Monday, September 14, 2009
Considering that 70,000 Zombies marched to display their racial hate to Obama, and considering that Zombies leave their graves at night (I think), it occurs to me, to really screw them up, to change the signs at the entrance of their cemetery pointing all the way to Rush Limbaugh's desk where he clowns and bounces for three hours Monday through Friday at his Manhattan Bunker. What a sight to see all those Zombies walking back early in the morning, before the sun rises, to Limbaugh's place to prepare for the next " When the insane go marching in" demonstration. And...since Limbaugh is such a showman...he will no doubt take advantage of this opportunity to call his radio talk show "A Family Reunion " and make another bundle of millions of dollars, while he rants against health care reform for those 47 million of citizens, whose yearly income put together does not get close to the amassed fortune this clown possesses.
These 70,000 morons, screaming and yelling explicits that I don't even dare to repeat, showed up with signs and banners to protest against Obama's "Big Government Spending and Control ". Following is an example of those anti-big government spending and too much involvement:
"PRESIDENT'S OBAMA HEALTH CARE CZAR (the guy holding this one wearing a black hood over his head. KKK going black now?)
"FASCISM" (Obama portrayed as the Joker from Batman's movies)
" THIS TIME WE DID NOT BRING GUNS..." (was that a threat?)
And many, many more with similar messages. Obviously Zombies don't have a clue about the subject they were supposed to complain against, and it was anarchy at its best. Kind of " Bring your own insult against our President. The best one gets a private deluxe new grave next to future prominent Zombies, such as Michele Bachmann, Joe Wilson, Eric Cantor, Glenn Beck, or any other paranoid delusional of your choice" . Nothing to do with the real issues, of course.
I read, whenever I get a chance since I am so busy with the entertainment provided by the right wing racists, Bill Maher blogs. He tells it like it is and I agree with him, that Democrats are cowards. They give in to any
outrageous comment, critique, lie, insult or extra terrestrial statement
made by the Party of NO, as if they were the minority in the Senate and the House. We voted for you, Democrats! Do what you promised you would do! Forget the approval of the right wing, after all the Zombies support would always be very shaky! (pun definitely intended).
I should mention that the large majority of the 70,000 Zombies have no idea of what Socialism, Communism,Marxism, Fascism, and any other ideology means or stands for. That is why I find it hilarious and as funny as the famous quote by Ms. Barracuda: "I can see Russia from my window" when trying to prove her knowledge about foreign affairs.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Many things have changed since. Some for the best, most for the worst. Morocco has now been an independent nation since 1956. It has had its up and downs, but it seems that it has prospered and modernized among its natives. Women, although still second rated citizens, are back on the beach wearing bikinis, and in the office running their own companies. They've come a long way. I still have some friends left over there. They are Muslims and they are good people, with the same problems and same daily situations to face we all face here. They are educated people, not terrorists, as many ignorant extremists here believe only because they are Muslims. We were friends, in spite of me being the son of a Catholic father and a Jewish mother, and them being Muslims. In Tangier we all were educated differently than on other parts of the world. Tangier was international where all religions were accepted and respected. We understood and showed respect toward our professed religions and our customs and traditions.
Unfortunately for us, Americans, born or naturalized, many things in the greatest country in the world, seem to be going downwards on a spiral. We hate more than ever; we are more selfish and do not care about those who lose their homes because of health care premiums and illnesses and pre-existing conditions not covered by blood sucking insurance companies; we are more racist than ever, although we pretend not to be;
we cannot accept that a black person is our new president; we have lost respect for the truth and we are so submerged into our lies that we actually believe they are the truth. We have fallen into the pathological
state of accepting the lie as a truth. We have become more ignorant than ever. Granted that in 1961 we did not know where Hawaii was and some of us still don't know yet. And that in the early 60s racism was a way of life in many parts of this country. I, personally experienced it, indirectly, one day in the summer of 1961, in Los Angeles, California, when I attempted to buy lunch to a black coworker. He was very adamant to accept and going out of the working place for lunch. I insisted and he finally obliged, I guess to convince myself of the reason of his persistence. As we walked down the street to a Coffee Shop, and as I was ready to enter he stopped me and pointed at a sign on the window next to the door: " NO NEGROES ALLOWED".
So, that has not changed in a way, and although "Negros" are allowed now, the rejection still exists at all levels. This is the rejection that's in the air today, We could not define it before the elections. It is clear after Obama was elected. Racism is alive and "well" in this country. I suppose ignorance plays a major part for this disgraceful reality. And ignorance is abundant in the Southern States mainly. Those States that still wave the Confederate flag with preference over the United States flag. Those States that produce bullies and low class citizens such as Congressman Joe Wilson from South Carolina, creating an avalanche of sheep followers, of the same caliber of intelligence, who storm the streets protesting against the help that their President wants to give them to improve their lives, and who have the gall to call our President liar. One of them, an old "lady" with a quote such as "The Muslims are moving in". A complete disgrace of Americans in the view of the rest of the world. Definitely, things have changed here for the worst.
I remember going to Drive-Ins; Diners with roller skate waitresses serving you in your car; playing music in a jukebox for a dime; leaving at night my empty bottles of milk by the door and picking up full ones the next morning; reading pages and pages of "Help Wanted" in every newspaper; going to a Department Store and being swarmed by smiley employees eager to help you; having all the register counter positions in the store occupied by workers; not getting annoying telemarketing calls; going out at night without fear; refueling at a gas station without getting out of your car and getting your windshield washed; not being charged for the delivery of an appliance you spent good money for; talking to a "real" person not to a recorded message; but more important...showing respect to our President. It has all changed for the worse. With very few exceptions, we are a society of takers, of "what's in there for me" characters, of computer controlled minds, of "Face Book", instead of Faces and Books, Internet rather than inter brain. Logic has gone the side way, common sense has no room in our computer; and humanity has a dollar sign.
This is the country I came to in my early years and I integrated with as we all did, from any nation and any religion. This is the country that accepted me, as it accepted everyone who immigrated here, with open arms and with the lemma "if you work and live an honest life you are welcome here". This is the country that made me happy, that I enjoyed for so many years, that made me proud and brave.
Now, 48 years later, this is the country that makes me sad, cautious, and worried. I see too many changes and a tremendous lack of respect and responsibility towards our president, our flag and our freedom.
We need to educate our people. The education system has failed, it has cloystered itself and ostracized from the rest of the world, hence making a large size of its population totally ignorant of the outside world, and not precisely geographically speaking, but of their own personal world. This population is afraid of any changes and they immediately call it socialism or communism, when the reality is that our government needs some times to intervene to avoid new Wall Street frauds, Banks greed, HMOs avarice and control of our lives, and many other injustices we suffer in the hands of unscrupulous companies and individuals whose only goal is to make money at our expense and our misfortune.
