We all know that the 2004 Election was rigged by means of Republican cheating, threatening tactics, lies, intimidation and whatever they could think of.
Without going into the basic cheating and lying being practiced on a daily basis by that decrepit party, I would like to comment on some of the undesirable things we have heard and seen so far from the republican right wing characters.
At their campaign rallies: "Kill Him" "Traitor" "Terrorist". Also, that little old lady making a naive confession to McCain, such as "I'm really afraid! He is...an Arab".
How about Pitbull Palin with her squeaky voice trying to make her stupid no-personality fans believe that Obama has ties with terrorists and that he is a dangerous person. To all that McCain is in total denial, which is a trademark of his party. LYING!
And what about "Joe six-pack" and "Joe the plumber"? I, personally, feel insulted being considered as one of them in the middle class. Not that I have anything against beer or plumbers, but they do not represent me. They could have picked a beer drinker or a plumber, not two similar characters to represent the middle class. Maybe a plumber and a high school teacher? That would have covered with more amplitude the middle class.

Without going into the basic cheating and lying being practiced on a daily basis by that decrepit party, I would like to comment on some of the undesirable things we have heard and seen so far from the republican right wing characters.
At their campaign rallies: "Kill Him" "Traitor" "Terrorist". Also, that little old lady making a naive confession to McCain, such as "I'm really afraid! He is...an Arab".
How about Pitbull Palin with her squeaky voice trying to make her stupid no-personality fans believe that Obama has ties with terrorists and that he is a dangerous person. To all that McCain is in total denial, which is a trademark of his party. LYING!
And what about "Joe six-pack" and "Joe the plumber"? I, personally, feel insulted being considered as one of them in the middle class. Not that I have anything against beer or plumbers, but they do not represent me. They could have picked a beer drinker or a plumber, not two similar characters to represent the middle class. Maybe a plumber and a high school teacher? That would have covered with more amplitude the middle class.

What has that got to do with cheating? you may say. Well, let's see...
I strongly believe that the guys who shouted "Kill him" "Traitor" "Terrorist" were implants by the McCrumpy campaign, to incite the masses with the purpose of getting their vote. And as far as the little old lady...why didn't the cameras showed her face? Has anyone thought about that? Nice try by McPhony to pretend he's an honest man with his reply " No. He's a decent man, blah, blah." referring to Obama to appease that "anonymous" old lady. CHEATING.
Regarding "Joe the Plumber"...How come the McSneaky campaign went after him to make him so important after he had approach Obama with a question? That was a setup that has backfired. The guy is no plumber, has no plumbing license, never had any intentions of buying the plumbing company he NEVER WORKED FOR, owes money to Uncle Sam, and makes less than $50,000 a year, which makes him eligible to a tax cut under Obama's plan. He was definitely another Republican implant. CHEATING.

This is a new one: Recorded phone calls ("Robo-Calls") to undecided voters, scaring them with a terrifying message against Obama. The message is full of despicable lies. This is happening two weeks before the elections. It's the last card these cheaters-liars are playing out of desperation. It shows how low the republican party wants to go in order not to lose, because they are the worst sore losers of any kind. The "Country First" lemma is their hypocritical base where to hide while trying to meet their own personal selfish, greedy, anti-patriotic ignorant agenda.
This one is perhaps the most atrocious thing I've heard today. Chris Matthews of MSNBC was interviewing this fascist republican Congress woman from Minnesota, whose name I am not going to dignify in my blog. She was so radically right wing extremist that she scared me. She scared me because she talked like a deranged dictator with menacing statements, such as alleging that there are many democrat members on the Congress who are anti-American! Is she a far relative of Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, who in the 50s thought everyone was a communist and tried to deprive citizens of their freedom of speech?
This disturbed republican congress woman was accusing Obama of being a Communist! And she wants the media to start an investigation! Who elects these dangerous nuts who are terribly uninformed, or in my vocabulary...IGNORANT!
I strongly believe that the guys who shouted "Kill him" "Traitor" "Terrorist" were implants by the McCrumpy campaign, to incite the masses with the purpose of getting their vote. And as far as the little old lady...why didn't the cameras showed her face? Has anyone thought about that? Nice try by McPhony to pretend he's an honest man with his reply " No. He's a decent man, blah, blah." referring to Obama to appease that "anonymous" old lady. CHEATING.
Regarding "Joe the Plumber"...How come the McSneaky campaign went after him to make him so important after he had approach Obama with a question? That was a setup that has backfired. The guy is no plumber, has no plumbing license, never had any intentions of buying the plumbing company he NEVER WORKED FOR, owes money to Uncle Sam, and makes less than $50,000 a year, which makes him eligible to a tax cut under Obama's plan. He was definitely another Republican implant. CHEATING.

