Friday, July 3, 2009


Sarah Palin will resign from her post of Governor (Governess?) of the
"Great State of Alaska" (size wise, that is) effective July 26, 2009. Hit the road Jack!

However, I smell a political move here. She's got something up her sleeve. She's stupid, but very wily, and I think this is the beginning of a long range plan for her political ambitions.

The only good thing about her resignation is that this is the kind of news we needed to take a break from Michael Jackson's death, life, music, and the rest of the "who gives a damn" about a mortal who provided us with a new twist in singing and choreographed moves, with dubious sexual behavior in between. We have at least, now, three good days of rest from the Jackson's media bombardment. Too bad it's only three days, or maybe five? because the Jackson paranoia will continue for a long while.

Sarah Palin has said that her resignation is the best decision to maintain the positive course Alaska is on towards a great future of accomplishments. Here is my question (and please forgive me Alaskans): What else can you get from Alaska, besides fish, crustaceans and oil?

The largest state of the Union, with the 47th population does not have much more to offer and due to the freezing conditions most of the year I can't imagine much improvement in their resources and production.

Did she give up because of the latest news about her confrontations with McCain's campaign people? Is she trying to damage McCain in the Senate, although I don't believe he needs more damage than the one He caused to himself by picking her as his running mate. There are many questions to be answered, including the fact that she is abandoning a post she was elected for by the people of Alaska. To me, based on the reasons she has given to justify it, that is absolutely nonsense and very unprofessional. She was elected to do a job and she is quitting, not because a tragic personal or family reason, not because she was caught stealing or any other crime, but because it is her decision. Period.

Thus, be prepared to hear further developments on this resignation. The Palin saga is not over, which is definitely good for the democratic party. While Palin and the other two human misrepresentations, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter keep barking at the news, the party of NO and hypocrisy is doomed for the next 8 years, at least.

Here is another hypothesis: Sarah Palin realized or was adviced to quit to dedicate time to her education. and she is going to spend these years to learn about world politics, foreign countries, trade agreements, immigration, health care, education, the economy, and other basic facts of today's world we live in. Wait a minute! Why was she chosen to run with McCain then if she was a complete ignorant? Probably because in a party of political zombies she was the only one alive, in spite of her total lack of knowledge.
And last, but not least, could it be that she got a very lucrative offer from the porno industry? ("Sarah does Governor Sanford") Oops... Sorry, I may be crossing the line here.
As of now, all we hear from the media "experts"is that she may go into the world of speeches. That's not too bad considering how much some organizations pay to have controversial people deliver 30 minutes of labial garbage.
Whatever it is, race for the Senate, self education, porno, or public speaking, she is OUT before her term and by her own decision for personal reasons, which means "Me first, screw the people that elected me ".

May I call you Sarah? (as..."May I call you Joe?")

To be continued

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