Unfortunately these people who protest in the lowest and most uneducated and insulting way, and rally against new ideas submitted by our "Black President", eventually, when this is over and the Health Care reform passes the Senate and Congress and it's made into law, will benefit from it. Jesus Christ offered the other cheek when he was slapped, our democratic government will do the same when those against it will reap the benefits as well. But...Obama, in their narrow and sick minds, will still be "The Black President". The one they will keep attacking and trying to undermine on any and all of his quests, to dig our country out of the deep hole we fell in during some of the worst eight years we ever witnessed and experienced in our short, but proud history.
I don't care if the TV Networks don't have the balls to openly state that what's going on is racism, and if politicians or prominent interviewed people do not dare to make that conclusion either. I am a law abiding citizen, who still loves this country and will fight for it the only way I can now, which is by the freedom of speech given to me by The U.S. Constitution, and I have no fear to say that everything that's happening now against our President Obama is ONLY DUE TO RACISM. Period.
Would we be better off if most of the southern States, such as Texas, South Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi decided to fight for a Secession and declared themselves another country, like for instance " The Southern States of America"? I don't think so, although sometimes I wonder...I believe there is room for everyone here, even for those who are
constantly verbally abusing our President and our Government with lies and outrageous statements.
Yes, 48 years ago things were much better than now, but as it is said in a marriage...FOR GOOD AND FOR BAD UNTIL DEATH DO US PART.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Every day a new loony shows up with a statement more outrageous than the previous one by another loser. Not that I am keeping stats on these
deranged right wing republicans, but if I were I am pretty sure my top 3 list of double-tantrum throwers, as of today, would rank like this:
1st: Michele Bachmann. She believes she can run for the U.S. Presidency! And that is why Democrats are after her! She definitely suffers from paranoid delusional syndrome, or PDS, which could also stand for Pathetic Demented Soul.
2nd: Glenn Beck. According to him General Electric (thus also NBC) are COMMUNIST and they show their inclinations by headquartering at the Rockfeller Plaza building. See... Rockefeller was a "progressist" with new ideas to help the people, and so is Obama. You make the connection. And the building displays some communist art, like a sickle and a hammer, and many more bizarre statements by Beck in his "becky wacky" shows.
3rd:Rush Limbaugh. He is still there making incoherent noises, jumping around, and comparing Obama with Hitler.
These three imbeciles, like the majority of anti-Obama protesters act impulsed by the frustration of having lost the elections and to a black person. They are still tantruming on the double, and will continue for the entire two terms that President Barak Obama will run this country. Partidism and racism runs amok. We, unfortunately, are still star years away from liberating ourselves from bigotry, anti-Black and anti-Hispanic feelings. We, in spite of all industrial and technical advances, are still Neanderthals when it comes to social behavior and racial integration. Keep in mind that almost 60 million votes went to McCain/Palin. 60 million people do not want change. They did not want a black president. 60 million people is a very large number for a losing party. It is scary and dangerous when losers do not accept defeat, for they keep looking for revenge at any cost, even if it means constantly lying, carrying guns in open spaces in defiance, or showing total disrespect for their elected President. What will their next move be when the health care reform passes with the "Public Option" forcing insurance companies to be competitive? What will the Republican politicians do when the Insurance companies stop greasing them with big checks to offset competing with the government option plan standards?
There are too many questions to answer, but one reply for sure will be...MORE TANTRUMS. That is what these republicans do best.
She is swimming in deeper waters now and hiding between rocks and coral reef, while catching any moving prey that swims too close to her sharp teeth mouth. That's the barracuda in action.
Because her I.Q. is lower than the water temperature she swims around, every time she opens her mouth it is to make outrageous vile statements. Her latest one is called "Death Panels". In her obsession to survive in the political arena, in spite of her disastrous showing during her calamity campaign, she now is scaring the sheep society that follows her by telling her crowds that the democrats in government will establish groups or "panels" to decide whether one should live or not, based on age, health condition, economic situation, etc. etc.
The "Death Panels" is a fiction tool created by republicans taken from a provision in the Health Care Reform plan, which provides free consultation, if so desired by the patient, that allows his/her doctor to answer any questions regarding wills, end of life previsions and provisions. It is not an imposed directive on anyone to end his/her life. But, leave it to republicans to distort it to their convenience in order to scare the "sheep society" to death (talk about Death Panels!).
Miss Barracuda, or Queen Crab for others, lacks originality, besides other things related to her literate encephalitis, as she will use any mind control tactics invented by her republican comrades to get people (or whatever they are) excited about the prospects of defeating any idea by their "enemies" the liberal-socialist-communist-Marxist democrats who want to change this country to an old USSR. We can take this as an insult to our intelligence and lash back, or we can use it as a model of democracy, where everyone is allowed to say stupid things, hoping that the least dumb statements will outrun the most harming ones so a debate can take place with some common ground. We can't have a debate or an exchange of opinions and ideas if one of the parties is outrageously brainless and acts in bad faith. And we know where Miss Barracuda is coming from, don't we? She will avoid any kind of rational discussion with opponents or media interviewers for the mere fact that she does not know the facts or she will purposely ignore them to slide into her bizarre world of malicious survival mode, where she is most comfortable and where she can hide her ignorance.
There are more than 20 species of barracudas, one of them is known as the Obtuse Barracuda. This one fits very well with Sarah Palin's intellectual description. Another attribute to the barracuda is that they are attracted by jewelry and other shiny objects. Miami, watch out!
Friday, August 7, 2009
real names: IGNORANTS, RACISTS, ZOMBIES, etc. etc.
It is clear that, besides showing to the world that the "Ugly American" is well and alive in the United States, and that they do not have to travel abroad to remind the rest of the world who they are, that their sole purpose is to disrupt any type of dialog between the speakers and the audience. They do not want the good patriotic Americans to get answers and be informed about Obama's plan for reforming Health Care. Their only goal is to torpedo anything that comes out of the Democratic Senate and Congress, mainly because they cannot still accept the fact that they lost, but also because they are radicals with no power, whose moves and screams and shouting and signs are orchestrated by other radicals in power who hate the fact that a black man, democrat, is our president. This is not about Health Care. These people couldn't care less if their HMO would triple or quadruple their monthly payments or if they would be refused assistance at a hospital because their Insurance would turn them down due to a pre-existing condition. To them it is more important to stick to their antiquated radical party beliefs than to provide Health care to 47 million Americans who do not have it. They are, besides stupid, selfish and extremely ignorant; and they qualify under the term I defined radical republicans in another of my blogs, as ZOMBIES. They are strolling through the streets without knowing what direction to go. Thus, if any extreme right wing organization leads them to Town Hall Meetings, that's where they end up, all in disarray, shouting different things at the same time and polluting the air with their obnoxious presence.
