The Bailout Plan failed. Two third of the Republicans voted against the bill, in spite of "Heroic Maverick Efforts" by McPain.
That's too bad because I was already making plans with the profit sharing I was about to collect five years from now from this plan. Give me a break!
However, all things considered, I would had rather see the bailout bill pass to avoid this additional global warming doom. The only difference is that this economical one will be felt immediately.
With the announcement of the failed bill, the stock market fell almost 800 points in the USA. Other major world markets will fall to an unprecedented low too in the next 24 hours. The consequences of this could be fatal for many small businesses with massive layoffs and more damage to the already weak economy.
While all this is happening, many like me are wondering who is in charge of this country. Is it our Commander-in-Chief? The Democratic majority in Congress? The Republicans? Henry Paulson, the Treasury Secretary?
Exxon-Mobil's CEO? Walmart? Bank of America or Citigroup? WHO THE HELL IS IN CHARGE?
We are 305 million people, we have a president, a congress, 2 million lawyers (I just picked this number from a hat), some of the best economists in the world, and we can't solve this problem?
Someone in the Internet came up with an interesting idea. Instead of bailing out AIG and the other culprits why not giving every American over the age of 18 the sum of $360,000 each, after taxes. Yes, if you multiply this amount by about 200 million people you get at least 85 billion dollars. Imagine if we would get instead the prorate of the 700 billion dollars plan! We would all be close to the figure McCain estimated is the cap for our middle class citizen, about 4 million dollars. With that, Uncle Sam could make automatically 30%, no 1040s to fill up or any other complicated IRS papers, and everyone would jump with joy. The whole USA millionaire! Isn't that the dream of capitalism with the "trickle down" theory?
Of course, as good as it sounds, it does not work. My estimation is that of those 200 million people, at least half of them would quit their jobs, thus paralyzing industries, factories, construction, education, farm work, etc. etc. That in itself would already be the mother of all chaoses. Another 10% would move to a premature retirement in Florida, God no!
10% would probably use the money to buy a Testa Rossa Masserati or a Bentley (depending on their age) and other luxuries. 20% would probably get plastic surgery, you know, breast enlargement, face lifts, tummy tucks, sex change, and the like. The remaining responsible 10% might use that money to pay their mortgages, other debts and live happily ever after.
Therefore, I don't see that plan as a workable one to solve this crisis. WE NEED SOMEONE IN CHARGE! Someone with credibility and enough balls to hold the rains of this animal that is running amok, uncontrollable and overflowed with greed.
Will Congress finally agree on a bill that pleases both Democrats and Republicans? We already know it does not have to please us, but, as usual we'll take whatever they throw at us if it means it will stabilize this chaotic situation and people will not lose their jobs, their homes, their pensions, and their third world health care plans. Or perhaps on their next attempt, will the Republicans demand that Nancy Pelosi wear the same make up and eyeglasses as Sarah Palin in order to give them enough motivation to vote in favor of any other bailout package? We don't want these Republicans be offended a second time by the Speaker of the House, who blamed Bush and them for this mess, before the vote. She hurt their feelings! Which brings me to..."Country First", McCain's campaign theme. Apparently Congress Republicans don't seem to agree with their "Maverick", who also apparently, was not able to convince them to vote "yes". What a Maverick!
The picture we're looking at is not just about the market meltdown, it is more severe than that. It tells us that we are not capable to tackle a crisis as a united front without partidism. It also tell us that the Republican party with the presidential ticket they have been stuck with, are very unhappy and frustrated. To mention an example, all Republican Congressmen from Arizona, McCain's State, voted against the bill, that is, against McCain the Maverick, who almost cancelled his appearance in the first presidential debate to run to Washington for a superb convincing job to get them to vote for the bailout bill.
We also know who was at fault for this bill not to pass. Obama. You don't need any details. It was a statement made by McCain who will say anything to fill up his campaign speeches. Senility is a sad stage for a human being.
So, I go back to my blog title...WHO IS RUNNING THE SHOW?
Stay tune for more on the bailout saga on my next blog.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008

Do you remember that old TV game show that started in 1956 and went on every decade until 2002, called TO TELL THE TRUTH?