This is a new one: Recorded phone calls ("Robo-Calls") to undecided voters, scaring them with a terrifying message against Obama. The message is full of despicable lies. This is happening two weeks before the elections. It's the last card these cheaters-liars are playing out of desperation. It shows how low the republican party wants to go in order not to lose, because they are the worst sore losers of any kind. The "Country First" lemma is their hypocritical base where to hide while trying to meet their own personal selfish, greedy, anti-patriotic ignorant agenda.
This one is perhaps the most atrocious thing I've heard today. Chris Matthews of MSNBC was interviewing this fascist republican Congress woman from Minnesota, whose name I am not going to dignify in my blog. She was so radically right wing extremist that she scared me. She scared me because she talked like a deranged dictator with menacing statements, such as alleging that there are many democrat members on the Congress who are anti-American! Is she a far relative of Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, who in the 50s thought everyone was a communist and tried to deprive citizens of their freedom of speech?
This disturbed republican congress woman was accusing Obama of being a Communist! And she wants the media to start an investigation! Who elects these dangerous nuts who are terribly uninformed, or in my vocabulary...IGNORANT!

And last, but not least...our infamous famous Sarah Barracuda Palin, Queen Crab for her newly made enemies. She cynically lied on her statement claiming she was so pleased to see that she had not been found
guilty of any doing, legally and morally on the state trooper case, her ex brother-in-law, who had the misfortune of marrying anyone related to Queen Crab. As we all know, she was found guilty of unethical procedures by forcing her position into the firing of that man. CHEATING.
Additionally, she has the nerve to ask transparency from Obama, when she is as opaque as the brain of a right wing republican, of which she is an integral part.
The republican lying-cheating machine is running out of gas. Even if they had started off-shore drilling ten years ago, they would not have enough gas to get a boost in the polls. They are out of new lies. They are repetitive, boring and sub-par in quality and delivery. They look like a defeated team that out of frustration their only recourse is to kick the opponent. I believe it is time for a complete restructuring of the Old Party because right now that "Grand" middle word has been pitifully replaced by the word GUTLESS. That's what they are, the OLD GUTLESS PARTY.
guilty of any doing, legally and morally on the state trooper case, her ex brother-in-law, who had the misfortune of marrying anyone related to Queen Crab. As we all know, she was found guilty of unethical procedures by forcing her position into the firing of that man. CHEATING.
Additionally, she has the nerve to ask transparency from Obama, when she is as opaque as the brain of a right wing republican, of which she is an integral part.
The republican lying-cheating machine is running out of gas. Even if they had started off-shore drilling ten years ago, they would not have enough gas to get a boost in the polls. They are out of new lies. They are repetitive, boring and sub-par in quality and delivery. They look like a defeated team that out of frustration their only recourse is to kick the opponent. I believe it is time for a complete restructuring of the Old Party because right now that "Grand" middle word has been pitifully replaced by the word GUTLESS. That's what they are, the OLD GUTLESS PARTY.
1 comment:
The Republican party and its members in this country will stop at nothing. Communist they say? How about trying to have just one party win every election all the time? Wouldn't that be something of a totalitarian communist-like regime? And yet, that's exactly what the Republicans would expect and have....if we let them.
No, my friends (and not in the vain that McFuckFace says it in), the issue lies not with our Republican crazed constituency, but rather in the neanderthal members who support their ideals. These idiots, who represent the majority of the populus in all the red states (sans the rich people), are the ones who should be investigated, and deported, as far as I am concerned. At some point, the high ranking GOP decided to go after voters with IQs of less than 3. The Republican Party wanted them to give them their vote, so that they in turn can use this "force" of numbers to pay off the rich people that put this party on the map in the first place. And since these fucking morons which make up a good portion of our country are just that, fucking morons, they dont even know what is that they are voting for.
But for those of us who actually use that gray matter that is above our eyebrows, we do know what they are voting for. They are voting for the destruction of this country. They are voting for the elimination of the middle class, to be followed by a subsequent invasion by another country, once the rest of the world sees what a bunch of morons we are for having voted in the likes of McBrainless and Paleontholigin. It goes without saying that the worst example of us was in 2000 and 2004 when we voted the same useless man into office. The first time was by thievery and the second by abject stupidity.
Will America ever stand up to this lying-cheating machine? Depends on who you ask. If you ask people who are free thinking, and who care about their future and those of their children, then the answer is yes. But if you are one of those people in middle-earth America, whose values in life hinge upon the next episode of the Ultimate Fighting Champion and/or frequent Nascar Events, or just how much of a porterhouse steak one can eat in a sitting, then we are in for four more years of buffoonery.
I for one, would rather be in a cage with a big gorilla throwing a Samsonite piece of luggage around than to see that happen. Oh wait *pause*, I just realized. That's America right now. We are caged and caged with absolute ignoramuses.
God Help America.
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