This post is not going to be pretty. I am not going to watch my words, maybe just a little bit. This is about expressing my total repulsion for what's going on during this presidential campaigns. We have, basically, two major parties, the Democratic one, and the Republican one. The Democratic is talking about issues and problems we've been faced with during eight of the worst years I ever recall. The Republican is not really talking. It's foaming at the mouth, like animals with rabies. They can't address one single issue, because they have no solutions. Not one idea to change anything. It's a derailed, fragmented party with a mentality of sore losers, and as such the only narrow agenda they have is to slander the opponent with fabricated lies and trying to instill fear in the people. It is the tactic used by fascist dictators or communist regimes, where people's opinion don't count and where ideologies, good or bad don't exist. Only theirs.

The Republican ticket is a row boat with cracks trying to navigate through a gale in the middle of the Atlantic. Neither nasal McCain nor low class Palin are at the helm of that sinking boat, because they are not capable to gear that tiller. The real problem with these two yo-yos is that they look like two yo-yos, both physically and ideologically. Maybe Palin looks a dash better because she is a woman and wears lipstick, high heels and fashion eyeglasses, but you dress a pit bull in sexy clothes and she is still a pit bull with fangs. As far as McBoring there isn't anymore I can say about him, except to come up with different nicknames every time I want to describe him. In my previous posts I have called him:
McNasal, McStupid, McSenile, McPhony, McLie, McPain, McSneaky, McAngry, McDoorman, McWar, McCrabby, McGrumpy, McCane. Believe me there will be more before theses elections are over!
Equal time for Sarah Palin's nicknames: Barracuda, Pit Bull, Sarah 6-pack, Caribou Burger Palin, and Queen Crab. If you wonder why I sound so mean and disrespectful, wonder no more... Because they had it coming. They have been insulting Obama and Biden and all of us, semi- average citizens, with their accusations, lies, perverse insinuations, character assassination statements, and no one, not one single democrat has had the balls to get back at them with a taste of their own medicine. We Democrats are too soft when it comes to hitting back. I have nothing to lose, I am not running for anything, I am a law abiding citizen with nothing to fear, except for the election of the wrong people to sink our country even further down economically and anaemically. And believe me, I do fear only that because, these right wing fascists, who call themselves Mavericks are now trying to scare us about socialism, while they pretend to ignore that both Social Security and Medicare are "socialistic" necessary evils for retired people to survive. I very well know that these extreme radicals have only one agenda that has nothing to do with socialism or terrorism, or patriotism. It has do with their agenda, and nothing else. So, I choose to be disrespectful and call them anything I feel like. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and patriotism. The good one.
OK, now let's drill some other republicans who are on my shit list:
McNasal, McStupid, McSenile, McPhony, McLie, McPain, McSneaky, McAngry, McDoorman, McWar, McCrabby, McGrumpy, McCane. Believe me there will be more before theses elections are over!
Equal time for Sarah Palin's nicknames: Barracuda, Pit Bull, Sarah 6-pack, Caribou Burger Palin, and Queen Crab. If you wonder why I sound so mean and disrespectful, wonder no more... Because they had it coming. They have been insulting Obama and Biden and all of us, semi- average citizens, with their accusations, lies, perverse insinuations, character assassination statements, and no one, not one single democrat has had the balls to get back at them with a taste of their own medicine. We Democrats are too soft when it comes to hitting back. I have nothing to lose, I am not running for anything, I am a law abiding citizen with nothing to fear, except for the election of the wrong people to sink our country even further down economically and anaemically. And believe me, I do fear only that because, these right wing fascists, who call themselves Mavericks are now trying to scare us about socialism, while they pretend to ignore that both Social Security and Medicare are "socialistic" necessary evils for retired people to survive. I very well know that these extreme radicals have only one agenda that has nothing to do with socialism or terrorism, or patriotism. It has do with their agenda, and nothing else. So, I choose to be disrespectful and call them anything I feel like. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and patriotism. The good one.
OK, now let's drill some other republicans who are on my shit list:

1.- Comedian Rush Linbaugh. He is a real asshole in total denial who believes that his radio show is going to last forever. Today, he insulted retired General Colin Powell for endorsing Obama. General Powell is the most respected Republican, who is also disappointed with his party leaning so dangerously to the right. Collin Powell, who was Secretary of State under George W. Bush, gave a long, concise and clear exposition of why he was supporting Obama. He was even asked by Tom Brokaw if he was concerned that some might view his endorsement as a racist one, to which he replied if that was the case he would not have waited that long to do it. This ass hole Linbaugh shouted through his mike " It was totally about race! ". After he gets the boot for running out of comic lines, for unveiling through more racial statements like today's that he is an ex KKK member, never unmasked before, and for not fitting in any chair anymore because of his fat greasy belly, he will probably work for a couple of years as a bouncer at a local circus. I understand there are no circuses bouncers, but I am sure that both McClown and Barking Dog Palin could create that job for him when they join fortunes to have their own circus after they are defeated, to pay homage to comedian Rush Big Mouth Linbaugh's illustrious career. They could make an incredible trio!

2.- Congress woman from Minnesota, Michele Bachmann. This
ignorant specimen showed her total lack of gray matter the other day when interviewed by Chris Matthews, attacking Obama and other members of Congress, with allegations that many members of Congress might be "Un-American" and suggesting an investigation "a-la-1950s- McCarthy". As she was making these moronic accusations, her right wing republican smirk, a.k.a facial trademark, was locked in from side to side of her mouth. She looked like a Sesame Street puppet gone wrong. How did this person get to Congress? Can we impeach Congress representatives who do not represent anyone of us, or can we fire them and give them a job as pick-up car dealer sales persons, for instance?
Better yet...Let's give her an I.Q. test. If she does not make it past 85 the Republican party can pick her as her candidate for the 2012 presidential elections. OK. I think I feel really good about my verbal explosion now, so that will be it for now. However, here is my disclaimer: I have the right to add, increase intensity and even discredit all these incompetent right wing republicans with lies of my own, if the need arises. Tooth for tooth, eye for eye. And just in case, in order to be a good citizen...GOD BLESS AMERICA. (Getting up from my chair and mumbling the Pledge of Allegiance).
ignorant specimen showed her total lack of gray matter the other day when interviewed by Chris Matthews, attacking Obama and other members of Congress, with allegations that many members of Congress might be "Un-American" and suggesting an investigation "a-la-1950s- McCarthy". As she was making these moronic accusations, her right wing republican smirk, a.k.a facial trademark, was locked in from side to side of her mouth. She looked like a Sesame Street puppet gone wrong. How did this person get to Congress? Can we impeach Congress representatives who do not represent anyone of us, or can we fire them and give them a job as pick-up car dealer sales persons, for instance?
Better yet...Let's give her an I.Q. test. If she does not make it past 85 the Republican party can pick her as her candidate for the 2012 presidential elections. OK. I think I feel really good about my verbal explosion now, so that will be it for now. However, here is my disclaimer: I have the right to add, increase intensity and even discredit all these incompetent right wing republicans with lies of my own, if the need arises. Tooth for tooth, eye for eye. And just in case, in order to be a good citizen...GOD BLESS AMERICA. (Getting up from my chair and mumbling the Pledge of Allegiance).
1 comment:
Let us all hope that people have enough sense to realize the type of people that they are voting for. A vote for someone who will lie, cheat and steal, is a person who will lie, cheat and steal from you if elected. Let us hope that common sense prevails in this election, and that we have someone who is strong, sensible, eloquent, and most important act on behalf of at least the 95% of Americans out there who have seen enough bullshit thanks to a myriad of failed acts over the last 8 years.
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