I happened to be one of the lucky contestants in the show aired in 1971. I was 30 years old then, and would do anything for attention. I was invited by CBS in New York because the main character was supposed to be a person with an unusual occupation or had done something noteworthy. In this occasion that main character was a hotel owner in Mexico City, who was simultaneously a bullfighter. The name is not important, especially because I don't remember it!
I was one of the two impostors, who had been invited to sit along with the real bullfighter and my mission was to answer questions by the panel made of four celebrities, and to lie as much as I could, but with total conviction, to the point where I personally would believe my own lies! It had to look real as the idea was to mislead the panel and get them to vote for me as the real character. Bottom line, I got 2 out of the 4 votes. The other impostor got one, and the real bullfighter also one. So I won $50 and an attache briefcase! Inflation, among other things, account for today's game shows that reward you with thousands of dollars. What a difference! (Cheap bastards!).
Anyway, as I said at the beginning of this story, I was 30 years old, energetic, always up to something new and always trying to impress someone, or me. That day of the show I was not even nervous and I felt it was a challenging thing to do, especially because I was going to make some money lying, kind of McCain's pattern. Imagine getting rewarded for not telling the truth just like in politics! I remember at one point of the questioning I was asked who was my favorite bullfighter and I, not knowing what to say, quickly gave the panel the name of my boss at work.
No way he was going to be watching that show! Wrong. He did. The first phone call I got the next morning at 9:01 was his. Fortunately, it was inconsequential and we both had a good laugh about it.
It doesn't work that way when one lies in real life to obtain what otherwise one would not have the capacity with his own credentials and means. As a matter of fact, besides hurting other people one would eventually hurt himself even more. That is, of course, if one had any principles.
I would love to recreate "To tell the truth" but with a Machiavellian twist. Instead of having a central character with an unusual occupation, I would
stick both McCain and Palin behind a long desk that would seat 4 people instead of 3. Both contestants would play musical chairs, occupying always a different chair as if they were different people. So two contestants and four characters with different answers all the time for the same questions. Kind of the real thing in the Republican ticket. And best of all, to maintain the essence of the show alive, all lies, which would look terribly natural with these two "characters"
At the end the celebrity panel would pose the famous question (with the necessary modification): "Will the real McCain and Palin please stand up!" What chair would they chose to stand up from? The confusion moving from one chair to another, standing up, sitting down, back and forth would create a total chaos and both the panel and the audience would crack up laughing at that ridiculous scene. I guess, kind of what's happening during the Republican campaign now, because neither one, after so many lies, know who they really are.

I don't have that briefcase anymore and I regret it today. It would have been a nice memento of a chapter of my life. As for McCain and Palin, when this is over and years go by, they will never lose their mementos. It is way inside them. It is their conscience. Was it worthy?
I happened to be one of the lucky contestants in the show aired in 1971. I was 30 years old then, and would do anything for attention. I was invited by CBS in New York because the main character was supposed to be a person with an unusual occupation or had done something noteworthy. In this occasion that main character was a hotel owner in Mexico City, who was simultaneously a bullfighter. The name is not important, especially because I don't remember it!
I was one of the two impostors, who had been invited to sit along with the real bullfighter and my mission was to answer questions by the panel made of four celebrities, and to lie as much as I could, but with total conviction, to the point where I personally would believe my own lies! It had to look real as the idea was to mislead the panel and get them to vote for me as the real character. Bottom line, I got 2 out of the 4 votes. The other impostor got one, and the real bullfighter also one. So I won $50 and an attache briefcase! Inflation, among other things, account for today's game shows that reward you with thousands of dollars. What a difference! (Cheap bastards!).
Anyway, as I said at the beginning of this story, I was 30 years old, energetic, always up to something new and always trying to impress someone, or me. That day of the show I was not even nervous and I felt it was a challenging thing to do, especially because I was going to make some money lying, kind of McCain's pattern. Imagine getting rewarded for not telling the truth just like in politics! I remember at one point of the questioning I was asked who was my favorite bullfighter and I, not knowing what to say, quickly gave the panel the name of my boss at work.
