But...and here is a big but...Don't underestimate the Republican trickery, they are full of ruses up their sleeves, and most of them dirty ones. I can think of the following ones:

1.- Two weeks before election day the White House announces they have captured Osama Bin Laden, after following McCain's plan and secret advice.Of course, they don't divulge where they have Bin Laden and how they got him. Everything is TOP SECRET, and McCain is enjoying an incredible rise in the polls that puts him back in contention with high possibilities of winning it all. Am I implying that we have really captured Osama Bin Laden? Of course not! I am just putting myself in the shoes of the desperate Republicans who would not stop at anything to continue their quest for another four years of arrogance, ignorance, lies, and disdain.
2.- The failed bailout, now called " The Rescue Plan " for the second voting process, gets approved by Congress with the additional votes needed by the Republicans who voted against it the first time. The stock market feels the effect of that miraculous injection and shoots up like a rocket to the moon. The Republicans go on a ticket parade with their hero McCain and heroine (no punt intended) Palin as the parade Marshalls, throwing kisses and making all kind of hands and fingers waving at their adoring crowds in Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, Kentucky...well, you know where. McCain's waiving somehow
handicapped as a consequence of his torturing suffered in Vietnam, and Palin's overcompensating with her fingers ballet-like movements. The Odd Couple on wheels.
handicapped as a consequence of his torturing suffered in Vietnam, and Palin's overcompensating with her fingers ballet-like movements. The Odd Couple on wheels.
3.- After a complete self-caused demise by Sarah Palin on her first and last debate against Biden, the Grand Ostrich Republican party (isn't the ostrich the animal that solves
his problems by hiding his head in a hole?) will put enough pressure on McMaverick to dump Queen Crab back into the Alaska Seas and make it look like she decided to quit in order to attend her heavy, complicated, difficult and demanding PTA schedule. If McHero pulls this one, and hopefully for him not a la McGovern, who dumped his running mate Thomas F. Eagleton after 18 days of campaigning and then lost the elections, he may have a chance of creeping up the polls and still be a serious contender. Considering that at least three million Nascar fans, one million super senior Florida Jews (previously New York residents) scared to death about Obama being a Muslim who will support Palestinians over Israelis, the entire Miami Cuban population (about one million) lead by "the three licketeers" (the Diaz Balart brothers and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen), and at least another twenty million of "Hominis Ignoramus" troglodytes are strong McCain supporters, with or without Palin, the Palin Dumping is not a far fetched theory.

Unfortunately for the Republicans, Osama Bin Laden is still hiding among the Pakistani or Afghan goats, making it very difficult for the military K-9 dogs to differentiate the body odor. Obviously it is unfortunate for all of us that Bin Laden has not been caught and brought to justice. I want to make that clear before anyone jumps at my neck and goes for the jugular.
Also, to the Republicans disappointment, McCain will not be able to claim credit for the Rescue Plan, because Obama also contributed with his input to get this plan pass.
And finally, because it is a given that Sarah Palin has no clue about the rest of the world, or anything else, and McCain knew that from day one and regardless of that he chose her as his running mate. He must have his reasons because I don't think it is just to satisfy the Republican base. Therefore he is not going to ask her to go back to her wolves and caribou shooting or to her foreign neighbors watching from her window to acquire more foreign policy knowledge. He is stuck with her and both are going to go down these elections faster than an elephant in quick sand.
So sorry I lead you in, "my friends", into a horizon of great expectations. Did you think I was serious? McCain is politically doomed. Nothing can save him!
1 comment:
I have to admit, you have either a) really outdone yourself, or b) have really lost it mentally. Either way, great wit, and excellent writing. Regardless of what political dogma one follows, this stuff is golden!! KEEP UP THE GREAT STUFF!!!!!!
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