I guess republicans need to persevere on their quest to try to brainwash those who allow themselves to be influenced by Internet emails. They gave it a real big try during the primaries to no avail, with all kind of lies and made up stories about Obama. They failed miserably, but they do not give up on their quest to impose their thinking about anything and everything. To them, their ideals or rather radical thinking must be disseminated and inculcated on every American, so their party wins. It is winning and not country what moves these people. Definitely party over Nation; corporations over middle class; and control over self expression.
Now that the presidential election is over after being defeated by a better prepared Democratic party, with clear ideas and good intentions to change our precipitous course to the cliff where Bush/Cheney were taking us to, they are trying something else.... The "subtle" emails against the UAW. Don't get me wrong, I am not a union worker defender, but neither am I against them. I believe unions are good to protect the right of the employees who work hard and keep our economy afloat. They are not that good if their only intention is to bankrupt the company. And this is not the case of the UAW. Yes, they have a higher payroll than the foreign auto industry in the south, but it is justified for many reasons, which are mainly associated to the cost-production ratio.
I received today an email which was forwarded to me by someone who had it forwarded to him, who got it from another forward, etc. etc. You know how this cancer spreads.... This email blames the UAW solely for the financial crisis of General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford. It talks about the salaries the UAW receive versus the ones paid to the foreign car companies who build in the "Other United States", the South (with a couple of exceptions, thank God). It wants these Big Three to declare bankruptcy under chapter 11 and to get rid of the union contracts. In other words, whoever started the ball rolling wants the UAW to be busted, like president Reagan did with the Control Tower workers. And we all know where the airline industry is now after that "wonderful" personal achievement plus his other one of "Deregulation" that brought Panam down like other many historical airlines in this country.
Yes! Let's all wish for an American car industry to go bankrupt to add three more million people to the unemployment line. Because this "wished" bankruptcy not only includes 180,681 union workers, but also retired members (419,621) and surviving spouses (120,723), and about 2.3 million people related to the car industry (dealerships, parts manufacturing, raw material industries and other).
But these republicans don't care about creating a bigger hole in our economy. As a matter of fact, the more difficult we could make it for Obama, the better chances they might have four years from now. So they think. How naive!
A bankruptcy by these three car makers with the sole purpose to bust the UAW union only shows that for these extremists their only objective is to
strangle even more the middle class in America. It is a shame that their extreme ideals are above their pride for the prosperity of our country. Without a large and comfortable middle class no nation can advance and prosper. Just take a look at our 50s and 60s, even 70s. After that, with the exception of eight of the best economical years we ever had during Bill Clinton, the middle class has been gradually shrinking to what it is today.
How about blaming the big chiefs? The three CEOs combined made more than $110 millions in 2007, not counting stock options and other benefits.
At an average cost of a typical car, this represents a little bit more than 2 cars per 100 built to offset their obscene salaries every year. We are only mentioning the three top honchos. Don't forget the COOs, the Vice presidents and other top executives. And for your information, there were 18 million cars built by GM, Chrysler, and Ford together in 2007. That 2% mentioned before means that it took 360,000 cars to even the salaries paid to those CEOs, or what sounds even more astounding, they needed to build about 1000 cars per day to afford the payroll of these three CEOs !
On the other hand, the cost ratio between labor and average car sale price was in the same year 8.4% Not bad considering that labor in most other industries, manufacturing, services, wholesale and retail business is way higher than that.
Since we all have a message to convey through the Internet, here is mine:
Don't be impressed by emails than sound very patriotic. Most of the times they are not. They are subtle messages to brainwash us in order for these brain suckers to obtain their goal, which is "Party Fist, Country Second". Research the Internet, get all the input you need to understand what they are telling you and why. Get the facts. All of them, not just one side. Analyze and react appropriately, not "sheeply".
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008

