be taken advantage by the unscrupulous and unethical procedures by the State of Delaware.
I am sure that when you were a Senator for that state this could not have happened.
Thank you for your interest
David Gonzalez
PS: My only source of income is Social Security. My wife has Multiple Sclerosis and collects disability. It is so unfair that laws like that make our lives so much harder to meet our obligations on our daily lives!