So, it is wrong to think that they are there because they don't like Obama's Health Care reform plan. They are there because they are racists, imbeciles, and easily brainwashed by others. Plus...they are not really happy with their lives and have no personal ambition to a better one. They achieved the state of contentment and they are petrified to accept change, even if it means improvement in their pitiful lives.
Among the stupidities instilled in their diminutive brains to shout at these meetings, one stands out....SOCIALISM. They do not want the government to intervene in health care because that, according to them, it is socialism and their narrow minds unable them to see it any other way. So, if I were Obama, I could obtain a hunk of money to offset the Health care reform plan by depriving these idiots from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, which are all government run plans. How could they fight that? Aren't they against government intervention?
Democrats should have Bouncers at all these Town Hall meetings, who could start kicking these rioters out. If we allow bouncers to do that at private clubs, bars, and other public places, why can't we do that at Town Hall meetings? After all these meetings are to inform intelligent and open minded people who are interested in listening, and they are not being given the same rights as these trash rowdy species. KICK ALL THOSE MORONS OUT and continue with the meetings!
We definitely got it all wrong. We allow these Zombies to shout and scream, under the 1st Amendment protection, but we do not allow the pacific ones to be able to ask questions and be properly informed. Where is the justice here? KICK ALL THOSE MORONS OUT!
Let us not lose sight of the real reason behind these orchestrated demonstrations. The extreme right wing, which apparently has taken over the GOP, wants to create a chaos at these gatherings to the point of scaring the majority of the population, half naive, half ignorant, and 100% easy to manipulate, against anything that the democrats want to undertake to change the fatal course this country was taken by Bush/Cheney and company. Hillary Clinton put it this way: If they see Obama walking on water, their only reaction would be..."Yes, but can he swim?". Need I say more?
Well, maybe yes. The following is an extract of the first amendment, which clearly defines the limits of freedom of speech and the penalties if not observed. Why are we not applying it to these law-breakers? Here it is: " Free speech zones are areas set aside in public places for political activists to exercise their right of free speech as an exercise of what is commonly called TPM or TIME, PLACE, MANNER regulation of speech. Free speech zones are set up by the Secret Service who scout locations near which the president is to pass or speak. Officials may target those displaying signs and escort them to the free speech zones prior to and during the event. Protesters who refuse to go to free speech zones could be arrested and charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest. In 2003, a seldom-used federal law was brought up that says that "willfully and knowingly to enter or remain in any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting" is a crime."
Hey, let's have these Town Hall meetings protected by the Secret Service and let's apply this ruling made available to us!
Therefore, and once again...KICK THOSE MORONS OUT of the Town Halls and make them stay very far away so no matter how much they scream, bark, or bray, the only ones they can bother is one another and their coward radical right wing-hiding behind the scene-leaders.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Let us not forget that Liddy was one of those undesirable participants in the Watergate scandal, who was found guilty of conspiracy, burglary and wiretapping and sentenced to 20 years in jail. Unfortunately, he was pardoned by Jimmy Carter after 4 years of serving and he has since been lashing against democrats on a radio show and some books he has written. Anyone can write a book today. Look at me, I write blogs and no one knows who I am, except my family and close friends. Imagine a serious fanatic extremist like Gordon Liddy. He will always have an audience in this country. Like Rush Limbaugh the clown, and Ann Coulter the viper. They can write any books they want and be published.
Fame is acquired through infamous deeds more than through heroism. It's a disgraceful fact of life because it brings money to everyone involved, and money commands our lives.
Inasmuch as Liddy's intentions are to discredit President Obama, mainly because he is a democrat, and secondly because he is black. I think it is important to tell, although it is publicly known, that Liddy, whose, by the way, mustache resembles the one that Adolph Hitler wore, although a little bushier than the WWII "sicko", joined in 1972 a committee to carry out activities against Nixon political enemies. This Committee operated under the name of "CREEP", very appropriate indeed. CREEP stood for Committee to Reelect the President (Nixon). These creeps were able to obtain a budget of $250,000 to function, although their request to Nixon's administration was originally $1,000,000 (Operation Gemstone).
Now, here is my question: Why do we have to give this creep airtime on prime television? He is a convicted felon, he is senile, he is a radical. He is never going to accept the true facts. He will only try to exploit his accusations with no proof whatsoever of his statements to back them up with facts or documents. He will never admit that Obama was born in the USA because his purpose is, like that of many other radical who are still sore and hurting for having lost the elections, to continue hammering till they create an atmosphere of doubt among the huge number of ignorant Americans who still believe Obama is a Socialist Muslim born in Africa.
Proof of their ignorance is the fact that they associate the Muslim faith to Socialism. That is a total incongruity.
I have a solution to end with all these malicious accusations against Obama. Form a group to investigate all the obscure activities of these losers. I am sure that many wrongdoing illegal activities will pop up, enough to put these guys in jail or at least to shut them up once and for all. Unfortunately, Democrats, unlike Republicans, are cowards and will continue opting for abiding by the rules of ethic instead of bending their morals just a tiny bit to crush these cockroaches. By no means I intend to describe Republicans as brave, just fanatic delusional beings who are not afraid of lying to obtain their goals.
Perhaps another solution to ridicule these radicals would be to start spreading the news that the entire Obama's Cabinet was born in Africa too. Say..Biden is a Tanzanian citizen, Hillary was born in Uganda but was brought by her parents to the USA at the age of 2 weeks, and that the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi is a citizen of the Ivory Coast, proof of that is her continuous smile to show her teeth. If we counter attack the ridiculous conspiracy theory against Obama the same fashion as idiots like Liddy are, we might be able to show the public who these conspiracy clowns really are.
I need to close this article before I fall asleep and forget to check my Atlas regarding the geographical location of Hawaii and what country owns it. With so much ignorance going around I must make sure it is not contagious to liberal democrats like me.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Around 3 pm this afternoon I decided to go to the Public Library in Tamarac to get some movies I was interested in watching. I brought a list of five of them and stood in line to ask the library worker about these movies. The line was formed by me only. No one behind, but you already know you have to stand in line. That is the routine procedure we've been
trained for anywhere we go, STAND IN LINE even if you are the only one there.