It's been a little bit over a month since I don't write. My impulse got broken right after Obama won the election. I had been practically exhausting myself day after day during the presidential campaign, and let's face it...I get inspired when I have to attack to defend the true and to side with the one who is right. I really had a great momentum going taking apart that stupid hick from Alaska and that washed out senator from Arizona who made the wrong choice when he picked Queen Crab as his running mate. Even though, and in spite of both looking like a vaudeville couple trying to make it in the 21st century, the country gave them over 45% of their votes. That is an incredible high percentage in their favor, which tells me we still have a long way to go to get us also in the 21st century. We still have a very strong division in this country. It looks like the South (most of it) still lives under the influence of Tara and does not accept maturing, and does not accept the facts of the times we live in.
I am back for the delight of my readers (maybe 3?) and why should I change my style when the only way I can express myself is by using sarcasm and sometimes strong personal opinions?
What brought me back? Something that is happening and I cannot understand. It's about the three major auto companies that, like all big companies in the USA were given total and complete freedom to be greedy, irresponsible, and arrogant, just as the eight years of the Bush administration. However, no matter how bad they ran their businesses,
their debacle and possible bankruptcy filing could lead to a worse situation to their workers, families, suppliers, and related industries. It could topple a vast sector of the USA industry with catastrophic consequences. What would our government do when this bleak picture would be the one to face, instead of finding a quick solution now for these three automakers? Maybe our politicians are so blurred by their own ego
and maybe their complicated minds do not allow them to think straight and see forward, but it is clear that they are playing a legal game of words and the solution right in front of their noses escape them.
Yes, we acted irresponsibly when we listened to Henry M. Paulson and Ben Bernanke to give out 700 billion dollars or more, to bail out the glorified pawn shops that went under, in spite of their greed, or perhaps because of it.
AIG, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and maybe others which I can't think of right this moment, acted irresponsibly and millions of Americans suffered the consequences for their lack of scruples and total disregard for their clients and borrowers.
So what does our government does? They, without conditions and any kind of assurances of these financial institutions to correct themselves in their new existence, released the sum of 700 billion dollars to keep them afloat. No special finance panel to interrogate them, no questions asked. 700 billion dollars of new made money, or perhaps from the Federal Reserve, which probably has more money than China. I know, I may be exaggerating to make my point.
And this is what I don't understand...Why are we making it so difficult for these three auto companies to get only 5% of what the financial institutions thieves got with no strings attached?
No matter how many possible reasons I try to find to answer my own question, I can't find any logical one. Before I give you my own illogical explanation of our government attitude on this case, I would like to give a brief background of what these companies mean to America and our economy.
I am back for the delight of my readers (maybe 3?) and why should I change my style when the only way I can express myself is by using sarcasm and sometimes strong personal opinions?
What brought me back? Something that is happening and I cannot understand. It's about the three major auto companies that, like all big companies in the USA were given total and complete freedom to be greedy, irresponsible, and arrogant, just as the eight years of the Bush administration. However, no matter how bad they ran their businesses,
their debacle and possible bankruptcy filing could lead to a worse situation to their workers, families, suppliers, and related industries. It could topple a vast sector of the USA industry with catastrophic consequences. What would our government do when this bleak picture would be the one to face, instead of finding a quick solution now for these three automakers? Maybe our politicians are so blurred by their own ego
and maybe their complicated minds do not allow them to think straight and see forward, but it is clear that they are playing a legal game of words and the solution right in front of their noses escape them.
Yes, we acted irresponsibly when we listened to Henry M. Paulson and Ben Bernanke to give out 700 billion dollars or more, to bail out the glorified pawn shops that went under, in spite of their greed, or perhaps because of it.
AIG, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and maybe others which I can't think of right this moment, acted irresponsibly and millions of Americans suffered the consequences for their lack of scruples and total disregard for their clients and borrowers.
So what does our government does? They, without conditions and any kind of assurances of these financial institutions to correct themselves in their new existence, released the sum of 700 billion dollars to keep them afloat. No special finance panel to interrogate them, no questions asked. 700 billion dollars of new made money, or perhaps from the Federal Reserve, which probably has more money than China. I know, I may be exaggerating to make my point.
And this is what I don't understand...Why are we making it so difficult for these three auto companies to get only 5% of what the financial institutions thieves got with no strings attached?
No matter how many possible reasons I try to find to answer my own question, I can't find any logical one. Before I give you my own illogical explanation of our government attitude on this case, I would like to give a brief background of what these companies mean to America and our economy.
General Motors. Was founded in 1908, a hundred years ago! In 1942, during WWII, GM gave its entire production, 100% to the American troops and its allies. They provided over 12 billion dollars in materials, which included airplanes, tanks and other equipment, all for FREE!
That was in 1942, which translated into 2008 it could be the equivalent of 40 billions? Maybe more? Granted that GM screwed up big, and when I say BIG I mean, like building Hummers with 15 mpg consumption and any of the Savana series, good for a family of 12 but used for single moms taking their only child to kindergarten, devouring gas like a dinosaur feeding on other creatures or on gigantic prehistoric flora; or on Chevy Corvettes with an engine big enough to compete with a 747 on any airport runway, for highways that allow a maximum speed of 70 miles per hour only.
In 2007, GM ranked number 3 in the Fortune 500 list, but rankings mean nothing nowadays in the business world when you lose money. They lost in 2007 over 2 billion dollars. They are probably going to show a 2008 loss of 4 billions, and they are now asking for $18B, and not as a handout but as a loan. With 266,000 employees (maybe less by the time I finish this blog) and their families at the risk of joining the unemployment line to cause an even bigger problem to our government,
it would be a no-brainer to lend them those 18 billions...with conditions, of course, such as...no more Hummers, unless they want to open an assembly shop in the Sahara desert and its paid by the Saudis...no more Savana mastodonts; 50% reduction in the production of SUVs, and by the way imposing a luxury tax to be used by states education funding purposes, for owning these gas guzzlers; and above all with the imperative requirement to switch their operation to alternate energy cars, such as nitrogen, or fuel cell vehicles, or any other invention which will allow us not to be dependant on other countries' oil.
But if we were to disregard all of the above, should the government consider this bailout of $18 billions like a payback for 1942 GM $12 billions contribution to win a war? The answer is YES. It may not sound logical, stripped down of all the conditions that should be attached as mentioned before, but it is the only one and more decent I can think of, plus it keeps millions of people working. That in itself is more than conclusive.
Chrysler. Founded in 1925. has now 129,000 employees under the ownership of Cerberus Capital Management, thus no longer a public company, but private. If I had to choose among the three, I would say let Chrysler go under. Let them file for bankruptcy. Why should Cerberus be different than any other private company? However, my concern is that
we are looking again at the bigger problem, the unemployment one and the suffering of innocent families to no fault of their own. Chrysler is asking for $9B, a drop in the bucket compare to what we freely gave to the financial institutions thieves. Chrysler also asked for a loan in 1979 when Lee Iacocca, and they paid it back. It was however a public company, not a private one, and that is where the thin line comes to play.
I really, honestly don't have an answer. It could go either way, but the fact that it is a loan and it might save many workers jobs...you know where I may be leaning to. Now if they get the money they should be totally under legal scrutiny of the ones who will loan it to them, the US government. No big cars, new energy saving automobiles, salary caps for top executives and any bonuses for CEO and the like to be used to repay the loan faster. Once they have paid back then they are on their own with the knowledge that next time they screw up they are out for good.
Ford. This company should be to the USA like the TajMahal is for India, or the Segovia Roman Aqueduct in Spain. It is history. it was founded in 1903. it was the first car company in the USA and fifth oldest in the world after Peugeot in France (1882), Renault (France 1899), Fiat (Italy 1899).
and the now defunct Daimler of England, founded in 1896 and gone in 1960. Ford Motor Company is an American relic and we should not allow it to disappear like we did with Pan American World Airways, under another Bush in 1991. It seems to me that the Bushes don't care much about real history and traditions, no matter how religious they think they are.
Ford is only asking for $7 billions to save their asses (sorry, I was trying to be clean as a whistle on this blog, but it makes my point) and to protect their 129,000 employees and families. It is an insignificant amount considering that we already screwed up when Panam, the best and most recognizable American product in the world airline industry, or perhaps outside the industry too, was abandoned and allowed to die under the republicans regime, while Panam airplanes had helped "Bush41" conduct his war in the Gulf in 1990/1991 by providing airplanes, war material transportation, supplies at their own expense and sacrificing their business for the country. Apparently the Bushes don't care much about this type of patriotism and their retribution is to abandon their friends and collaborators, at the expense of the American people.
All this said, and taking into consideration that a loan must have strings attached, Ford should be given the same type of conditions than the other two culprits and the bailout is a must, without any hesitation.

