Thursday, March 26, 2009


I purposely changed the mattress name to make a point about this ripoff. Another of the thousands of lies about any product advertised by a big company.

Two months ago, tired of sleeping on a "Tempu-Pedic" queen size mattress purchased in 2001, which did not offer what it promised to do, that is, firmness and a good night rest, I went to City Furniture with my wife and we tried different Sealy, Serta and Simmons mattresses, king size this time. We decided for the Sealy "Firm 1". the hardest one on the store, after we tried it 3 times at least by laying down and moving and rolling for a while to verify its firmness. That mattress did not budge at all, even pushing it down with my two fists! That was the one we wanted, especially after the normal sales pitch by the salesman, who even convinced us to buy some type of additional guarantee, which covered at-home servicing in case of any defects for the first year of usage.

Well....exactly 1 month and 3 weeks after purchasing it we noticed that the "Firm 1" $1,200 Sealy Postupedic mattress had sunk about an inch on both sides, and that no matter where I would press down with my closed fists it would also give in quite a bit. So we called City Furniture and scheduled an appointment for someone to come and verify our claim. Their representative came in today, as scheduled. Very nice, polite Hispanic person, who explained to us he was not a decision maker but rather a person whose job was to measure the amount that the mattress had given in. He placed some type of device right across the mattress, in the middle, and with a laser beam he showed us that it was 1 inch on the right side and 1/2 inch on the left. That was how much it lost in firmness. Then he proceeded to make me sign a document whereby I confirmed that reading by the laser beam gadget. After that, always very polite and kind of understanding the reality of this issue, he told me he was calling his customer service superior to advice them of the outcome of his visit. He also told me that according to City Furniture, your mattress has to sink at least 2 inches on both sides in order to have a legitimate claim, otherwise you are out of luck ( he did not put it that way, but that is bottom line of the situation).
After he reported to his office he handed me the phone upon my request , to talk to that person he was reporting to. It was a woman, not that the gender has something to do with it, but in this case very appropriate for the adjective she deserves...a bitch. I couldn't use that description for a man, although in that case he would have been a son of a bitch. Makes no difference. These so called "Customer Service" people nowadays have nothing to do with customer service, they are, in reality, "Corporate Defenders". They do not care at all about customers. They are put there to protect the interest of their companies. This cold bitch, and I say that because I mentioned to her I was a City Furniture client for at least 10 years and did not even thanked me for that, and blamed Sealy Postupedic for the 2-inch requirement and washed her hands and those of her company, City Furniture, perhaps the largest furniture store in Florida, located in Tamarac on Hiatus Road. A very appropriate street name in this case, for if you check this word on the dictionary it will tell you that it means, among other things, "a defect in a manuscript,where some part is lost or deface". In my case a defect in the mattress, where some part has sunk or given in".
This "customer service" person told me I had another 6 months from this visit to call again if I thought the mattress had gone down a total of 2 inches, at which time, if that was the case I would probably be given some consideration. I can bet right now that Sealy Postupedic knows very well that the mattress, after thousands of tests they go through before it is merchandised, will never give in 2 inches. But here is my question: Who determines how much does a mattress has to sink when you have two cervical herniated discs and two lumbar even more herniated discs that require a total firm mattress which does not give in anything at all and which should be as firm as the way it was when you laid down on it at the store to try it? Why do they ask us to try these mattresses at the store when they very well know that "What you try is not what you own after a short period of time at home"? Who makes these rules? Well, I am sure these rules are an integral most important part of the rip-off strategy written by corporate lawyers working for these companies. We, as consumers, have no rights, although they pretend to tell us that we do, with these pro-corporation rules. Like everything else, the hypocrisy and abuse by Corporate America is condoned by law and the consumer is the idiot that feeds their bank accounts.

Of course, I do have other options, such as a letter I will send to the president of City Furniture telling him how I feel about their policy and their "rip-off" extended additional guarantee. I will copy Sealy Postupedic and my Congressman indicating to him that it is about time we regulate this industry by eliminating these "extended guarantees", as they are nothing but a way for City Furniture and the likes to collect additional money from the consumer. Also to include some laws that protect us from unilateral company policies, which are written exclusively for their benefit. Do I expect fair changes to happen as they should ? Not really. We live in a world of deceit and greed. Perhaps, the best way to fight "Corporate America" is to owe nothing and live the most simple way we can, no credit cards, no fancy mattresses, no big cars, not even a big house, the minimum amount of clothes, generic food, no-name items, and necessary shopping at Dollar Stores for basic products. Maybe like that, we could force these thieves protected by convenient laws to start thinking a little different about us, the consumer.

Thus, bottom line, beware of SEALY POSTUPEDIC "Firm" mattresses! They are not what they let you try at the store! They do give in at least 1 inch and most likely never up to 2 inches, and their additional guarantee for one year in-house service is a total waste and a way for City Furniture and other big companies alike to get extra money from you.

Ah, as far as the Better Business Bureau...who are they? Do they really help you? I tried them once many years ago for another rip-off situation and their ineffectiveness was pathetic. We, the consumer, are alone fighting everyone else. It reminds me of Gary Cooper in "High Noon", but we much less luck.


Machine. said...

How about this to help move your claim along. My three children and I, all jumping on your bed at the same time, as if it were a trampoline as a exhibition event called synchronized trampoline at the next olympics. If we do this for 30 minutes each day that we are there, we should easily achieve the 2 inches that you need. Plus, I will get a good workout too!

DGA said...

You are dealing with crooks. They would figure it out and then I have no bed at all.

DGA said...

It's been already 23 days since i wrote the letters to both Sealy Mattress and City Furniture. Not only i have not received an aswer by either one, but I have not even received my certified return receipts back! Should I now write a complaint letter to the U.S.Post Office? Actually this confirms to me that we are living in an era of incompetence by every company. I don't think that even Obama can fix that!

Machine. said...

You could write to the post office, but my hunch is that it will go unanswered as well, plus you might run the risk of looking like Jack Lemmon in "The Out-Of-Towners"....

vudoodaddie said...

I bought a Sealy mattress that sank after 1.5 years. Sealy did not honor their warranty despite the big 2" dip in the middle. Their bogus excause was because the mattress wasn't on the frame. Guess what stupid? We had to move it down and our old mattress since the Sealy mattress killed our backs. They didn't even return my letters. What a fucken SCAM. Please beware buyers! Buy any mattress brand other than Sealy or you will be ripped off.