Friday, August 7, 2009


Every time I watch the news and see those classless, uneducated, misinformed people shouting and disrupting all the Town Hall meetings regarding Health Care Reform, my blood starts to boil because of frustration and impotence to be right there and call these people by their
real names: IGNORANTS, RACISTS, ZOMBIES, etc. etc.

It is clear that, besides showing to the world that the "Ugly American" is well and alive in the United States, and that they do not have to travel abroad to remind the rest of the world who they are, that their sole purpose is to disrupt any type of dialog between the speakers and the audience. They do not want the good patriotic Americans to get answers and be informed about Obama's plan for reforming Health Care. Their only goal is to torpedo anything that comes out of the Democratic Senate and Congress, mainly because they cannot still accept the fact that they lost, but also because they are radicals with no power, whose moves and screams and shouting and signs are orchestrated by other radicals in power who hate the fact that a black man, democrat, is our president. This is not about Health Care. These people couldn't care less if their HMO would triple or quadruple their monthly payments or if they would be refused assistance at a hospital because their Insurance would turn them down due to a pre-existing condition. To them it is more important to stick to their antiquated radical party beliefs than to provide Health care to 47 million Americans who do not have it. They are, besides stupid, selfish and extremely ignorant; and they qualify under the term I defined radical republicans in another of my blogs, as ZOMBIES. They are strolling through the streets without knowing what direction to go. Thus, if any extreme right wing organization leads them to Town Hall Meetings, that's where they end up, all in disarray, shouting different things at the same time and polluting the air with their obnoxious presence.

So, it is wrong to think that they are there because they don't like Obama's Health Care reform plan. They are there because they are racists, imbeciles, and easily brainwashed by others. Plus...they are not really happy with their lives and have no personal ambition to a better one. They achieved the state of contentment and they are petrified to accept change, even if it means improvement in their pitiful lives.
Among the stupidities instilled in their diminutive brains to shout at these meetings, one stands out....SOCIALISM. They do not want the government to intervene in health care because that, according to them, it is socialism and their narrow minds unable them to see it any other way. So, if I were Obama, I could obtain a hunk of money to offset the Health care reform plan by depriving these idiots from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, which are all government run plans. How could they fight that? Aren't they against government intervention?
Democrats should have Bouncers at all these Town Hall meetings, who could start kicking these rioters out. If we allow bouncers to do that at private clubs, bars, and other public places, why can't we do that at Town Hall meetings? After all these meetings are to inform intelligent and open minded people who are interested in listening, and they are not being given the same rights as these trash rowdy species. KICK ALL THOSE MORONS OUT and continue with the meetings!
We definitely got it all wrong. We allow these Zombies to shout and scream, under the 1st Amendment protection, but we do not allow the pacific ones to be able to ask questions and be properly informed. Where is the justice here? KICK ALL THOSE MORONS OUT!
Let us not lose sight of the real reason behind these orchestrated demonstrations. The extreme right wing, which apparently has taken over the GOP, wants to create a chaos at these gatherings to the point of scaring the majority of the population, half naive, half ignorant, and 100% easy to manipulate, against anything that the democrats want to undertake to change the fatal course this country was taken by Bush/Cheney and company. Hillary Clinton put it this way: If they see Obama walking on water, their only reaction would be..."Yes, but can he swim?". Need I say more?
Well, maybe yes. The following is an extract of the first amendment, which clearly defines the limits of freedom of speech and the penalties if not observed. Why are we not applying it to these law-breakers? Here it is: " Free speech zones are areas set aside in public places for political activists to exercise their right of free speech as an exercise of what is commonly called TPM or TIME, PLACE, MANNER regulation of speech. Free speech zones are set up by the Secret Service who scout locations near which the president is to pass or speak. Officials may target those displaying signs and escort them to the free speech zones prior to and during the event. Protesters who refuse to go to free speech zones could be arrested and charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest. In 2003, a seldom-used federal law was brought up that says that "willfully and knowingly to enter or remain in any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting" is a crime."

Hey, let's have these Town Hall meetings protected by the Secret Service and let's apply this ruling made available to us!

Therefore, and once again...KICK THOSE MORONS OUT of the Town Halls and make them stay very far away so no matter how much they scream, bark, or bray, the only ones they can bother is one another and their coward radical right wing-hiding behind the scene-leaders.


Machine. said...

When you see the lack of intellect proudly displayed by fellow Americans, I get sick to my stomach. How are we a world power again?

DGA said...

Because,fortunately, 53% voted for Obama. So, in spite of 59,934,814 votes against a better America, we are a still a world power.