I purposely wanted to leave for the end of this article something that bothers me and most Americans, which is the salary that these auto makers CEOs and Chairmen and other top executives make. It is obscene and if any loans are to be given to these greedy bastards (here I go again)
it should require that their salaries be capped to a more reasonable and comparable level with other top business leaders. These are new times, new economy (or lack of it for now), and new government. Please, democrats don't let the few extreme right wing republicans convince you that giving these loans will create a worse economical crisis. They have their own agenda for 2012 and nothing would make them happier than leaving Obama with the heavy burden of having sunk Ford and the car industry, which is also a pillar for the USA in other industries, and in generating millions of jobs. A real heavy recession might be impossible to recover in four years and they will blame the democrats and Obama for not being successful in delivering the promises of renovation and health care as a right, affordable education, stem cell research and development, and millions of jobs creations with new and existing infrastructure. I may be a little paranoid, but why are these republicans (the majority of them) against this rescue plan or bailout, or whatever we want to call it? I honestly do not understand it, unless my paranoid mind is unfortunately right.
That was in 1942, which translated into 2008 it could be the equivalent of 40 billions? Maybe more? Granted that GM screwed up big, and when I say BIG I mean, like building Hummers with 15 mpg consumption and any of the Savana series, good for a family of 12 but used for single moms taking their only child to kindergarten, devouring gas like a dinosaur feeding on other creatures or on gigantic prehistoric flora; or on Chevy Corvettes with an engine big enough to compete with a 747 on any airport runway, for highways that allow a maximum speed of 70 miles per hour only.
In 2007, GM ranked number 3 in the Fortune 500 list, but rankings mean nothing nowadays in the business world when you lose money. They lost in 2007 over 2 billion dollars. They are probably going to show a 2008 loss of 4 billions, and they are now asking for $18B, and not as a handout but as a loan. With 266,000 employees (maybe less by the time I finish this blog) and their families at the risk of joining the unemployment line to cause an even bigger problem to our government,
it would be a no-brainer to lend them those 18 billions...with conditions, of course, such as...no more Hummers, unless they want to open an assembly shop in the Sahara desert and its paid by the Saudis...no more Savana mastodonts; 50% reduction in the production of SUVs, and by the way imposing a luxury tax to be used by states education funding purposes, for owning these gas guzzlers; and above all with the imperative requirement to switch their operation to alternate energy cars, such as nitrogen, or fuel cell vehicles, or any other invention which will allow us not to be dependant on other countries' oil.
But if we were to disregard all of the above, should the government consider this bailout of $18 billions like a payback for 1942 GM $12 billions contribution to win a war? The answer is YES. It may not sound logical, stripped down of all the conditions that should be attached as mentioned before, but it is the only one and more decent I can think of, plus it keeps millions of people working. That in itself is more than conclusive.
Chrysler. Founded in 1925. has now 129,000 employees under the ownership of Cerberus Capital Management, thus no longer a public company, but private. If I had to choose among the three, I would say let Chrysler go under. Let them file for bankruptcy. Why should Cerberus be different than any other private company? However, my concern is that
we are looking again at the bigger problem, the unemployment one and the suffering of innocent families to no fault of their own. Chrysler is asking for $9B, a drop in the bucket compare to what we freely gave to the financial institutions thieves. Chrysler also asked for a loan in 1979 when Lee Iacocca, and they paid it back. It was however a public company, not a private one, and that is where the thin line comes to play.
I really, honestly don't have an answer. It could go either way, but the fact that it is a loan and it might save many workers jobs...you know where I may be leaning to. Now if they get the money they should be totally under legal scrutiny of the ones who will loan it to them, the US government. No big cars, new energy saving automobiles, salary caps for top executives and any bonuses for CEO and the like to be used to repay the loan faster. Once they have paid back then they are on their own with the knowledge that next time they screw up they are out for good.
Ford. This company should be to the USA like the TajMahal is for India, or the Segovia Roman Aqueduct in Spain. It is history. it was founded in 1903. it was the first car company in the USA and fifth oldest in the world after Peugeot in France (1882), Renault (France 1899), Fiat (Italy 1899).
and the now defunct Daimler of England, founded in 1896 and gone in 1960. Ford Motor Company is an American relic and we should not allow it to disappear like we did with Pan American World Airways, under another Bush in 1991. It seems to me that the Bushes don't care much about real history and traditions, no matter how religious they think they are.
Ford is only asking for $7 billions to save their asses (sorry, I was trying to be clean as a whistle on this blog, but it makes my point) and to protect their 129,000 employees and families. It is an insignificant amount considering that we already screwed up when Panam, the best and most recognizable American product in the world airline industry, or perhaps outside the industry too, was abandoned and allowed to die under the republicans regime, while Panam airplanes had helped "Bush41" conduct his war in the Gulf in 1990/1991 by providing airplanes, war material transportation, supplies at their own expense and sacrificing their business for the country. Apparently the Bushes don't care much about this type of patriotism and their retribution is to abandon their friends and collaborators, at the expense of the American people.
All this said, and taking into consideration that a loan must have strings attached, Ford should be given the same type of conditions than the other two culprits and the bailout is a must, without any hesitation.