My turn came up. I knew it was my turn because I was the first one there,
actually the only one, as I mentioned before, but I played the game and waited to be called.
Finally the worker, an old lady with a pronounced triple chin, who had been on the phone with someone else, hung up and softly called "May I help you?". I must say with a smile and in a very polite way. I approached her and told her I was looking for some movies. She answered "Give me the titles". I told her I had five and she replied "You are only entitled to three". I thought that she was wrong because you are entitled to take out five DVDs at a time, but I kept quiet, like you have been taught to behave without arguing or trying to make your point.
Thus, I gave her three titles. She only found one, therefore I proceeded to give her the remaining two, based on the fact that according to her I could have three and only one movie was available so far.
As I started mentioning the 4th movie she stopped me: " I said you can only have three, I am sorry, only three".
My reply was: "Yes, but you told me you could only find one, so I can have two more, right?". "No sir, (still very polite I must confess), she answered, Once I enter three titles in the computer that's it".
I was perplexed and could not resist to ask why only three titles could be entered in the computer to find out if they existed or not. Why not two more? Her explanation was by the book. Every customer is only entitled to ask for three titles AT A TIME. That's the key! AT A TIME! The reason is very avoid holding up the line. As I have already mentioned I was the only one on line! So I tried to explain to her that there was no one behind me. I was not holding anyone up! "Sorry (she continued), but that's the rule".
"OK, what do I do now to find out about the other two titles?"
" You come back and stand in line again for another turn" was her reply.
"Ah, so I can walk out the exit door, turn around, enter again and stand in line once more?"
"Yes sir" (wow, this lady was extremely polite!).
Then, I walked out of the Library (about 10 paces to the door), came back in and stood in line. Again, there was no one standing in line, but me.
She saw me and, I swear to God, she said" "May I help you?"
I looked at her, smiled (almost laughed, but I was able to restrain myself)) and said: "Hi, I am back. Remember me?". No answer to that. She just asked me for the other two titles, thus she definitely remembered me, in spite of the 20 elapsed seconds on my round trip. I gave those titles to her, but these two were not in existence either.
At the end of this "by the book" episode I was told that the only movie she
was able to find would take ten days. Fine with me.
Is this the only encountered I've had with people and organizations who go by the book, regardless of how ridiculous is the interpretation by those who apply it? Of course not, we live according to stupid rules written by lawyers who try to have control of all of us. and by employees of institutions, mainly governmental, whose requirements to hold those jobs are a social security number, proof of citizenship and some type of religious belief. Intelligence and common sense need not to apply.
Poor planet Earth run by idiots!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The list could be endless, depending of whom you ask or in what time we lived. or what kind of music we enjoy better, or how nationalistic we are. There are many factors to choose from to determine who was the greatest talent.
Today, in the year 2009 and for many years to come, perhaps another 50, is Michael Jackson.
That said, let's get down to earth and be a little bit more realistic. Is an entertainer, no matter how great an artist, more important than for instance Fleming? If you forgot who Alexander Fleming was, he discovered PENICILLIN in 1928, which has cured and will continue curing millions of people. Fleming was born in 1881 and died in 1955, two years after Elvis' introduction to the world of music.
Is an entertainer more important than a paint artist, like Michelangelo, or Leonardo, or Velazquez, or Rembrandt, or many other greats alike?
I have this dilemma...who remembers the music of the 30s or the 40s? Obviously people who today are close to the age of 80. When these people leave us who is going to remember the Andrew Sisters or Glen Miller? Very few. But we still see pictures of Wyeth or Winslow Homer's masterpieces. And we still read Cervantes' "Don Quijote de la Mancha", Shakespeare's "Othello", and Dante's "La Divina Commedia". In medicine, art and literature there is no time limit. They last forever.
Unfortunately for entertainment and music, time elapses with time. Songs written, sang and performed yesterday have been or will be forgotten or buried in the cruel reality of time. Imagine, if this planet earth ever reaches the 30th century, who will be singing then "Beat it", or
"Billie Jean"? My guess is no one. But the great immortal works of Dali or Beethoven will prevail and still be there.
I am not trying to put Michael Jackson's popularity down. He was by his own talent one of the greatest entertainers, but the rest of us, who are merely mortal followers, feel today that Michael was more than that, that he was indeed the greatest of them all. I do not share that feeling, perhaps because I believe that there is no ultimate best of anything. No one is the best of everything, unless he is God, like no country is the best country of the world in everything, unless it is a utopic place, and that is not real. Was Michael Jackson real? I think he was. He had virtues and defects, like all of us, he was a superior talent performing, but a total mess in his personal life.
Today's generation, together with the media has made him a superman, close to a God and I believe we've gone over the top.
Michael, like the Beatles, like Elvis, like Sinatra, like many other great singers and performers will be part of the world musical treasure, but that'll be all. No human accomplishments, no hero status, not savior of humanity.
Michael, you made our lives happier and that is perhaps your greatest achievement. Thank you. Rest in peace
Friday, July 3, 2009
"Great State of Alaska" (size wise, that is) effective July 26, 2009. Hit the road Jack!
However, I smell a political move here. She's got something up her sleeve. She's stupid, but very wily, and I think this is the beginning of a long range plan for her political ambitions.
The only good thing about her resignation is that this is the kind of news we needed to take a break from Michael Jackson's death, life, music, and the rest of the "who gives a damn" about a mortal who provided us with a new twist in singing and choreographed moves, with dubious sexual behavior in between. We have at least, now, three good days of rest from the Jackson's media bombardment. Too bad it's only three days, or maybe five? because the Jackson paranoia will continue for a long while.
Sarah Palin has said that her resignation is the best decision to maintain the positive course Alaska is on towards a great future of accomplishments. Here is my question (and please forgive me Alaskans): What else can you get from Alaska, besides fish, crustaceans and oil?
The largest state of the Union, with the 47th population does not have much more to offer and due to the freezing conditions most of the year I can't imagine much improvement in their resources and production.
Did she give up because of the latest news about her confrontations with McCain's campaign people? Is she trying to damage McCain in the Senate, although I don't believe he needs more damage than the one He caused to himself by picking her as his running mate. There are many questions to be answered, including the fact that she is abandoning a post she was elected for by the people of Alaska. To me, based on the reasons she has given to justify it, that is absolutely nonsense and very unprofessional. She was elected to do a job and she is quitting, not because a tragic personal or family reason, not because she was caught stealing or any other crime, but because it is her decision. Period.