No way he was going to be watching that show! Wrong. He did. The first phone call I got the next morning at 9:01 was his. Fortunately, it was inconsequential and we both had a good laugh about it.
It doesn't work that way when one lies in real life to obtain what otherwise one would not have the capacity with his own credentials and means. As a matter of fact, besides hurting other people one would eventually hurt himself even more. That is, of course, if one had any principles.
I would love to recreate "To tell the truth" but with a Machiavellian twist. Instead of having a central character with an unusual occupation, I would
stick both McCain and Palin behind a long desk that would seat 4 people instead of 3. Both contestants would play musical chairs, occupying always a different chair as if they were different people. So two contestants and four characters with different answers all the time for the same questions. Kind of the real thing in the Republican ticket. And best of all, to maintain the essence of the show alive, all lies, which would look terribly natural with these two "characters"
At the end the celebrity panel would pose the famous question (with the necessary modification): "Will the real McCain and Palin please stand up!" What chair would they chose to stand up from? The confusion moving from one chair to another, standing up, sitting down, back and forth would create a total chaos and both the panel and the audience would crack up laughing at that ridiculous scene. I guess, kind of what's happening during the Republican campaign now, because neither one, after so many lies, know who they really are.

I don't have that briefcase anymore and I regret it today. It would have been a nice memento of a chapter of my life. As for McCain and Palin, when this is over and years go by, they will never lose their mementos. It is way inside them. It is their conscience. Was it worthy?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I have just received in my mail a DVD called "OBSESSION". It is about radical Islam war against the west. Unfortunately, it is not a DVD to teach us about these sick terrorists. The main and sole purpose of this DVD is to scare us. To scare us against the democrats and particularly Obama. It is a typical despicable Republican propaganda to instill fear.
This documentary is being sent by The Clarion Fund, 255 West 36th Street, New York, NY 10018. I am giving their address with the hope that someone living in New York may be brave enough to dump a huge crane full with garbage at their front door, as an even exchange.
No doubt these extreme Muslims are very dangerous and that we should do everything possible to get rid of them, but as we all know, we decided to invade Iraq instead, lose 4,100 American soldiers and 500 billion dollars so far, while the biggest assassin of them all, Osama Bin Laden, is still laughing at us. This DVD is being distributed through different newspapers in the mail to a targeted audience in "swing" election states. It is a very calculated move with political purposes only to scare the ignorant masses who think they will be "protected" by McCain.
It is important to mention that one newspaper, the Greensboro News & Record in North Carolina, refused to distribute it by turning away the money they were offered, claiming it was "divisive" and that it played on people's fears, serving no educational purpose. Bravo to the Greensboro News & Record for showing these despicable political opportunistic worms that before the party and the money, there is something called PRINCIPLES. Principles is something that the extreme right wing completely ignores as long as it serves their purpose and not the one of the country.
It is also obvious that The Clarion Fund is an instigator of the Bush's ideology and of all his Evangelist Christians followers who believe we should engage into another Crusade as in the period from 1096 to 1270. Moors against Christians defending not any country but the "true" religion and true God.
After 8 years of Republicans at the helm we have gone backwards on every aspect, the economy, education, health care, energy and...religion!
Religion is now dominating the abstract stage. We don't hear about it, we don't see it, but it's there in the millions of ignorant people who will go to the urns and vote for McCain because he's got a running mate who is against abortion, regardless and under any circumstance, and who believes that God told Bush to invade Iraq, and that global warming is a democratic trick. Ignorance together with false patriotism and fear, as the one The Clarion Fund and many other right wing organizations want to put in our minds, are the main ingredients for these elections. Not the issues, but the weaknesses of our diminutive brains are going to try to reward the same party that screwed this country for two consecutive terms.
With this gloomy perspective ahead I believe I now have to use religion to save us from the Republicans and their unpatriotic selfishness, arrogance, fear tactics, and mismanagement...GOD, PLEASE HELP US!
This documentary is being sent by The Clarion Fund, 255 West 36th Street, New York, NY 10018. I am giving their address with the hope that someone living in New York may be brave enough to dump a huge crane full with garbage at their front door, as an even exchange.