I purposely wanted to leave for the end of this article something that bothers me and most Americans, which is the salary that these auto makers CEOs and Chairmen and other top executives make. It is obscene and if any loans are to be given to these greedy bastards (here I go again)
it should require that their salaries be capped to a more reasonable and comparable level with other top business leaders. These are new times, new economy (or lack of it for now), and new government. Please, democrats don't let the few extreme right wing republicans convince you that giving these loans will create a worse economical crisis. They have their own agenda for 2012 and nothing would make them happier than leaving Obama with the heavy burden of having sunk Ford and the car industry, which is also a pillar for the USA in other industries, and in generating millions of jobs. A real heavy recession might be impossible to recover in four years and they will blame the democrats and Obama for not being successful in delivering the promises of renovation and health care as a right, affordable education, stem cell research and development, and millions of jobs creations with new and existing infrastructure. I may be a little paranoid, but why are these republicans (the majority of them) against this rescue plan or bailout, or whatever we want to call it? I honestly do not understand it, unless my paranoid mind is unfortunately right.
Monday, November 3, 2008
T'was the night of Election, when all through the house
Not a Democrat was stirring, not even a mouse;
The ballots were done by the scanner with care,
In hopes that Obama soon would be there;
The voters were nervous all watching TV from their beds
While visions of Republican cheating and tricks in their heads;
And Obama in his quarters and I in my laptop,
Had just settled down for a long stressful electoral map,
When out in Virginia arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch to listen what was the matter.
Away in that State the numbers were coming all in a rush,
Making the race real close to silence and act in a hush.
The mood of the anchors of all large TV News
Made the outcoming even more loose,
When, what to my joy Brian Williams is to appear
And firmly predicts a win in Virginia is finally near,
With Obama as the winner and McCain in the gutter,
I knew in a moment the fate of that phony Joe the Plumber.
More rapid than eagles, State after State, results duly came,
And though not yet over, how depressing for senile McCain;
And he from his quarters still shouting and whining:
"He's a Socialist! a Communist!, a Marxist! I am not canning!
He's raising your taxes! He wants to distribute your wealth!
I know, they all voted for him because it relates to my health!"
So, by midnight , "my friends" McWhine was just finished,
but that was not all, as the entire republican party clearly diminished.
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
Sarah Palin stops winking and initiates to cry,
Through her squeaky and unpleasant voice you can hear
"I'll be back without this old fart in four years!"
Not a Democrat was stirring, not even a mouse;
The ballots were done by the scanner with care,
In hopes that Obama soon would be there;
The voters were nervous all watching TV from their beds
While visions of Republican cheating and tricks in their heads;
And Obama in his quarters and I in my laptop,
Had just settled down for a long stressful electoral map,
When out in Virginia arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch to listen what was the matter.
Away in that State the numbers were coming all in a rush,
Making the race real close to silence and act in a hush.
The mood of the anchors of all large TV News
Made the outcoming even more loose,
When, what to my joy Brian Williams is to appear
And firmly predicts a win in Virginia is finally near,
With Obama as the winner and McCain in the gutter,
I knew in a moment the fate of that phony Joe the Plumber.
More rapid than eagles, State after State, results duly came,
And though not yet over, how depressing for senile McCain;
And he from his quarters still shouting and whining:
"He's a Socialist! a Communist!, a Marxist! I am not canning!
He's raising your taxes! He wants to distribute your wealth!
I know, they all voted for him because it relates to my health!"
So, by midnight , "my friends" McWhine was just finished,
but that was not all, as the entire republican party clearly diminished.
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
Sarah Palin stops winking and initiates to cry,
Through her squeaky and unpleasant voice you can hear
"I'll be back without this old fart in four years!"
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tonight, in a brilliant way, Barack Hussein Obama, hammered the last nail on McCain's political coffin. Obama's 30 minute special on 7 major TV networks delivered the final punch to his obsolete, ridiculous, vicious, envious, weak rival. He did it without having to defend any of the vicious attacks that McCain launched on him for many weeks. He didn't have to because they were so outrageous that not even republicans would pay any attention to them. There are six more days to go before we elect Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th President of this great country of ours. It's not going to happen without cheating and without the use of old and new tricks by the right wing fanatic republicans. They have already started sending fliers to voters, pretending to be official government messages, such as "If you have not paid your traffic violation tickets you cannot vote", or " If you have foreclosed on your house or declared bankruptcy you are not allowed to cast your vote", or.. get this..."Republicans must vote on the 4th of November, and Democrats on the 5h ". It's so pathetic that I broke into a dangerous laugh. Dangerous because I am asthmatic and laughing out loud makes me choke! But it is so rewarding to laugh at these pathetic losers that it was worth suffering shortness of breath for a few seconds.

Barack Hussein Obama made personal contact with those who took the time to watch him talk and explain his feelings regarding the problems the middle class were being inflicted by 8 years of the worst management this country has ever experienced in modern times. He dealt with personal situations, his and of many Americans and he did it without having to recur to lies and preposterous accusations. He just stated the facts in a simple and human way. That is the President our nation will have for the next four years, while McCain will dedicate his time to visit his 8 homes, which apparently he was not aware they existed, and Sarah Palin will be ripping him (McCain) apart, as this ambitious, cold Alaska Governor (cold as in a snake, not as in Alaska) prepares for 2012, if the republican party loses completely its marbles after this election total defeat. I picked these two activities for the "vaudeville duo" inasmuch as I do not think they can golf, which is what everyone does when they lose or go on vacation. It will certainly be a sad, depressing, pathetic vacation forMcLoser and Sarah Pain-in-the-ass.

My gut feeling is that McCain will suffer from post-partum syndrome, actually more like post abortion, since his campaign approach was more like an abortion than a ""partum", and that Queen Crab will go back to her roots, to Utah, where she was born, and become a Kindergarten teacher. instilling in five year old children her own version of pro-life and "nukular" plants.

I might be wrong on this one, so let me pick a second possibility...A plumber? Sarah the Plumber? I am delirious right now, I admit it. It's past midnight and my osteoarthritis is kicking in really hard, making me talk like a right wing republican. What a drag!

But before I finish this post, I want to point the finger at another right wing fascist. Tom DeLay. After 2 years as the republican Majority Leader in the Senate, he got indicted in 2005, unfortunately not convicted, due to technicalities, for money laundering. Tom DeLay was asked by Chris Matthews in an interview just before Obama delivered his infomercial, if he thought that Obama was a socialist. DeLay, who should be ashamed of showing himself publicly, accused Obama of being a socialist, and he added that Obama was a dangerous leftist harbouring Marxist ideals for this country. It is amazing how the disbanded republicans throw their tantrums!

