" I am not George Bush". Why is the media cashing in on that stupid quote by McAngry? I think it was a statement rehearsed and memorized by McCain upon advice by his also erratic campaign, and as such it had no merit. Especially because we all know he is not George Bush. No one can be George Bush! McCain is just a follower of the Bush doctrine, and the way he looked tonight I would venture to say he definitely was not George Bush. He looked more like a corpse with makeup. His embalmer performed restorative services to make him look more presentable for an open casket service. So let's put that so non important statement " I am not George Bush" where it deserves...in the trunk of insignificant memories of insignificant people.
During this final debate, Donald Duck McCain tried by all means to irritate Obama with his direct insults and demeaning accusations. He did not succeed. He looked and acted like a grumpy old man, gesticulating and forcing a cartoonish smile for the cameras, especially for his buddy "Joe the Plumber".

Who is really Joe the Plumber? You can find out about him on the Internet. he has become a celebrity thanks to MCain. Unfortunately, if Joe the Plumber is an honest worker, struggling with the economy, he will see his business continue to go down the drain, his health care issues unresolved and unaffordable, and if he is young, married with children he will not be able to afford for their education, because Joe the Plumber, like many other confused and uneducated voters, will ultimately cast his vote for McCain. If this can be of any consolation to you, poor Joe, remember that McCain owns 7 homes and at one point or another he might need plumbing work for all of them. Hurry up and take his phone number in exchange for your vote! However, if Joe the Plumber is like the plumbers I had to deal with, who charge you $80 just to show up, and leave with a $200 check after a 45 minute job, then, Senator McCain, don't worry about Joe, he is better off than the rest of us, especially now that you made him famous. Watch for some opportunistic leach to help him write his book.
(McChaplin and his tag-team)
For some time already I have been tempted to make this physical comparison but I have held back because I did not want to insult the memory of the person I compare McCain to. That person is Charlie Chaplin at his old age stage. Obviously, there is a big difference in all other aspects, such as intellectually, humorously and philosophically. McCain lacks all of those attributes. I feel bad for McCain. He is in the sunset of his political career and he leaves frustrated, defeated and deflated. I don't wish that on anyone and no matter how much I dislike him as a politician without a plan, he is probably a good human being. But such is life and such is the result of being on the wrong side most of the times when it comes to helping this country to help its people.
Angry McCain with his twisted distortions of the issues, even dared to ridiculed the constitutional rights of a woman to choose ending a life threatening pregnancy at an advanced stage, by making the sign of "quote-unquote" with his fingers when mentioning the word health, as if that was a petty excuse for women to terminate their pregnancy. He, of course, wants to repeal Roe Vs Wade, which will never happen because the strength of this country is based on the freedom of choice without government enforcement.

So all in all, McCain looked to me during this debate like a residential building doorman (nothing wrong with being a doorman) who is not interested in deep analysis and discussions on any big issue with the building tenants, because he, like the doorman, realizes that no one in that building has the time to listen to him and especially because all he has to say is gossip about everyone or somebody in that residence. There you have it, another nickname for McCain... McDoorman.
Angry McCain with his twisted distortions of the issues, even dared to ridiculed the constitutional rights of a woman to choose ending a life threatening pregnancy at an advanced stage, by making the sign of "quote-unquote" with his fingers when mentioning the word health, as if that was a petty excuse for women to terminate their pregnancy. He, of course, wants to repeal Roe Vs Wade, which will never happen because the strength of this country is based on the freedom of choice without government enforcement.

So all in all, McCain looked to me during this debate like a residential building doorman (nothing wrong with being a doorman) who is not interested in deep analysis and discussions on any big issue with the building tenants, because he, like the doorman, realizes that no one in that building has the time to listen to him and especially because all he has to say is gossip about everyone or somebody in that residence. There you have it, another nickname for McCain... McDoorman.
Obama won this final debate making it a sweep for the Democratic party 4-0 and the polls will continue showing him ahead and gaining ground in Republican states. There are still 3 weeks to go. In a presidential campaign that is a long time, but considering the advantage that Obama has already accumulated and the number of new democratic party registrations versus the Republican party ones, I believe that this race is over.

Suggestion for McManynicknames: With all the money you possess try to enjoy life after politics, but please do apologize first to everyone you have insulted their intelligence with your lies. It will help you live a much better life, because although money is very significant, our conscience is much more important, especially when we retire to sleep in the silence of our bedroom filled with the ghosts of our daily behaviour.
PS: By the way, if you watched the debate, did you notice that McCain's health plan will not cover you for a transplant? So if you need a kidney or a liver or a heart, good bye!
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