No doubt these extreme Muslims are very dangerous and that we should do everything possible to get rid of them, but as we all know, we decided to invade Iraq instead, lose 4,100 American soldiers and 500 billion dollars so far, while the biggest assassin of them all, Osama Bin Laden, is still laughing at us. This DVD is being distributed through different newspapers in the mail to a targeted audience in "swing" election states. It is a very calculated move with political purposes only to scare the ignorant masses who think they will be "protected" by McCain.
It is important to mention that one newspaper, the Greensboro News & Record in North Carolina, refused to distribute it by turning away the money they were offered, claiming it was "divisive" and that it played on people's fears, serving no educational purpose. Bravo to the Greensboro News & Record for showing these despicable political opportunistic worms that before the party and the money, there is something called PRINCIPLES. Principles is something that the extreme right wing completely ignores as long as it serves their purpose and not the one of the country.
It is also obvious that The Clarion Fund is an instigator of the Bush's ideology and of all his Evangelist Christians followers who believe we should engage into another Crusade as in the period from 1096 to 1270. Moors against Christians defending not any country but the "true" religion and true God.
After 8 years of Republicans at the helm we have gone backwards on every aspect, the economy, education, health care, energy and...religion!
Religion is now dominating the abstract stage. We don't hear about it, we don't see it, but it's there in the millions of ignorant people who will go to the urns and vote for McCain because he's got a running mate who is against abortion, regardless and under any circumstance, and who believes that God told Bush to invade Iraq, and that global warming is a democratic trick. Ignorance together with false patriotism and fear, as the one The Clarion Fund and many other right wing organizations want to put in our minds, are the main ingredients for these elections. Not the issues, but the weaknesses of our diminutive brains are going to try to reward the same party that screwed this country for two consecutive terms.
With this gloomy perspective ahead I believe I now have to use religion to save us from the Republicans and their unpatriotic selfishness, arrogance, fear tactics, and mismanagement...GOD, PLEASE HELP US!
Monday, September 15, 2008
"The fundamentals of the economy are strong"

"The fundamentals of the economy are strong". Those were the exact words pronounced by McCain this morning in one of his lying trips, while Lehman Bros. was filing for Chapter 11, and Merrill Lynch was being gulped by Bank of America.
Never mind that the domino reaction of these two major anti-economic events happening simultaneously will be massive layoffs in both badly managed companies, and grave payroll consequences for smaller companies that had made financial investments with them.
With this great news, the stock market plunged 500 points (Dow Jones). The second largest loss since 9-11. And "out of touch McCain" said that the fundamentals of the economy are strong. But, in all honesty, we should be less judgemental when it comes to the war martyr, oops, hero. When he made that thoughtful comment he was comparing our country to Zambia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Honduras, etc. etc. Please, citizens and sympathizers of these mentioned countries, I have nothing against you. As a matter of fact I believe your countries are beautiful and rich of history and traditions and you have all my respect. I am only trying to define our economy in relation to yours, and as you know the economy is not a product of a country's doing or of its citizens work. The economy is the result of a government mishandling with gross mistakes and unscrupulous support of those who strangle the middle class to get even richer, so they, this government gets a piece of the action. For example getting unending financial support to be elected to the presidency.
McCain, however, rather than admitting he is totally out of touch with what's happening here, makes a stupid comment and later, when he realizes it is backfiring, he claims that the comment referred to us the people, we are the fundamentals of the economy! We the people are responsible for the market debacle of 7 years and of today's crash!
Thus, in addition to being a liar, an ex playboy, a selfish ex-husband (he abandoned his first wife Carol, also a beauty model, when she got disfigured and paralyzed after a terrible car accident, while he was in Vietnam acquiring world experience during his torturing years as a prisoner of war), and, as admitted by him, not too knowledgeable in the economy matters, he is now blaming us, the people, for the market calamity of today. We are the fundamentals, and although we are basically strong (thank God!) we let this happen!