In closing, you might have noticed that every time I mention Obama's full name I do not omit the HUSSEIN part. There is a very simple explanation to that, HUSSEIN sounds Muslim, and although he is not a Muslim, I know it bothers the hell out of the right wing republicans and nothing gives me more pleasure than to rub it in.
So, good night Sarah and Johny. Your Last Standing Comic act is coming to a close so you already know what your political destiny is, but in the meantime you still have six more days to suffer, while lying, which is the only thing you're good for. The only thing I really dislike about your sad finale is the fact that I am not going to see your sour puss faces, when you have to swallow your pride and make that fated call to congratulate BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA for his victory.
And...by the way, McDrain,Remember this morning in one of your pre-arranged showings? when you said: "Joe is with us today!" "Joe, where are you?", "Where is Joe?" "Joe, I thought you were here today!". For your information, Joe was there all the time. Joe the Plumber was...UP YOUR ASS, plunger included! Yes, I admit it, this is gross, but so is your campaign and your gestures, and when you do that quote unquote grotesque sign with your fingers, or when you go two pointy ugly thumbs up, half way with your arms, or when you make any kind of false statement. All of that is so insulting that I felt compelled to over indulge in my giving away of where that disgusting opportunistic phony plumber was hiding.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Is there a limit for the outrageous?

This Liberal (Yes, Liberal!. Not a Republican!) washed out lawyer has issued a press release sent to all major National TV Stations and Newspapers announcing that he has filed a suit in Federal Court in Philadelphia against Senator Obama, questioning his constitutional eligibility of his candidacy for president. Bottom line, among a bunch of false accusations, he says that Obama was born in Kenya. Therefore, he is not eligible under the Constitution, to be President of the United States.
So, there you have it. We also have deranged people among Liberals. There are probably a bunch of them, but my mission here is to tackle those with political inclinations, such as Philip J. Berg. This guy wants, in his own words, to "Restore the Republic". How about restoring his own career? 

If you still have any doubts,
there is an authenticated birth certificate issued in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, that shows that Obama was indeed born in the United States on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM.
But wait!, This is the same Philip J. Berg who also filed suit against our lame duck President " John Wayne" Bush, and his VP " Darth Vader" Cheney for a 9/11 conspiracy! I admit I am not fan of these two incompetent politicians with a 72% disapproval rating by Americans, but I do not doubt, regardless of their private agenda to protect their oil interests in association with Saudi Arabia, that they had nothing to do with 9/11. I find the accusation totally absurd and out of line. Not only has he filed suit but he has issued a call to world leaders to arrest and try Bush and Cheney for the global crimes of 9/11/01! This man has lost his marbles and he is still practising law. Wait a minute, that might not be so rare!

My suggestion to him is to change party affiliation and to register as an Independent first, like Lieberman, better known as "Joe the Chameleon". Then, after he starts brow nosing the Republican party and being ignored by them (like Lieberman), fully convert into a Republican (like Lieberman will) to try to be accepted, and finally, realizing that all these changes have not altered his status as a totally insignificant person, retire from the political opinionated world he lives in, and end his legal career with some decency.
It will not be easy to correct himself, as among the many steps he has to take to achieve that, first he has to land back on planet Earth. Yes, Mr. Berg your demented trip has taken you so far away, with so many fabrications, that by now you must have reached Uranus, and it must be very hard to think clearly that far from your brain. Once you are back here, where we try to make a living, in spite of lawyers like you, my advice is...try to be like many other lawyers in your category, for instance, try to be an ambulance chaser. Do not, under any circumstance, join the group of real lawyers who still honor their profession, because no matter how you regenerate yourself, you will never fit. Your malicious stories about 9/11 and against Obama's birth place has marked you for life, and all you'll be able to do as a lawyer will be small things, very small things, the
size of your brain.

"Joe the Plumber". About a Republican liar who was never a plumber.
"Tito the Builder". About a Hispanic Republican liar who never built anything.
"Rudy the Mayor". About this horse-mouth elected public servant better known as "St. Rudy of 9/11".

"Sarah the Governor". About a greedy ignorant woman who would use any unscrupulous tactics to get what she wanted, but failed.
"John the Loser". About a guy who could never win at anything.
"Phil the Paranoid". About this lawyer who would invent wild stories.
"Dagonaz the Blogger". About this writer who would be on everyone's hit list.
As you can see there are literally options and you, having such a vivid imagination, could survive applying all these Republican fantastic lies into children's reading material, instead of using them to insult our intelligence with ridiculous accusations and outrageous legal suits.
Monday, October 20, 2008

This post is not going to be pretty. I am not going to watch my words, maybe just a little bit. This is about expressing my total repulsion for what's going on during this presidential campaigns. We have, basically, two major parties, the Democratic one, and the Republican one. The Democratic is talking about issues and problems we've been faced with during eight of the worst years I ever recall. The Republican is not really talking. It's foaming at the mouth, like animals with rabies. They can't address one single issue, because they have no solutions. Not one idea to change anything. It's a derailed, fragmented party with a mentality of sore losers, and as such the only narrow agenda they have is to slander the opponent with fabricated lies and trying to instill fear in the people. It is the tactic used by fascist dictators or communist regimes, where people's opinion don't count and where ideologies, good or bad don't exist. Only theirs.