Thus, be prepared to hear further developments on this resignation. The Palin saga is not over, which is definitely good for the democratic party. While Palin and the other two human misrepresentations, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter keep barking at the news, the party of NO and hypocrisy is doomed for the next 8 years, at least.
Here is another hypothesis: Sarah Palin realized or was adviced to quit to dedicate time to her education. and she is going to spend these years to learn about world politics, foreign countries, trade agreements, immigration, health care, education, the economy, and other basic facts of today's world we live in. Wait a minute! Why was she chosen to run with McCain then if she was a complete ignorant? Probably because in a party of political zombies she was the only one alive, in spite of her total lack of knowledge.
And last, but not least, could it be that she got a very lucrative offer from the porno industry? ("Sarah does Governor Sanford") Oops... Sorry, I may be crossing the line here.
As of now, all we hear from the media "experts"is that she may go into the world of speeches. That's not too bad considering how much some organizations pay to have controversial people deliver 30 minutes of labial garbage.
Whatever it is, race for the Senate, self education, porno, or public speaking, she is OUT before her term and by her own decision for personal reasons, which means "Me first, screw the people that elected me ".
May I call you Sarah? (as..."May I call you Joe?")
To be continued
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I purchased the firmest mattress they had at City Furniture in Hiatus Road, Tamarac, Florida. Perhaps not the most expensive one but one of the most, over a thousand dollars. The salesman never told me that the mattress would sink about an inch before the first month of usage. When this happened I called City Furniture and was able to schedule a service visit for someone to come to my house and check the mattress out.
Somebody came, used some type of a laser beam and after 3 minutes of measuring told me that the mattress had indeed sank 1 inch. According to this man and his supervisor, whom I talked to on the phone while he was here, that was perfectly normal and I would have a case only if the mattress would have ceded 2 inches. Matter closed. NOT SO FAST!
I proceeded to write letters to City Furniture, Sealy Mattress and the Better Business Bureau. Only the BBB replied. Their answer, the first time was somehow siding with City Furniture as they insinuated that this furniture company had given them an answer which apparently was satisfactory. It was not. First because they did not copy me and I had no idea what was their reply, and second because at no time City Furniture assumes responsibility. They claim that they follow Sealy Mattress, the manufacturer's standards. It is clear that both City Furniture and Sealy Mattress' standards are way below the customer satisfaction standards.
The second letter from BBB, after my reiteration to them against City Furniture, is a document that I cannot understand. Actually I do understand but it makes no sense whatsoever. This is what they said:
" Thank you for letting us know that you are dissatisfied with the company's response to your complaint. We are therefore, unable to pursue this matter further and are closing our file. Your complaint will remain in our files and will become part of the information we issue to the public about this company".
How about that? Because I am dissatisfied with the company's response (which, by the way, I never had one) they close the file!!!!!
I thought that the BBB was there to find a solution for the customer, and not only to keep complaints available for reading to prospective victims.
I do not pretend to have the BBB continue with my complaint. They probably have no power to influence any company or anyone to adhere to customer service ethics. I can clearly see that their job is to receive complaints, contact the culprit and after a reply from these liars about their products, keep a big file for other people to see or to request. I suppose that is all they do to justify their job. But my complaint is not against them, it is against City Furniture and against Sealy Mattress. Of course, in a less than perfect society, where the main goal is to succeed or survive at any expense, it is to be expected that both these companies cannot be an exception to the rule. They set very low standards and they deliver very low customer service satisfaction.
I am stuck with a mattress,that according to them a 1 inch sinking is a "normal body impression". They do not specify weight of the users. Both my wife and I weigh together 300 lbs. I wonder what excuse will they find if the purchasing couple would weight 450 lbs for instance? Would 1 inch be sufficient or would they have the decency of accepting 2 or 3 inches?
I was a City Furniture client for many years. I will never purchase anything in that store again. I will never buy another Sealy mattress either. Both companies do not give a penny for their customers. They operate on volume, so what is one person like me going to alter their sales?I only hope that after you read this you ask all the questions I asked before buying, but including the one that never crossed my mind, such as:
"HOW MANY INCHES DO YOU ALLOW THIS EXTRA FIRM MATTRESS TO SINK BEFORE I CAN HAVE A LEGITIMATE COMPLAINT?". Keep in mind. Do not fall like me into believing that what you try at the store is what you are going to have a month later after usage.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
We both had a favorite from the moment the contestants were reduced to twenty. It was clear (in our minds) that the last four to compete for the title would be Adam, Allison, Danny, and Chris. Although other competitors had a slight chance to sneak in among the top 10, we always came to the conclusion that Adam, Allison, Danny and Chris were the best.
Our choice proved us right as far as the last four to remain in the contest.
After that we screwed up completely. Well maybe we did not agree with the elimination order. Chris was our choice to be the first one to leave among those final four. He, notwithstanding a very nice voice, had no personality and could be easily forgotten the day after. But Chris, week after week never made the bottom three and kept qualifying till the final duel with Adam.
Oddly enough, or maybe not so surprising, while we thought that Adam was by far the best, because is uniqueness and style complementing an incredible voice, we always felt that there was a reason why Chris was going to be the winner for the following reasons:
1) There were some rumors about Adam's sex orientation because of his
looks, excessive makeup, painted fingernails and stage moves.
2) Adam was the front runner, yet he made the bottom three towards the
last weeks, while Chris was taking a safe seat moving ahead without
any complications. We saw Allison being voted out, then Danny and
our premonition was to be confirmed in the final.
3) Chris always looked like the clean cut American, a churchgoer religious, conservative young man, soft spoken (so was Adam). He was perfect for the majority of the voters, mainly teenage girls with a cellphone, Ipod, IPhone or any of those new inventions that has rendered the new generation practically clones of one another. As clones these teenyboppers must have made at least 50 calls each to repeat their vote for their favorite, the teenage cross between Richie and Fonzie, the perfect combination between naivete, goodness and machismo...Chris.
I, personally believe that the biggest factor for Adam to lose was that America, at any age level, is not ready yet to proclaim a gay person or alleged gay guy "American Idol". First in the mind of the majority of our population an American person must be strong, macho, overdosed in testosterone and at the same time must look like God wanted us to look if we have a man's body. And second because the word "Idol" will never be represented by anyone who shows or projects liberal tendencies. We are still too obtuse and conservative.