We shall see in the days to come what are the real consequences of Lehman Brothers' and Merrill Lynch's disastrous end. How many more people are going to lose their jobs? How many more families are going to see their homes on foreclosure? How many are going to choose between getting proper medical treatment or paying their predators credit cards high interest bills? How many are going to die because of a pre-existing condition and being denied coverage by the Human Murderers Organizations, a.k.a HMOs?
And when all this happens, remember who is at fault. We are. The people, better known according to McCain, as the "fundamentals".
I have no doubt, considering the high percentage of ignorants in our country, that millions of "fundamentals" will go to the urns and cast their vote for McCain, because he is a "patriot". According to these ignorant citizens we have the unfortunate pleasure to cohabitate with in the same country, a patriot is a person who sings the National Anthem every day, at every sport event, during any cultural, commercial, or political gathering; and whenever possible, stands to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. These are the same people who hate Black people, Jews, Christians, Women, Hispanics, Orientals, Muslims and anything that threatens their 6-pack, their cigar smoking on a golf course, their 60-inch TV set and their disregard for the rest of us. They don't care if the economy is in shambles, if health care is non-existent, if education is unaffordable and below standards, if they have to pay 5 dollars for a gallon of gas. They like the USA the way it has become, because they are comfortable within their limitations. These are the McCain voters.
So, because the fundamentals of the economy are strong and it really does not affect you, ignorant cohabitant of mine, go ahead and vote for McCain. I guess we get what we deserve.
My only hope is that everyone who wants our country to return to the good old time of health, prosperity and honesty, who really loves our country and who wants our country to be loved and respected by the rest of the free world, goes to the urns on November 4, 2008 and votes against four more years of Bush. You don't reward a political party, that has screwed this country so badly, with four more years of incompetence and dishonesty. I do not underestimate the power of ignorance, but I do hope that the power of honesty and frustration prevails.
Never mind that the domino reaction of these two major anti-economic events happening simultaneously will be massive layoffs in both badly managed companies, and grave payroll consequences for smaller companies that had made financial investments with them.
With this great news, the stock market plunged 500 points (Dow Jones). The second largest loss since 9-11. And "out of touch McCain" said that the fundamentals of the economy are strong. But, in all honesty, we should be less judgemental when it comes to the war martyr, oops, hero. When he made that thoughtful comment he was comparing our country to Zambia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Honduras, etc. etc. Please, citizens and sympathizers of these mentioned countries, I have nothing against you. As a matter of fact I believe your countries are beautiful and rich of history and traditions and you have all my respect. I am only trying to define our economy in relation to yours, and as you know the economy is not a product of a country's doing or of its citizens work. The economy is the result of a government mishandling with gross mistakes and unscrupulous support of those who strangle the middle class to get even richer, so they, this government gets a piece of the action. For example getting unending financial support to be elected to the presidency.
McCain, however, rather than admitting he is totally out of touch with what's happening here, makes a stupid comment and later, when he realizes it is backfiring, he claims that the comment referred to us the people, we are the fundamentals of the economy! We the people are responsible for the market debacle of 7 years and of today's crash!
Thus, in addition to being a liar, an ex playboy, a selfish ex-husband (he abandoned his first wife Carol, also a beauty model, when she got disfigured and paralyzed after a terrible car accident, while he was in Vietnam acquiring world experience during his torturing years as a prisoner of war), and, as admitted by him, not too knowledgeable in the economy matters, he is now blaming us, the people, for the market calamity of today. We are the fundamentals, and although we are basically strong (thank God!) we let this happen!
We shall see in the days to come what are the real consequences of Lehman Brothers' and Merrill Lynch's disastrous end. How many more people are going to lose their jobs? How many more families are going to see their homes on foreclosure? How many are going to choose between getting proper medical treatment or paying their predators credit cards high interest bills? How many are going to die because of a pre-existing condition and being denied coverage by the Human Murderers Organizations, a.k.a HMOs?
And when all this happens, remember who is at fault. We are. The people, better known according to McCain, as the "fundamentals".