The Republican ticket is a row boat with cracks trying to navigate through a gale in the middle of the Atlantic. Neither nasal McCain nor low class Palin are at the helm of that sinking boat, because they are not capable to gear that tiller. The real problem with these two yo-yos is that they look like two yo-yos, both physically and ideologically. Maybe Palin looks a dash better because she is a woman and wears lipstick, high heels and fashion eyeglasses, but you dress a pit bull in sexy clothes and she is still a pit bull with fangs. As far as McBoring there isn't anymore I can say about him, except to come up with different nicknames every time I want to describe him. In my previous posts I have called him:
McNasal, McStupid, McSenile, McPhony, McLie, McPain, McSneaky, McAngry, McDoorman, McWar, McCrabby, McGrumpy, McCane. Believe me there will be more before theses elections are over!
Equal time for Sarah Palin's nicknames: Barracuda, Pit Bull, Sarah 6-pack, Caribou Burger Palin, and Queen Crab. If you wonder why I sound so mean and disrespectful, wonder no more... Because they had it coming. They have been insulting Obama and Biden and all of us, semi- average citizens, with their accusations, lies, perverse insinuations, character assassination statements, and no one, not one single democrat has had the balls to get back at them with a taste of their own medicine. We Democrats are too soft when it comes to hitting back. I have nothing to lose, I am not running for anything, I am a law abiding citizen with nothing to fear, except for the election of the wrong people to sink our country even further down economically and anaemically. And believe me, I do fear only that because, these right wing fascists, who call themselves Mavericks are now trying to scare us about socialism, while they pretend to ignore that both Social Security and Medicare are "socialistic" necessary evils for retired people to survive. I very well know that these extreme radicals have only one agenda that has nothing to do with socialism or terrorism, or patriotism. It has do with their agenda, and nothing else. So, I choose to be disrespectful and call them anything I feel like. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and patriotism. The good one.
OK, now let's drill some other republicans who are on my shit list:
McNasal, McStupid, McSenile, McPhony, McLie, McPain, McSneaky, McAngry, McDoorman, McWar, McCrabby, McGrumpy, McCane. Believe me there will be more before theses elections are over!
Equal time for Sarah Palin's nicknames: Barracuda, Pit Bull, Sarah 6-pack, Caribou Burger Palin, and Queen Crab. If you wonder why I sound so mean and disrespectful, wonder no more... Because they had it coming. They have been insulting Obama and Biden and all of us, semi- average citizens, with their accusations, lies, perverse insinuations, character assassination statements, and no one, not one single democrat has had the balls to get back at them with a taste of their own medicine. We Democrats are too soft when it comes to hitting back. I have nothing to lose, I am not running for anything, I am a law abiding citizen with nothing to fear, except for the election of the wrong people to sink our country even further down economically and anaemically. And believe me, I do fear only that because, these right wing fascists, who call themselves Mavericks are now trying to scare us about socialism, while they pretend to ignore that both Social Security and Medicare are "socialistic" necessary evils for retired people to survive. I very well know that these extreme radicals have only one agenda that has nothing to do with socialism or terrorism, or patriotism. It has do with their agenda, and nothing else. So, I choose to be disrespectful and call them anything I feel like. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and patriotism. The good one.
OK, now let's drill some other republicans who are on my shit list:

1.- Comedian Rush Linbaugh. He is a real asshole in total denial who believes that his radio show is going to last forever. Today, he insulted retired General Colin Powell for endorsing Obama. General Powell is the most respected Republican, who is also disappointed with his party leaning so dangerously to the right. Collin Powell, who was Secretary of State under George W. Bush, gave a long, concise and clear exposition of why he was supporting Obama. He was even asked by Tom Brokaw if he was concerned that some might view his endorsement as a racist one, to which he replied if that was the case he would not have waited that long to do it. This ass hole Linbaugh shouted through his mike " It was totally about race! ". After he gets the boot for running out of comic lines, for unveiling through more racial statements like today's that he is an ex KKK member, never unmasked before, and for not fitting in any chair anymore because of his fat greasy belly, he will probably work for a couple of years as a bouncer at a local circus. I understand there are no circuses bouncers, but I am sure that both McClown and Barking Dog Palin could create that job for him when they join fortunes to have their own circus after they are defeated, to pay homage to comedian Rush Big Mouth Linbaugh's illustrious career. They could make an incredible trio!

2.- Congress woman from Minnesota, Michele Bachmann. This
ignorant specimen showed her total lack of gray matter the other day when interviewed by Chris Matthews, attacking Obama and other members of Congress, with allegations that many members of Congress might be "Un-American" and suggesting an investigation "a-la-1950s- McCarthy". As she was making these moronic accusations, her right wing republican smirk, a.k.a facial trademark, was locked in from side to side of her mouth. She looked like a Sesame Street puppet gone wrong. How did this person get to Congress? Can we impeach Congress representatives who do not represent anyone of us, or can we fire them and give them a job as pick-up car dealer sales persons, for instance?
Better yet...Let's give her an I.Q. test. If she does not make it past 85 the Republican party can pick her as her candidate for the 2012 presidential elections. OK. I think I feel really good about my verbal explosion now, so that will be it for now. However, here is my disclaimer: I have the right to add, increase intensity and even discredit all these incompetent right wing republicans with lies of my own, if the need arises. Tooth for tooth, eye for eye. And just in case, in order to be a good citizen...GOD BLESS AMERICA. (Getting up from my chair and mumbling the Pledge of Allegiance).
ignorant specimen showed her total lack of gray matter the other day when interviewed by Chris Matthews, attacking Obama and other members of Congress, with allegations that many members of Congress might be "Un-American" and suggesting an investigation "a-la-1950s- McCarthy". As she was making these moronic accusations, her right wing republican smirk, a.k.a facial trademark, was locked in from side to side of her mouth. She looked like a Sesame Street puppet gone wrong. How did this person get to Congress? Can we impeach Congress representatives who do not represent anyone of us, or can we fire them and give them a job as pick-up car dealer sales persons, for instance?
Better yet...Let's give her an I.Q. test. If she does not make it past 85 the Republican party can pick her as her candidate for the 2012 presidential elections. OK. I think I feel really good about my verbal explosion now, so that will be it for now. However, here is my disclaimer: I have the right to add, increase intensity and even discredit all these incompetent right wing republicans with lies of my own, if the need arises. Tooth for tooth, eye for eye. And just in case, in order to be a good citizen...GOD BLESS AMERICA. (Getting up from my chair and mumbling the Pledge of Allegiance).
Friday, October 17, 2008

We all know that the 2004 Election was rigged by means of Republican cheating, threatening tactics, lies, intimidation and whatever they could think of.
Without going into the basic cheating and lying being practiced on a daily basis by that decrepit party, I would like to comment on some of the undesirable things we have heard and seen so far from the republican right wing characters.
At their campaign rallies: "Kill Him" "Traitor" "Terrorist". Also, that little old lady making a naive confession to McCain, such as "I'm really afraid! He is...an Arab".
How about Pitbull Palin with her squeaky voice trying to make her stupid no-personality fans believe that Obama has ties with terrorists and that he is a dangerous person. To all that McCain is in total denial, which is a trademark of his party. LYING!
And what about "Joe six-pack" and "Joe the plumber"? I, personally, feel insulted being considered as one of them in the middle class. Not that I have anything against beer or plumbers, but they do not represent me. They could have picked a beer drinker or a plumber, not two similar characters to represent the middle class. Maybe a plumber and a high school teacher? That would have covered with more amplitude the middle class.

