This Liberal (Yes, Liberal!. Not a Republican!) washed out lawyer has issued a press release sent to all major National TV Stations and Newspapers announcing that he has filed a suit in Federal Court in Philadelphia against Senator Obama, questioning his constitutional eligibility of his candidacy for president. Bottom line, among a bunch of false accusations, he says that Obama was born in Kenya. Therefore, he is not eligible under the Constitution, to be President of the United States.
So, there you have it. We also have deranged people among Liberals. There are probably a bunch of them, but my mission here is to tackle those with political inclinations, such as Philip J. Berg. This guy wants, in his own words, to "Restore the Republic". How about restoring his own career? 

If you still have any doubts,
there is an authenticated birth certificate issued in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, that shows that Obama was indeed born in the United States on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM.
But wait!, This is the same Philip J. Berg who also filed suit against our lame duck President " John Wayne" Bush, and his VP " Darth Vader" Cheney for a 9/11 conspiracy! I admit I am not fan of these two incompetent politicians with a 72% disapproval rating by Americans, but I do not doubt, regardless of their private agenda to protect their oil interests in association with Saudi Arabia, that they had nothing to do with 9/11. I find the accusation totally absurd and out of line. Not only has he filed suit but he has issued a call to world leaders to arrest and try Bush and Cheney for the global crimes of 9/11/01! This man has lost his marbles and he is still practising law. Wait a minute, that might not be so rare!

My suggestion to him is to change party affiliation and to register as an Independent first, like Lieberman, better known as "Joe the Chameleon". Then, after he starts brow nosing the Republican party and being ignored by them (like Lieberman), fully convert into a Republican (like Lieberman will) to try to be accepted, and finally, realizing that all these changes have not altered his status as a totally insignificant person, retire from the political opinionated world he lives in, and end his legal career with some decency.
It will not be easy to correct himself, as among the many steps he has to take to achieve that, first he has to land back on planet Earth. Yes, Mr. Berg your demented trip has taken you so far away, with so many fabrications, that by now you must have reached Uranus, and it must be very hard to think clearly that far from your brain. Once you are back here, where we try to make a living, in spite of lawyers like you, my advice is...try to be like many other lawyers in your category, for instance, try to be an ambulance chaser. Do not, under any circumstance, join the group of real lawyers who still honor their profession, because no matter how you regenerate yourself, you will never fit. Your malicious stories about 9/11 and against Obama's birth place has marked you for life, and all you'll be able to do as a lawyer will be small things, very small things, the
size of your brain.

"Joe the Plumber". About a Republican liar who was never a plumber.
"Tito the Builder". About a Hispanic Republican liar who never built anything.
"Rudy the Mayor". About this horse-mouth elected public servant better known as "St. Rudy of 9/11".

"Sarah the Governor". About a greedy ignorant woman who would use any unscrupulous tactics to get what she wanted, but failed.
"John the Loser". About a guy who could never win at anything.
"Phil the Paranoid". About this lawyer who would invent wild stories.
"Dagonaz the Blogger". About this writer who would be on everyone's hit list.
As you can see there are literally options and you, having such a vivid imagination, could survive applying all these Republican fantastic lies into children's reading material, instead of using them to insult our intelligence with ridiculous accusations and outrageous legal suits.
Not if your name is Dagonaz.
That was the funniest shit yet. I howled when I saw Biden as the African Hunter but despite Lieberman in a tutu, I think the part that woke the neighbors up here, had to be the moment where you compare Giuliani to what? St. Francis of Assisi?
My neighbors are going to be filing a petition against me tomorrow. Laughing as hard as I did and at midnight no less on a work week is not good. Shame on you Mr. Liberal. Shame on you!
Glad I made your night, and that of your neighbors too. By the way...Rudy Guliani's father was a mafia enforcer. Just a "trivia" bulletin.
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