And that, in my view is why Adam lost and Chris won. It has nothing to do with singing, but let's remember the show is called "American Idol", not "American Best Young Singer of The Year". Too long a title, anyway.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
My question is this....Why didn't they think of that while Bush was there? After all he was always on a break and he could have used all those tea bags. Well, not alone, but imagine how much more fun it would have been for Georgie having daily social tea with sinister Cheney, manipulative Karl Rove, the dumb blond Press Secretary Dana Perino, the indicted ex Majority Leader Tom Delay, the ex Secretary of State twisted mind Donald Rumsfeld and the rest of the Republican political losers who used an ignorant president for personal gain in their crooked political career.
Are these protesters willing to return the tax break money they will get from the new tax law which reduces their payments to Uncle Sam? Because, correct me if I am wrong, I believe those people standing on the streets holding those stupid signs with tea bags hanging from their empty heads make much less than $200,000 a year and they will all get a stimulus check of $500 each. Are they planning to return it to the White House with their tea bags? How hypocritical can these double standard people be!
Unfortunately, this is what you get in a democracy full of ignorant people.
They are entitled to their opinion. I am surprised that Coke or Pepsi did not think of that idea first. How much more money would have that brought them? "Send a Coke or a Pepsi to the White House!" These advertising agencies and marketing companies have no imagination!
I venture to say they are lead by Republicans. It has to be.
What will be next after the Tea Bag Parties are over and no one has given a hoot about them? I have an idea for these idiots, how about a Hula Hoop demonstration? Then, after most of these people end up in the infirmaries with hip problems, they can petition through the Internet with another bunch of idiotic emails that we all send Hula Hoops to The White House.
Give it up! Wait for your bigger checks, idiots! All you are doing now is hurting your chances to recuperate some of your little gray matter. Little because you never had much, but better than nothing, anyway.
Oh yes, if I get another asinine email asking me to send a Tea Bag to The White House, I will send to the emailer house (there are ways to find out where you live) a Chamomile Tea Bag, with a copy of this blog, in case his/her diminutive flat brain did not have a chance to read it. Chamomile tends to sooth anxiety and you need to chill and concentrate on your paychecks, not on those of the people who make more than $250,000
And in case you think we are still in 1773...Yes, you are. You have not progressed an iota. You still live in 1773 and are scared shit to join new ideas in a new world. This is the 21st Century. You can't even come up with a demonstration that fits these modern times!
Friday, April 17, 2009

Their only and already worn out position on any issue is the one about criticizing Obama and creating controversy on anything that our President does and/or talks about. it is the position of the loser, of the one who has nothing original to say or do, the NO position.
What else are we to expect? Sarah Palin on a self-campaign tour to promote her "bridge to no where" candidacy for 2012? Rush Limbaugh to continue his clowning through the radio? Indicted former Majority Leader Tom Delay, pretending he did not understand Chris Matthews question about the stupid comments by Rick Perry and getting off his tangents to show us once more how much in denial he and all his republican southerners colleagues are? Or perhaps, that black guy, elected to be the Republican National Committee boss, Michael Steele, who was chosen by his fellow republicans as a way to say "we too can have a black leader". So infantile because Obama is the leader of them too, as their denial takes them to extremes of comatose state of the brain. Mind you, when I say "black" it is not with any intention to bring out the race issue, as I believe Obama is the only one who can straighten out this mess and I voted for him. I only mention "black" to make a point about the ridiculous reasoning of the Republican party, or whatever is left of it.

Unfortunately for this pitiful Republican party, the damage they are suffering was caused by them. They can no defend from it, as they are both the attacker and the enemy. They keep throwing rocks at their own roof, and those of them who are inside the damaged house contemplating their own destruction eventually run out for cover, although they don't know where to go. They are dispersing in all directions like a cattle without direction.
I do have a soft spot in my heart for them, because after all they are Americans like the Democrats and would like to see them regroup and to integrate in what should be a common cause to bring back this country to the 21st century, where we were before Bush. Therefore, dear Republicans, please reconsider for your own good and survival...become Democrats! Your party, as we used to know it , is finished. Caput. Muerto. Zonked out.

Note: "ZONKED OUT" is my own invention, based on a contraction of "Zombies" and ("N") "Knocked Out".
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Here are the details in a letter I decided to mail to Vice President Biden, for whom I have great admiration and faith:
March 30, 2009
Vice President Joe Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. Vice President:
First of all I want to express to you my warmest wishes in your new position and my support to both the President and yourself for a successful recovery of our country. I have faith you will do it.
This letter has another purpose and I hope you get to read it in your busy schedule. It should not be taken as a personal request for myself, but rather as a deterrent to other rip-off perpetrated by the State of Delaware towards American citizens, like me, who try to make some additional income and trust Internet companies who pretend to represent the “victim” but don’t tell you the whole story about incorporating as a Limited Liability Corporation.
By reading the two attached letters you will realize how this crooked and complicated law instituted by the State of Delaware gets additional money from innocent people like me. Bottom line, I ended up paying a total of $700 to cancel and close my corporation for 9 months of operating as DAGONAZ CREATIONS LLC, in which period my sales were ZERO, and I was charged $250 for each year of operation, 2 according to them, although I was in existence only 9 months.
That amounts to $500. The additional $200 (for a total of $700) were fees for CANCELLATION and REVIVAL. In other words I cancelled, but for some trickery
In the Delaware State books I needed to revive my company in order to cancel it!
I feel this is a complete rip-off and I am asking you to have someone look into it. Not just for me, but for the many other people which are also being ripped off and will be taken advantage by the unscrupulous and unethical procedures by the State of Delaware.
I am sure that when you were a Senator for that state this could not have happened.
Thank you for your interest
David Gonzalez
PS: My only source of income is Social Security. My wife has Multiple Sclerosis and collects disability. It is so unfair that laws like that make our lives so much harder to meet our obligations on our daily lives!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Two months ago, tired of sleeping on a "Tempu-Pedic" queen size mattress purchased in 2001, which did not offer what it promised to do, that is, firmness and a good night rest, I went to City Furniture with my wife and we tried different Sealy, Serta and Simmons mattresses, king size this time. We decided for the Sealy "Firm 1". the hardest one on the store, after we tried it 3 times at least by laying down and moving and rolling for a while to verify its firmness. That mattress did not budge at all, even pushing it down with my two fists! That was the one we wanted, especially after the normal sales pitch by the salesman, who even convinced us to buy some type of additional guarantee, which covered at-home servicing in case of any defects for the first year of usage.