Without going into the basic cheating and lying being practiced on a daily basis by that decrepit party, I would like to comment on some of the undesirable things we have heard and seen so far from the republican right wing characters.
At their campaign rallies: "Kill Him" "Traitor" "Terrorist". Also, that little old lady making a naive confession to McCain, such as "I'm really afraid! He is...an Arab".
How about Pitbull Palin with her squeaky voice trying to make her stupid no-personality fans believe that Obama has ties with terrorists and that he is a dangerous person. To all that McCain is in total denial, which is a trademark of his party. LYING!
And what about "Joe six-pack" and "Joe the plumber"? I, personally, feel insulted being considered as one of them in the middle class. Not that I have anything against beer or plumbers, but they do not represent me. They could have picked a beer drinker or a plumber, not two similar characters to represent the middle class. Maybe a plumber and a high school teacher? That would have covered with more amplitude the middle class.

What has that got to do with cheating? you may say. Well, let's see...
I strongly believe that the guys who shouted "Kill him" "Traitor" "Terrorist" were implants by the McCrumpy campaign, to incite the masses with the purpose of getting their vote. And as far as the little old lady...why didn't the cameras showed her face? Has anyone thought about that? Nice try by McPhony to pretend he's an honest man with his reply " No. He's a decent man, blah, blah." referring to Obama to appease that "anonymous" old lady. CHEATING.
Regarding "Joe the Plumber"...How come the McSneaky campaign went after him to make him so important after he had approach Obama with a question? That was a setup that has backfired. The guy is no plumber, has no plumbing license, never had any intentions of buying the plumbing company he NEVER WORKED FOR, owes money to Uncle Sam, and makes less than $50,000 a year, which makes him eligible to a tax cut under Obama's plan. He was definitely another Republican implant. CHEATING.

This is a new one: Recorded phone calls ("Robo-Calls") to undecided voters, scaring them with a terrifying message against Obama. The message is full of despicable lies. This is happening two weeks before the elections. It's the last card these cheaters-liars are playing out of desperation. It shows how low the republican party wants to go in order not to lose, because they are the worst sore losers of any kind. The "Country First" lemma is their hypocritical base where to hide while trying to meet their own personal selfish, greedy, anti-patriotic ignorant agenda.
This one is perhaps the most atrocious thing I've heard today. Chris Matthews of MSNBC was interviewing this fascist republican Congress woman from Minnesota, whose name I am not going to dignify in my blog. She was so radically right wing extremist that she scared me. She scared me because she talked like a deranged dictator with menacing statements, such as alleging that there are many democrat members on the Congress who are anti-American! Is she a far relative of Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, who in the 50s thought everyone was a communist and tried to deprive citizens of their freedom of speech?
This disturbed republican congress woman was accusing Obama of being a Communist! And she wants the media to start an investigation! Who elects these dangerous nuts who are terribly uninformed, or in my vocabulary...IGNORANT!
I strongly believe that the guys who shouted "Kill him" "Traitor" "Terrorist" were implants by the McCrumpy campaign, to incite the masses with the purpose of getting their vote. And as far as the little old lady...why didn't the cameras showed her face? Has anyone thought about that? Nice try by McPhony to pretend he's an honest man with his reply " No. He's a decent man, blah, blah." referring to Obama to appease that "anonymous" old lady. CHEATING.
Regarding "Joe the Plumber"...How come the McSneaky campaign went after him to make him so important after he had approach Obama with a question? That was a setup that has backfired. The guy is no plumber, has no plumbing license, never had any intentions of buying the plumbing company he NEVER WORKED FOR, owes money to Uncle Sam, and makes less than $50,000 a year, which makes him eligible to a tax cut under Obama's plan. He was definitely another Republican implant. CHEATING.

This is a new one: Recorded phone calls ("Robo-Calls") to undecided voters, scaring them with a terrifying message against Obama. The message is full of despicable lies. This is happening two weeks before the elections. It's the last card these cheaters-liars are playing out of desperation. It shows how low the republican party wants to go in order not to lose, because they are the worst sore losers of any kind. The "Country First" lemma is their hypocritical base where to hide while trying to meet their own personal selfish, greedy, anti-patriotic ignorant agenda.
This one is perhaps the most atrocious thing I've heard today. Chris Matthews of MSNBC was interviewing this fascist republican Congress woman from Minnesota, whose name I am not going to dignify in my blog. She was so radically right wing extremist that she scared me. She scared me because she talked like a deranged dictator with menacing statements, such as alleging that there are many democrat members on the Congress who are anti-American! Is she a far relative of Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, who in the 50s thought everyone was a communist and tried to deprive citizens of their freedom of speech?
This disturbed republican congress woman was accusing Obama of being a Communist! And she wants the media to start an investigation! Who elects these dangerous nuts who are terribly uninformed, or in my vocabulary...IGNORANT!

