Tonight, in a brilliant way, Barack Hussein Obama, hammered the last nail on McCain's political coffin. Obama's 30 minute special on 7 major TV networks delivered the final punch to his obsolete, ridiculous, vicious, envious, weak rival. He did it without having to defend any of the vicious attacks that McCain launched on him for many weeks. He didn't have to because they were so outrageous that not even republicans would pay any attention to them. There are six more days to go before we elect Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th President of this great country of ours. It's not going to happen without cheating and without the use of old and new tricks by the right wing fanatic republicans. They have already started sending fliers to voters, pretending to be official government messages, such as "If you have not paid your traffic violation tickets you cannot vote", or " If you have foreclosed on your house or declared bankruptcy you are not allowed to cast your vote", or.. get this..."Republicans must vote on the 4th of November, and Democrats on the 5h ". It's so pathetic that I broke into a dangerous laugh. Dangerous because I am asthmatic and laughing out loud makes me choke! But it is so rewarding to laugh at these pathetic losers that it was worth suffering shortness of breath for a few seconds.

Barack Hussein Obama made personal contact with those who took the time to watch him talk and explain his feelings regarding the problems the middle class were being inflicted by 8 years of the worst management this country has ever experienced in modern times. He dealt with personal situations, his and of many Americans and he did it without having to recur to lies and preposterous accusations. He just stated the facts in a simple and human way. That is the President our nation will have for the next four years, while McCain will dedicate his time to visit his 8 homes, which apparently he was not aware they existed, and Sarah Palin will be ripping him (McCain) apart, as this ambitious, cold Alaska Governor (cold as in a snake, not as in Alaska) prepares for 2012, if the republican party loses completely its marbles after this election total defeat. I picked these two activities for the "vaudeville duo" inasmuch as I do not think they can golf, which is what everyone does when they lose or go on vacation. It will certainly be a sad, depressing, pathetic vacation forMcLoser and Sarah Pain-in-the-ass.

My gut feeling is that McCain will suffer from post-partum syndrome, actually more like post abortion, since his campaign approach was more like an abortion than a ""partum", and that Queen Crab will go back to her roots, to Utah, where she was born, and become a Kindergarten teacher. instilling in five year old children her own version of pro-life and "nukular" plants.

I might be wrong on this one, so let me pick a second possibility...A plumber? Sarah the Plumber? I am delirious right now, I admit it. It's past midnight and my osteoarthritis is kicking in really hard, making me talk like a right wing republican. What a drag!

But before I finish this post, I want to point the finger at another right wing fascist. Tom DeLay. After 2 years as the republican Majority Leader in the Senate, he got indicted in 2005, unfortunately not convicted, due to technicalities, for money laundering. Tom DeLay was asked by Chris Matthews in an interview just before Obama delivered his infomercial, if he thought that Obama was a socialist. DeLay, who should be ashamed of showing himself publicly, accused Obama of being a socialist, and he added that Obama was a dangerous leftist harbouring Marxist ideals for this country. It is amazing how the disbanded republicans throw their tantrums!

In closing, you might have noticed that every time I mention Obama's full name I do not omit the HUSSEIN part. There is a very simple explanation to that, HUSSEIN sounds Muslim, and although he is not a Muslim, I know it bothers the hell out of the right wing republicans and nothing gives me more pleasure than to rub it in.
So, good night Sarah and Johny. Your Last Standing Comic act is coming to a close so you already know what your political destiny is, but in the meantime you still have six more days to suffer, while lying, which is the only thing you're good for. The only thing I really dislike about your sad finale is the fact that I am not going to see your sour puss faces, when you have to swallow your pride and make that fated call to congratulate BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA for his victory.
And...by the way, McDrain,Remember this morning in one of your pre-arranged showings? when you said: "Joe is with us today!" "Joe, where are you?", "Where is Joe?" "Joe, I thought you were here today!". For your information, Joe was there all the time. Joe the Plumber was...UP YOUR ASS, plunger included! Yes, I admit it, this is gross, but so is your campaign and your gestures, and when you do that quote unquote grotesque sign with your fingers, or when you go two pointy ugly thumbs up, half way with your arms, or when you make any kind of false statement. All of that is so insulting that I felt compelled to over indulge in my giving away of where that disgusting opportunistic phony plumber was hiding.

1 comment:
Joe The John and His Rectal McCains. Sounds like a large choir club in some backwater neighborhood. All I know is that the day of reckoning will finally be over soon. 4 days till election!!!
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