We've been watching the news and we are horrified by the tragedy in Iowa, where so many homes have been washed out and so many families are now trying to pick up the pieces after losing everything they had to mother nature. Of course, faulty levees built by unscrupulous engineering firms, and cheap construction collaborated in this demise. Our hearts are with these suffering people and we hope that the Bush administration redeems itself from the other catastrophic event during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans 2 years ago. That said I will remit to a different type of flood that is happening on a daily basis on the Internet. THE POLITICAL GARBAGE FLOOD. There isn't one single day that I don't open my email and find a piece of garbage forwarded to me by friends or family, who unbeknown to them (and this is the real problem) they also forward to other people. A geometrical progression occurs and all of a sudden thousands of people receive the same garbage.
These are emails generated by cowards who have a way to hide within the vast world of "Planet Cybernia" with phony names and undeliverable email addresses to avoid a reply from people like me who investigate all the lies they try to choke us with. They have a political hidden agenda, but the only way they know and choose to persuade us is by fabricating or using false material as truth. I would like to mention 2 names which I have seen now quite often as generators of false information. One of them is Gary Hancock, and the other one Joanna Shager Hocker. I don't even know if these people exist or these are invented names, like the information they send. The only Gary Hancok I knew was this mediocre baseball player from the late 70s and early 80s who played for the Red Sox and Oakland A's. As for Joanna Shager Hocker, the only thing I could find out in Google was a Psychologist somewhere with the same name. Both characters who send this political garbage have probably different names, and their cowardice can only be matched by their sick desire to spread their lies through the Internet.
If you read this blog I strongly recommend you do like I do every time I receive an email from a friend or a family member,which contains political information to demean or disgrace a political figure, generally degrading either a Democrat or democrats in general. I click on http://www.snopes.com/ and verify the authenticity of the article. I must say that so far, 100% of all the emails I have checked with http://www.snopes.com/ containing political information they are "so nicely sharing with us", are totally FALSE.
It is unfortunate that some people don't know how to accept defeat and the only thing left for them is to send us unsolicited garbage against a democratic candidate or a bill passed by the democratic majority in Congress, or to blame Bill Clinton for the mess created by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and his corporate cronies in the last 7 1/2 years.
If you happen to be a Republican, please don't take offense, this is not directed at you, unless you are a right wing extremist fascist who believes women are second-rated citizens, and all Hispanics should be deported, whether illegal or not. Then do, please, BE OFFENDED. My pleasure.
These are emails generated by cowards who have a way to hide within the vast world of "Planet Cybernia" with phony names and undeliverable email addresses to avoid a reply from people like me who investigate all the lies they try to choke us with. They have a political hidden agenda, but the only way they know and choose to persuade us is by fabricating or using false material as truth. I would like to mention 2 names which I have seen now quite often as generators of false information. One of them is Gary Hancock, and the other one Joanna Shager Hocker. I don't even know if these people exist or these are invented names, like the information they send. The only Gary Hancok I knew was this mediocre baseball player from the late 70s and early 80s who played for the Red Sox and Oakland A's. As for Joanna Shager Hocker, the only thing I could find out in Google was a Psychologist somewhere with the same name. Both characters who send this political garbage have probably different names, and their cowardice can only be matched by their sick desire to spread their lies through the Internet.
If you read this blog I strongly recommend you do like I do every time I receive an email from a friend or a family member,which contains political information to demean or disgrace a political figure, generally degrading either a Democrat or democrats in general. I click on http://www.snopes.com/ and verify the authenticity of the article. I must say that so far, 100% of all the emails I have checked with http://www.snopes.com/ containing political information they are "so nicely sharing with us", are totally FALSE.
It is unfortunate that some people don't know how to accept defeat and the only thing left for them is to send us unsolicited garbage against a democratic candidate or a bill passed by the democratic majority in Congress, or to blame Bill Clinton for the mess created by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and his corporate cronies in the last 7 1/2 years.
If you happen to be a Republican, please don't take offense, this is not directed at you, unless you are a right wing extremist fascist who believes women are second-rated citizens, and all Hispanics should be deported, whether illegal or not. Then do, please, BE OFFENDED. My pleasure.
What I don't like is that no ones breaks the republicans' balls. So let me begin.. McCain is OLD. His policy is OLD and SLOW.
McCain = Bush.
Do we really want to go through that again?
What I don't like is that no ones breaks the republicans' balls. So let me begin.. McCain is OLD. His policy is OLD and SLOW.
McCain = Bush.
Do we really want to go through that again?
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