And last, but not least...our infamous famous Sarah Barracuda Palin, Queen Crab for her newly made enemies. She cynically lied on her statement claiming she was so pleased to see that she had not been found
guilty of any doing, legally and morally on the state trooper case, her ex brother-in-law, who had the misfortune of marrying anyone related to Queen Crab. As we all know, she was found guilty of unethical procedures by forcing her position into the firing of that man. CHEATING.
Additionally, she has the nerve to ask transparency from Obama, when she is as opaque as the brain of a right wing republican, of which she is an integral part.
The republican lying-cheating machine is running out of gas. Even if they had started off-shore drilling ten years ago, they would not have enough gas to get a boost in the polls. They are out of new lies. They are repetitive, boring and sub-par in quality and delivery. They look like a defeated team that out of frustration their only recourse is to kick the opponent. I believe it is time for a complete restructuring of the Old Party because right now that "Grand" middle word has been pitifully replaced by the word GUTLESS. That's what they are, the OLD GUTLESS PARTY.
guilty of any doing, legally and morally on the state trooper case, her ex brother-in-law, who had the misfortune of marrying anyone related to Queen Crab. As we all know, she was found guilty of unethical procedures by forcing her position into the firing of that man. CHEATING.
Additionally, she has the nerve to ask transparency from Obama, when she is as opaque as the brain of a right wing republican, of which she is an integral part.
The republican lying-cheating machine is running out of gas. Even if they had started off-shore drilling ten years ago, they would not have enough gas to get a boost in the polls. They are out of new lies. They are repetitive, boring and sub-par in quality and delivery. They look like a defeated team that out of frustration their only recourse is to kick the opponent. I believe it is time for a complete restructuring of the Old Party because right now that "Grand" middle word has been pitifully replaced by the word GUTLESS. That's what they are, the OLD GUTLESS PARTY.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

" I am not George Bush". Why is the media cashing in on that stupid quote by McAngry? I think it was a statement rehearsed and memorized by McCain upon advice by his also erratic campaign, and as such it had no merit. Especially because we all know he is not George Bush. No one can be George Bush! McCain is just a follower of the Bush doctrine, and the way he looked tonight I would venture to say he definitely was not George Bush. He looked more like a corpse with makeup. His embalmer performed restorative services to make him look more presentable for an open casket service. So let's put that so non important statement " I am not George Bush" where it deserves...in the trunk of insignificant memories of insignificant people.
During this final debate, Donald Duck McCain tried by all means to irritate Obama with his direct insults and demeaning accusations. He did not succeed. He looked and acted like a grumpy old man, gesticulating and forcing a cartoonish smile for the cameras, especially for his buddy "Joe the Plumber".

Who is really Joe the Plumber? You can find out about him on the Internet. he has become a celebrity thanks to MCain. Unfortunately, if Joe the Plumber is an honest worker, struggling with the economy, he will see his business continue to go down the drain, his health care issues unresolved and unaffordable, and if he is young, married with children he will not be able to afford for their education, because Joe the Plumber, like many other confused and uneducated voters, will ultimately cast his vote for McCain. If this can be of any consolation to you, poor Joe, remember that McCain owns 7 homes and at one point or another he might need plumbing work for all of them. Hurry up and take his phone number in exchange for your vote! However, if Joe the Plumber is like the plumbers I had to deal with, who charge you $80 just to show up, and leave with a $200 check after a 45 minute job, then, Senator McCain, don't worry about Joe, he is better off than the rest of us, especially now that you made him famous. Watch for some opportunistic leach to help him write his book.
(McChaplin and his tag-team)
For some time already I have been tempted to make this physical comparison but I have held back because I did not want to insult the memory of the person I compare McCain to. That person is Charlie Chaplin at his old age stage. Obviously, there is a big difference in all other aspects, such as intellectually, humorously and philosophically. McCain lacks all of those attributes. I feel bad for McCain. He is in the sunset of his political career and he leaves frustrated, defeated and deflated. I don't wish that on anyone and no matter how much I dislike him as a politician without a plan, he is probably a good human being. But such is life and such is the result of being on the wrong side most of the times when it comes to helping this country to help its people.
Angry McCain with his twisted distortions of the issues, even dared to ridiculed the constitutional rights of a woman to choose ending a life threatening pregnancy at an advanced stage, by making the sign of "quote-unquote" with his fingers when mentioning the word health, as if that was a petty excuse for women to terminate their pregnancy. He, of course, wants to repeal Roe Vs Wade, which will never happen because the strength of this country is based on the freedom of choice without government enforcement.

So all in all, McCain looked to me during this debate like a residential building doorman (nothing wrong with being a doorman) who is not interested in deep analysis and discussions on any big issue with the building tenants, because he, like the doorman, realizes that no one in that building has the time to listen to him and especially because all he has to say is gossip about everyone or somebody in that residence. There you have it, another nickname for McCain... McDoorman.
Angry McCain with his twisted distortions of the issues, even dared to ridiculed the constitutional rights of a woman to choose ending a life threatening pregnancy at an advanced stage, by making the sign of "quote-unquote" with his fingers when mentioning the word health, as if that was a petty excuse for women to terminate their pregnancy. He, of course, wants to repeal Roe Vs Wade, which will never happen because the strength of this country is based on the freedom of choice without government enforcement.

So all in all, McCain looked to me during this debate like a residential building doorman (nothing wrong with being a doorman) who is not interested in deep analysis and discussions on any big issue with the building tenants, because he, like the doorman, realizes that no one in that building has the time to listen to him and especially because all he has to say is gossip about everyone or somebody in that residence. There you have it, another nickname for McCain... McDoorman.
Obama won this final debate making it a sweep for the Democratic party 4-0 and the polls will continue showing him ahead and gaining ground in Republican states. There are still 3 weeks to go. In a presidential campaign that is a long time, but considering the advantage that Obama has already accumulated and the number of new democratic party registrations versus the Republican party ones, I believe that this race is over.

Suggestion for McManynicknames: With all the money you possess try to enjoy life after politics, but please do apologize first to everyone you have insulted their intelligence with your lies. It will help you live a much better life, because although money is very significant, our conscience is much more important, especially when we retire to sleep in the silence of our bedroom filled with the ghosts of our daily behaviour.
PS: By the way, if you watched the debate, did you notice that McCain's health plan will not cover you for a transplant? So if you need a kidney or a liver or a heart, good bye!
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