The title of this blog may sound like a Leon Tolstoy novel, but as you read you will realize it's only me, the part-time rookie writer, who releases stress expressing his thoughts through the Internet. And nothing could be closer to the truth than writing to relieve political stress, which this year is abundant.
Today, the stock market dropped another 700 points, more or less. The Dow Jones is now under 8,600 points and one year ago we hit a high of over 14,000 points! Is this bottom? I don't think so. We'll probably see Wall Street weirdos applaud at the closing of the trading a few more times until the Dow Jones goes down to 7,000. That will be a 50% loss in one year! So far the traders are not trading, they are selling, dumping and creating mayhem in the stock market.

While this is happening, McCain and his newly formed female "tag- team" made of Sarah Barracuda Palin and his wife Cindy, keep scaring undecided with the lowest tactics, that are not even permitted on a faked wrestling match. Cindy, who up to now was in my list of innocents, has now plunged into the Republican dirt pool of lies and denial. She is criticizing Obama for voting against spending more money to support the troops in Iraq, while her son is there defending our freedom (I am still trying to understand that over abused statement, because if I recall correctly, the only one who attempted against our freedom was, and still is, Osama Bin Laden and AlQeida, not Iraq). In her statement she neglected to say that:
a) Obama voted against because there was no mentioning of any timeline.
b) Her husband, McNasal, (listen to him when he talks, please) also voted against it on a later Senate session, because there was a timeline.
c) Again, her husband, McWar, voted in favor of the Iraq invasion, which
brought her son there. Is she also going to ask her husband to put
himself in her shoes? I wonder how McCrabby would look in high
heels nasalizing his despicable personal attacks on Obama, instead of
letting Queen Crab Palin do his dirty work.

McCain and his tag-team are trying to make Obama look like a non-American, like a foreigner who is hiding something. Like a conniving terrorist, or like one who has links with terrorists. McCain campaign has fallen to the lowest of the deep pit, but that is not important in my view. What really matters is something else that he says, like "My friends, I know how to fix the economy. I know how to manage the budget. I know how to, blah, blah, blah. And I know how to get Osama Bin laden". Here is my concern and question: If he knows all those things and has solutions to all our problems and especially and most important...he knows how to get Osama Bin Laden...WHAT THE HELL IS HE WAITING FOR? Isn't he supposed to be a hero? Go ahead, get Bin Laden! Do it for your country! Isn't it supposed to be "Country First"? Or is it "Country First...after me" Mr. Maverick?

In my book, he who knows how to defeat the enemy and by not doing it hurts his country, is a traitor. And using McCain's cowardly approach when he said "I don't want to talk about that terrorist Ayers, but Obama met with him, blah, blah, blah ", I am not saying that Mc the Erratic is a traitor, I am only generalizing one definition of it, which in this case might very well fit McLie. I prefer to believe he is just a big liar and desperate bullshiter.
1 comment:
Let's forget about labelling for a sec, and let's just say that there was no such thing as parties. Got it? Good. Now, let's look at the individuals....
Who the hell wants an angry, washed up OLD OLD OLD man whose face looks like a Chicken McNugget to be President of the free world? What's worse is the absolute NUMBSKULL that takes over when he kicks the bucket....
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