I have no doubt, considering the high percentage of ignorants in our country, that millions of "fundamentals" will go to the urns and cast their vote for McCain, because he is a "patriot". According to these ignorant citizens we have the unfortunate pleasure to cohabitate with in the same country, a patriot is a person who sings the National Anthem every day, at every sport event, during any cultural, commercial, or political gathering; and whenever possible, stands to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. These are the same people who hate Black people, Jews, Christians, Women, Hispanics, Orientals, Muslims and anything that threatens their 6-pack, their cigar smoking on a golf course, their 60-inch TV set and their disregard for the rest of us. They don't care if the economy is in shambles, if health care is non-existent, if education is unaffordable and below standards, if they have to pay 5 dollars for a gallon of gas. They like the USA the way it has become, because they are comfortable within their limitations. These are the McCain voters.
So, because the fundamentals of the economy are strong and it really does not affect you, ignorant cohabitant of mine, go ahead and vote for McCain. I guess we get what we deserve.
My only hope is that everyone who wants our country to return to the good old time of health, prosperity and honesty, who really loves our country and who wants our country to be loved and respected by the rest of the free world, goes to the urns on November 4, 2008 and votes against four more years of Bush. You don't reward a political party, that has screwed this country so badly, with four more years of incompetence and dishonesty. I do not underestimate the power of ignorance, but I do hope that the power of honesty and frustration prevails.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I saw so many similarities with the circus clowns during the "Pathetic Convention"! Even the music, mainly marching bands, playing patriotic
themes to captivate us with national pride as a wonderful strategy to
hide their mediocre performance. At one point they all stood up and delivered the Pledge of Allegiance. That was incredible and unique. By then, the entire audience was under the spell. Nothing they could say or do would be wrong. Brilliant!

On ring number one, there were the high trapeze men, jumping and flying from one subject to another with a lot of air in between, and trying to keep things balanced to avoid falling to a floor without net. On ring number two, a lot of elephants, making deafening uncoordinated noise in a sea of extreme confusion. On ring number three, center stage,
THE CLOWNS! The dreaded clowns! One after another performing to the laughter of the crowds. They, as usual, had nothing of substance or logical to say. It was slapstick at its best, insults, slapping, banging, running around one after another with no real direction, falling, getting up, picking their noses. All the stupid things that clowns do to make us laugh, because they have nothing else to say or accomplish. What I found interesting among these clowns was the introduction for the first time in this circus of a couple of cartoon characters, SUPER HERO and WONDER WOMAN.

They were, without any doubt, the climax of this pathetic convention. They did not disappoint me as their performance was extraordinary, worthy of the best science fiction comic book. Although my favorite is still SUPERMAN, who will never be outstaged by Pathetics or Democrats.
Rings four and five were just carrying on, but no one was paying attention. Number four was actually shown on a giant screen. It was not physically present at the Convention, not to break the pattern. It was, therefore, irrelevant. On ring number five they had the "PATHETICS". That was a large group of individuals dressed with dark suits and ugly ties. They all looked like beings from another planet pretending to be earthlings. Kind of reminded me of that old TV series "V", where the invaders looked like people, but in reality they were dangerous lizards from another galaxy. These people-look alike on ring number five were trying to be part of the circus by making outrageous comments during one-on-one interviews. The idea, I think, was to try to outdo the previous talker with a bigger lie and a lower I.Q. I had never seen such an original number in the circus before. I must admit it was unique and harmonized in their own peculiar way with the clowns act.
Oh, before I forget, there was an incredible act performed by a male puppet chameleon. During his act he kept changing colors to please everyone. He even became colorless to please the color-blind crowd!
The zenith of his performance was when he spoke and said he was a democrat!
Oh, before I forget, there was an incredible act performed by a male puppet chameleon. During his act he kept changing colors to please everyone. He even became colorless to please the color-blind crowd!
The zenith of his performance was when he spoke and said he was a democrat!
I could mention the names of the clowns and of all the characters, and believe me...they were some characters! But like in any circus, the clowns are just there to make us laugh. They do not get top billing. Actually, no one gets top billing in any circus.
How I miss the real circus when I was young, even with the frightening clowns. At least they were honest!
How I miss the real circus when I was young, even with the frightening clowns. At least they were honest!
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