Well....exactly 1 month and 3 weeks after purchasing it we noticed that the "Firm 1" $1,200 Sealy Postupedic mattress had sunk about an inch on both sides, and that no matter where I would press down with my closed fists it would also give in quite a bit. So we called City Furniture and scheduled an appointment for someone to come and verify our claim. Their representative came in today, as scheduled. Very nice, polite Hispanic person, who explained to us he was not a decision maker but rather a person whose job was to measure the amount that the mattress had given in. He placed some type of device right across the mattress, in the middle, and with a laser beam he showed us that it was 1 inch on the right side and 1/2 inch on the left. That was how much it lost in firmness. Then he proceeded to make me sign a document whereby I confirmed that reading by the laser beam gadget. After that, always very polite and kind of understanding the reality of this issue, he told me he was calling his customer service superior to advice them of the outcome of his visit. He also told me that according to City Furniture, your mattress has to sink at least 2 inches on both sides in order to have a legitimate claim, otherwise you are out of luck ( he did not put it that way, but that is bottom line of the situation).
After he reported to his office he handed me the phone upon my request , to talk to that person he was reporting to. It was a woman, not that the gender has something to do with it, but in this case very appropriate for the adjective she deserves...a bitch. I couldn't use that description for a man, although in that case he would have been a son of a bitch. Makes no difference. These so called "Customer Service" people nowadays have nothing to do with customer service, they are, in reality, "Corporate Defenders". They do not care at all about customers. They are put there to protect the interest of their companies. This cold bitch, and I say that because I mentioned to her I was a City Furniture client for at least 10 years and did not even thanked me for that, and blamed Sealy Postupedic for the 2-inch requirement and washed her hands and those of her company, City Furniture, perhaps the largest furniture store in Florida, located in Tamarac on Hiatus Road. A very appropriate street name in this case, for if you check this word on the dictionary it will tell you that it means, among other things, "a defect in a manuscript,where some part is lost or deface". In my case a defect in the mattress, where some part has sunk or given in".
This "customer service" person told me I had another 6 months from this visit to call again if I thought the mattress had gone down a total of 2 inches, at which time, if that was the case I would probably be given some consideration. I can bet right now that Sealy Postupedic knows very well that the mattress, after thousands of tests they go through before it is merchandised, will never give in 2 inches. But here is my question: Who determines how much does a mattress has to sink when you have two cervical herniated discs and two lumbar even more herniated discs that require a total firm mattress which does not give in anything at all and which should be as firm as the way it was when you laid down on it at the store to try it? Why do they ask us to try these mattresses at the store when they very well know that "What you try is not what you own after a short period of time at home"? Who makes these rules? Well, I am sure these rules are an integral most important part of the rip-off strategy written by corporate lawyers working for these companies. We, as consumers, have no rights, although they pretend to tell us that we do, with these pro-corporation rules. Like everything else, the hypocrisy and abuse by Corporate America is condoned by law and the consumer is the idiot that feeds their bank accounts.
Of course, I do have other options, such as a letter I will send to the president of City Furniture telling him how I feel about their policy and their "rip-off" extended additional guarantee. I will copy Sealy Postupedic and my Congressman indicating to him that it is about time we regulate this industry by eliminating these "extended guarantees", as they are nothing but a way for City Furniture and the likes to collect additional money from the consumer. Also to include some laws that protect us from unilateral company policies, which are written exclusively for their benefit. Do I expect fair changes to happen as they should ? Not really. We live in a world of deceit and greed. Perhaps, the best way to fight "Corporate America" is to owe nothing and live the most simple way we can, no credit cards, no fancy mattresses, no big cars, not even a big house, the minimum amount of clothes, generic food, no-name items, and necessary shopping at Dollar Stores for basic products. Maybe like that, we could force these thieves protected by convenient laws to start thinking a little different about us, the consumer.
Thus, bottom line, beware of SEALY POSTUPEDIC "Firm" mattresses! They are not what they let you try at the store! They do give in at least 1 inch and most likely never up to 2 inches, and their additional guarantee for one year in-house service is a total waste and a way for City Furniture and other big companies alike to get extra money from you.
Ah, as far as the Better Business Bureau...who are they? Do they really help you? I tried them once many years ago for another rip-off situation and their ineffectiveness was pathetic. We, the consumer, are alone fighting everyone else. It reminds me of Gary Cooper in "High Noon", but we much less luck.
"What do you expect from the GOP? They are all a bunch of traitors anti-Americans, morons and delusional ass holes. It took almost 8 years for them to destroy this country and they still deny it, but it only takes 60 days for them to criticize and boycott the new President of the USA, because he is simply...a DEMOCRAT.
Ahhh, that feels sooooo goooood!
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Republican Fear
Letter to the Editor of
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 333132
RE: Rebuttal letter to Fernando J. Milanes opinion published in your edition of February 27, 2009
I am flabbergasted at your decision of publishing such a poorly conceived opinion, based on a clear partisan ideology by one of your readers. I do read, once in a while your publication, but I must confess I am not a fan of The Miami Herald because in my opinion it tends to follow one party, the republican one.
That out of the way, here is my answer to Mr. Milanes who, perhaps, considers himself a modern Nostradamus? His predictions have no base, except on that of a solid pitiful background created by fear. Because of fear, Cuba is the way it is today. Fleeing a country because we were afraid of his leader was not the answer. You stay and fight for your country’s freedom and for your rights. You don’t escape in massive numbers to another country to incorporate that fear in your everyday thinking in another country. Unfortunately, many of these “experts” see Fidel Castro in every situation that means change. To them change is bad, because the change that occurred in Cuba was ultimately awful and they did nothing to prevent it, or because they had no help from the outside, and when they did get an attempt of help (Bay of Pigs), it was a complete screw up by the C.I.A, although most republicans blame John F. Kennedy for that. The fact is that we already got a change, for the worse, because prior to Bush’s era, the USA was a real democracy. We, the people, lost for almost eight years that freedom that characterizes our country. The Patriot Act, most probably according to this guy, was necessary to avoid another 9/11. He surely approves of it although it is exactly the same thing he is afraid of…Socialism. We can’t apply freedom to our convenience. To Mr. Milanes freedom was escaping from Fidel. That was somehow understandable. Today freedom, according to Mr. Milanes, is anything conceived and supported by his republican party. Never mind spying on people’s phone lines and sending to Guantanamo possible suspects, without a trial and due process. Exactly like Fidel Castro’s dictatorial regime. The one he escaped from, if he was born there, and the one he is so afraid that we may end up with in the United States.
