My dislike for Sarah Palin is evident in every blog where I mention her name, which in turn gives me a stomach pain. But I must make very clear that on the personal level I have no feelings towards her, neither good, nor bad. Indifference. On the political arena she is a vicious cold blooded bitch. I don't know how else to describe her. And because this presidential campaign is not about tits and legs, but about meat and eggs: about the economy and not about the anatomy, McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate was a huge mistake. She reminds me of an empty headed beauty pageant contestant, who in the heat of her enthusiasm would say any stupidity during her 2 minutes of fame on how to save our planet.
In this outrageous Republican campaign she shows up at a rally of morons who are hypnotized by her high heels and shiny lipstick, and she goes to work unleashing monstrous lies, and wrong facts about Obama. Her brainless crowds adore her and cheer and she gets comfortable and starts winking every five words to connect with those morons, who are still entitled to their opinion and preference. Let's not forget that in a democracy, even moronic people are entitled to their opinion and ideals.

I have been calling her Queen Crab. It's easy to know why, she is the maximum authority of Alaska. But now it happens that there are some
genealogists linking her to Princess Diana, as 10th cousin once removed.
(removed from what?). So after all Queen Crab belongs to the aristocracy? I let my imagination run wild and see a new dynasty in the White House, replacing the Bush one. The Crab Dynasty with McCain as the crabby old man and Palin the Queen Crab. And you thought we had hit bottom?
Fortunately, my imagination is only an excuse for this essay, and after this presidential freak show by Crabby and Crab with the nomination of Obama and Biden, this country will return to its senses and slowly but surely will start on the recovery road. A road where the economy is priority one, and where health care has to be defined as a right, not a responsibility.
What will Queen Crab do after both she and McCain go back to their "normal" lives? Can she still be Alaska's Governess? Will she ask that Kenyan voo-doo priest to perform another public exorcism on her?
Would she buy a new helicopter and ammunition to hunt some more wolves, caribous and extinct species? Will she go to France and hunt Brigitte Bardot for calling her a "disgrace to women" and "stupid"?
Or, now that she thinks she is related to Prince Andrew of England, will
she try to change her demeanor to adjust to her new aristocratic role?
It is hard to determine what she will do after her quick rise and fall from the presidential campaign. To me, she will always be Queen Crab more than Princess Palin. After all she is already known as The Barracuda and the Pit Bull. One more animal reference to her won't change anything.
1 comment:
One thing not mentioned, but I WILL MENTION IT is.....
I wonder how many cases of the crabs she gave to her constituents on her way up the Alaskan pipeline......Heh Heh Heh....
Down with PALIN!!!!
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