When he uses the word “utopic” for the future Obama wants to re-establish, he does not realize he is telling us that the way we lived in this country prior to George W. Bush was almost a utopic world. Where unemployment was 4%, where we had a surplus of billions of dollars, and where we lived without fear of someone listening to our conversations and where we had no wars. I am referring, of course to the Clinton era, the same Clinton that, according to the right wing republicans had nothing to do with that surplus, as the foundation was laid out much earlier by a second rated movie star who became president, Ronald Reagan. It is the way it is with right wing republicans. They never lose, and all good in this country is because of them. It is, nonetheless, their right to their opinion and to never admitting being wrong. What can we expect of them when their three big heroes, besides their blindness living in denial about George W. Bush, are comedian Rush Limbaugh, life frustrated viper tongue Ann Coulter, and hillbilly Sarah Palin.
Obviously, Mr. Milanes is upset because his candidate lost the elections. It is hard to accept defeat, but it is even harder when we are in total denial of the facts to the point of declaring that McCain/Palin was the experienced ticket!
As far as “being patient” I can see how patient he has been by giving Obama a chance to prove his plan is the right one. Exactly one month! One month to decide that Obama’s plan is the wrong one, while he still, after eight years of Bush’s presidency, thinks that the opposition hates Bush not because he was one of the worst presidents this country ever had, but because of “hysteria”!
How much money does Mr. Milanes make? Hopefully for him a lot, as he mocks the crisis we are in by writing that word in quotes. Is he afraid that all the loopholes he used to enjoy are going to be done with soon? And the changing of our way of life, as he erroneously points out, is exactly what we suffered during a republican president for the last seven years ( I gave Bush one full year to show what he was capable of accomplishing for this country, not one month as Obama is getting from this guy).
“Our future system will convert to a socialist democracy a la Europe”. What a deep thought! And how dangerous it is to have a system where the middle class runs the country! Similar to what Cuba enjoyed during Batista, where the middle class lived comfortably and happy during a time when that beautiful island was one of the most advanced countries in the world. I suppose Mr. Milanes either did not belong to the middle class then or, since I do not know his age, he was probably born in the USA, and speaks without proper knowledge of the facts.
The capitalistic “values” will never be terminated. First because he used the word “values” for capitalism. There is no value in greed and wanting everything at the expense of everyone else. And second, because capitalism can never die in the USA. It will just have to bear the same responsibilities that everyone else will during our recovery, instead of having a small percentage of people benefiting from all the tax breaks and loopholes given to them by an unfair republican government favoritism.
One of the problems with this gentleman is that he has no faith in the American people because he wrongly sees a reflection of what happened to him and/or other Cuban citizens. Americans are resilient, freedom fighters, fair and willing to sacrifice if need be. Obama, with the help of all of us, will produce in due time the turnaround needed to clean up the mess that the republicans created and dumped on us thanks to a government hands-off policy by George W. Bush and company.
I welcome the fact, as per Mr. Milanes, that workers will do better than entrepreneurs, followers better than leaders. It is about time that the middle class gets compensated with a fair salary and where Unions will fight for the employees once again, to avoid being oppressed and abused by the “ Enron’s” in our corporate world and by the present corrupted Bank system. As a small detail, we, for example, will have as consumers some customer service, which disappeared during the last years, as a way for big corporations to reduce costs by laying off personnel. Happy workers are more consumer oriented than those who are miserable in their jobs, as we have been experiencing for a long time. That includes doctors and their staff.
As a matter of fact when employees in a company do “better” than their leaders, the company profits from excellent production and quality, which in turn leads to more profits. I wrote the word better in quotes because employees will never make more money or have better benefits than their leaders. It has to do with corporate structure in the authority ladder, and that is normal.
And as far as small businesses being hampered by Obama measures, Mr. Milanes is again wrong, purposely of course, as he very well knows that Obama’s intentions are precisely to help the small businesses. This is a fact that he selectively ignores to allow his prophecies game follow the fear tactics of sinister Mr.Cheney. Isn’t that a way to control the people?
The price of gasoline will go up? So what happened during Bush? Did it go down? Where was Mr. Milanes when gas was over $4 a gallon? Maybe In Europe enjoying the good food, the monuments, and free medical and hospital assistance? Those are some of the benefits that those poor Europeans suffer in their “socialistic” ran countries, while they envy our crippled Health Care system, and our ignorance about world geography and world idiosyncrasy to better deal with other countries.
I am so afraid of government controlled education! Imagine… we’ll be able to compete for better jobs! And all our graduated high school students will be able to study a career due to government grants and other financial support! That is so dangerous!
“Defense spending will be reduced”. Reduced to what? To a normal level? Because right now we are spending more on defense that it is necessary. We could call our current defense spending a “Fear Budget”. The defense budget must be based on needs, not on fear. America never feared the enemy, but unfortunately, in the last eight years, that has been our modus operandi. The money for our defense needs to be readjusted and assigned according to where and how terrorism operates, not where we may think there are weapons of mass destructions, without any proof of it. The Iraq invasion/war was another republican catastrophic decision that has affected all Americans, including those who refuse to accept this fact. Of course it did help the Bushes oil interests in Saudi Arabia, and Cheney’s reconstruction companies.
“Our utilities will go up with Obama’s plan”? I guess Mr. Milanes has never lived in the east of the United States, where gas or electric heating is at an average of $300 a month now. Or perhaps he feels that a $300 monthly bill is fair to a single person in a 2 bedroom apartment.
I do also worry about those automobiles being out of reach to anyone’s pocket. Imagine a “socialistic” hybrid Honda Civic for $24,000, while you could get a “capitalistic” Hammer tank to drive through congested local streets for a mere $60,000?
Yeah, let’s not allow either to have the size of our homes reduced, when we all thrive for big mansions with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, a swimming pool with separate bath room in the yard, and a 3 car garage!
What about the size of our television sets? Would we be able to live with a 12 inch TV set? Or are we so stupid that we would not buy instead a 42 inch for the same price? Here I am totally stunned. Could it be that Mr. Milanes owns a 10- foot TV set in his 5 bedroom mansion?
And, Mr. Milanes, for your information, Wall Street is part of the problem, while Obama’s government is part of the solution. Please do not confuse Magnesium with Gymnasium. They are two totally different things.
Last, but not least, you finally talk clear and to the point when in your last paragraph you state “The big question is, have our population changed so much that most want this liberal agenda. Maybe so, I do hope not”. You hit it right on the nail…LIBERAL. That is what bothers you. Liberals won this election. Republicans lost it. You lost it. Your final statement sounds to me like one of a sore loser, and for the sake of your principles I hope I am wrong on this assumption. However, that is what your letter is all about….LIBERALS!
Contrary to your convenient confused opinion, I hope that president Obama succeeds for the best of America, which will also benefit you. We can’t win them all, Mr. Milanes, can we?
David Gonzalez